Directorates and units
Directorates and units
Directorate A – Submissions and Interaction
The Communications Unit ensures ECHA delivers proactive, clear and strategic external and internal communications activities which promote ECHA’s work and achievements, in order to build, maintain and protect an Agency identity and personality that keeps our stakeholder audiences well-informed and favourably inclined. The unit also oversees ECHA’s stakeholder engagement approach and communications strategy.
The Support and Enforcement Unit gives advice to companies on the legislation that ECHA has responsibility for, including the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR), Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation and the REACH Regulation. The unit helps companies correctly use IT tools to submit their dossiers and be compliant with ECHA’s processes. It provides the Secretariat to the BPR, CLP and REACH helpdesks’ Network (HelpNet) and manages the Secretariat of the Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement. The unit also gives support to accessing countries to the European Union and leads ECHA’s implementation of the Serious Cross Border Threats to Health (SCBTH) Regulation.
The Submission and Processing Unit manages the receipt, processing, and dispatch of all regulatory submissions by industry for all legislation under ECHA's remit. This includes the responsibility for the development and maintenance of the corresponding IT solutions (e.g., REACH-IT, ePIC and the ECHA Submission Portal, SCIP, Poison Centres Notifications, submissions for EFSA), as well as providing input to R4BP and the development of the access management systems (IDM).
The unit also leads ECHA's work in the implementation of the PIC Regulation and is responsible for the verification of the size of SME companies under the REACH and Biocidal Products Regulations.
The Data Availability Unit verifies the completeness of the data industry submits to ECHA so that it can serve its regulatory purposes. The Unit also makes the information on chemicals publicly available while ensuring the protection of confidential information. It also manages and runs the EU Observatory for Nanomaterials and the EU Chemicals Legislation Finder on behalf of the European Commission.