Working Groups of the Biocidal Products Committee

The Working Groups (WG) of the Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) support the Committee with the preparation of its opinions and contribute to the harmonisation of risk assessment under the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR).

The following permanent Working Groups have been established by the BPC:

  • Working Group - Efficacy
  • Working Group - Analytical Methods and Physico-chemical Properties
  • Working Group - Human Health
  • Working Group - Environment

The Working Groups carry out scientific and technical peer reviews and consider other relevant scientific and technical questions within the scope of the Biocidal Products Regulation. All Working Groups report to the Committee and the Rules of Procedure of the BPC apply.

In addition to the permanent Working Groups, four Ad hoc Working Groups support the BPC and its permanent Working Groups:

  • Ad hoc Working Group - Human Exposure
  • Ad hoc Working Group - Assessment of Residue Transfer to Food
  • Ad hoc Working Group - Environmental Exposure  
  • Ad hoc Working Group – Microorganisms


The permanent Working Groups consist of core members and flexible members. In addition, advisers may accompany members to meetings.

Core members are appointed until further notice and each Member State may nominate up to two core members for each Working Group.

Flexible members contribute to a particular meeting of a given Working Group with their specific expertise and their participation may therefore vary from meeting to meeting. Each Member State is entitled to nominate an unlimited number of flexible members.

The Ad hoc Working Groups do not differentiate between core members and flexible members. In contrast to the permanent Working Groups, the Ad hoc Working Groups carry out work on a continuous basis throughout the year, mainly by electronic exchanges or virtual meetings.

Applicants may participate in BPC Working Group (BPC WG) discussions. The agendas for BPC WG meetings are published below at the latest 21 days before a meeting and if applicants wish to participate for their agenda item, they should contact BPC WG Secretariat and follow the approach described in section 3 of the Code of Conduct for Applicants Participating in the BPC and its Working Groups. Please use the contact email address at the bottom of the page.



For organisational issues related to the Working Group meetings, please contact: bpc-wgs (at)

BPC Working groups 2024

Meeting Date Agenda* Minutes
WG-I-2024 11-22 March 2024 [PDF]
WG-II-2024 10-20 June 2024 [PDF]
WG-III-2024 24 September-4 October 2024 [PDF]
WG-IV-2024 2-13 December 2024

* triggered by the timelines of (UA) or (AS), not exclusive.

Please note that meeting numbering might change.

earlier bpc wg meetings link