
ECHA Weekly - 16 August 2017

ECHA Weekly

Update to the list of substances potentially subject for compliance checks

ECHA has updated the list of substances that might be chosen for compliance checks. The list includes 29 new substances. Registrants are advised to check this list and if needed, update their related registration dossiers and tonnage bands by 31 October 2017.

The list gives registrants the possibility for early dossier updates before the compliance check starts. However, the list is indicative and non-exhaustive: ECHA reserves the right to open further compliance checks on any dossier at any time and without prior notice to the registrants.

Substances potentially subject to compliance checks | Compliance checks


Restriction list updated

The European Commission has amended Annex XVII to REACH adding perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) (EC 206-397-9; CAS 335-67-1) and its salts.

Commission Regulation in Official Journal

Translations of manual on preparing registration and PPORD dossiers available

The manual "How to prepare registration and PPORD dossiers v.4" is now available in 23 EU languages.


Survey of tattoo ink and permanent make-up manufacturers

Do you make tattoo inks or permanent make-up? We are looking at a possible EU-wide restriction on certain substances and would like to hear from you. Give us your feedback on alternatives and costs of a restriction. Respond by 20 August 2017.

Restriction intention | Survey


New proposals and intentions to harmonise classification and labelling

A dossier to harmonise the classification and labelling has been submitted for:

  • 2,4-dinitrophenol (EC 200-087-7; CAS 51-28-5).

An intensions has been received for:

  • resorcinol diglycidyl ether;1,3-bis(2,3-epoxypropoxy)benzene (EC 202-987-5; CAS 101-90-6).

Submitted CLH proposals | CLH intentions


Six weeks to go: get up-to-date at our Biocides Day

Have you already registered for our free Biocides Day on 26 and 27 September? The event offers the latest on the Biocidal Products Regulation from ECHA, the European Commission and Member States and case studies from companies. If you have questions, you can book a one-to-one session with our expert. Registration closes on 7 September.

Event page

Save the date: REACH 2018 conference 30-31 January

Join our free REACH 2018 Stakeholders' Day on 30 and 31 January 2018 in Helsinki. This is your chance to get the most up-to-date advice and the support you need for REACH 2018 registration. The conference offers one-to-one meetings with our experts and training on IT tools. Registration will start in September.

Event page

Webinar: Getting to know the IUCLID Cloud
20 September 2017 11:00 - 12:00 EEST, GMT + 3

The webinar is intended for industry to receive an introduction on:

  • ECHA Cloud Services and the IUCLID Cloud for SMEs
  • How to subscribe to the cloud and manage your account
  • How to use the cloud and create a dossier
You will have the chance to ask questions from our expert panel.


Notifying hazardous mixtures to poison centres: still places left
3 October 2017, 11:00 to 12:00 EEST, GMT +3

The webinar is fully booked for 10 October. There are still places left for the second session on 3 October. It is filling up quickly so register now to ensure your place!

The webinar gives an overview of the harmonisation of information submitted for hazardous mixtures to poison centres in the European Union as of 2020. It is open to all interested parties, but particularly relevant for industry and authorities. Participants will get recommendations on how to prepare for new notifications. You will be able to ask questions from our expert panel.

Register (3 October)

Stock-taking Conference on Applications for Authorisation - save the date
13-14 November 2017

ECHA will organise, together with the European Commission, a Stock-taking Conference on Applications for Authorisation on 13-14 November in Helsinki. The purpose of the conference is to assess the evolution and achievements of the authorisation process in terms of substitution, risk reduction and cost-effectiveness. It will also discuss how to improve the process.

Registration for the free of charge conference will start in late-August 2017.

Event page

Calls for information

Public consultations launched for applications for authorisation

ECHA has launched a public consultation on five applications for authorisation covering six uses of:

  • dichromium tris(chromate) (EC 246-356-2; CAS 24613-89-6) used for chemical conversion coating applications by aerospace and defence companies and their associated supply chains;
  • strontium chromate (EC 232-142-6; CAS 7789-06-2) used in primers applied by aerospace and defence companies and their associated supply chains;
  • pentazinc chromate octahydroxide (EC 256-418-0; CAS 49663-84-5) used in formulation of mixtures; and used in wash primer, fuel tank primer and aluminised primer for the purpose of corrosion protection in aeronautic applications;
  • chromium trioxide (EC 215-607-8; CAS 1333-82-0) used in functional chrome plating of piston rods for automotive and rail applications;
  • 1,2-dichloroethane (EDC) (EC 203-458-1; CAS 107-06-2) used as a swelling agent during the sulfonation reaction of crosslinked polystyrene beads in the manufacture of ion exchange resins for purification of radioactive waste.

More information about the uses that authorisation is applied for, including the description of the function of the substance, exposure scenarios, possible alternatives identified by the applicants, together with socio-economic information, is available on ECHA’s websit.

The deadline for comments is 11 October 2017 (23:59 Helsinki time).

Give comments | Statistics on received applications

Have a look at the 17 open consultations on our home page.

All open consultations

REACH 2018

287 days until the REACH 2018 deadline


ECHA is looking for legal advisors, seconded national experts and trainees


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Biocides Stakeholders' Day
26-27 September 2017

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European Chemicals Agency
P.O.Box 400 FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland