

Kataloogis on valdkonnaühenduste koostatud tavapäraste kasutusalade kirjeldused ja sisendparameetrid, mille alusel hinnata töötaja-, tarbija- ja keskkonnakokkupuudet (vastavalt SWED, SCED ja SPERC).

Teave aitab registreerijail koostada oma aine kemikaaliohutuse hindamist. Siin on valdkonna tasandil kokkulepitud tüüpiliste põhitoodete kasutusalade kirjeldused ja kasutustingimused, mis annavad kemikaaliohutuse hindamisele kindla aluse.

Kui soovite olla kursis kataloogi esitatud uute materjalide ja ajakohastustega, tellige väljaanne ECHA Weekly.

Kataloog on struktureeritud valdkonna ja toodete järgi. Kui klõpsate allpoolsel valdkonna nimetusel, avaneb järgmine teave:

  • kasutusalakaardi ulatust selgitav taustteave
  • vahetu juurdepääs kasutusalakaartide failidele (tasuta allalaadimiseks).

Valdkonnaühendused soovivad registreerijailt kasutusalakaartide kohta tagasisidet. Valdkonnaühendused ja ECHA on valmis vastama konkreetsetele küsimustele.


International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products


Sector acronym/name
AISE /  International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products
Sector products coverage
Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance products
Sector substance types
Solvents, Surfactants, Waxes, Bases/Acids, Builders, Additives, Fragrances, Bleaching agents, Brighteners, Cleaning agents, Propellants, non-motive (blowing agents), …
Covered uses
Typical industrial, professional and consumer (end)uses of detergent products
Use map
Default format Chesar format Notes
Use maps aise_use_map_v1-3_mar2022_en.xlsx aise_use_map_v1-3_mar_2022_37_en.chr3 This use map Chesar file is compatible with Chesar versions starting from 3.6. For older versions of the use map, please contact the sector association directly. The Use map Chesar file contains the full use map package i.e. the Use description, the SWEDs, the SPERCs and the SCEDs in Chesar format.
SPERCs aise_spercs_factsheets_mar_2022_en.zip

The sPERCs in chesar format are included in the 'Use map' chesar file (see above).

SPERCs included in this submission are the revised 2022 SPERCs, aligned with the latest factsheet format developed during the exercise on “best practice” to assess the reliability of SPERCs.

SCEDs aise_sceds_factsheets_v1-1_oct2017_en.pdf

The SCEDs in chesar format are included the 'Use map' chesar file (see above). 


Further supporting information on SCEDs is available in the explanatory document below.


The SWEDs in chesar format are included in the 'Use map' chesar file (see above).



Other documents

 SCEDs explanatory document


Use maps history of changes


A.I.S.E. Chesar cleaning file (import this file in Chesar Box6 under the 'SPERCs' tab)




General remarks

Latest update: March 2022

Sector contact

Giulia Sebastio 



European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink and Artists' Colours Industry


Sector acronym/name
CEPE /  European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink and Artists' Colours Industry
Sector products coverage
Pigments, solvents, binders, additives, ...
Sector substance types
Covered uses
Industrial, professional and consumer (end) uses of paints, coatings and printing inks
Use map
Default format Chesar format Notes
Use maps cepe_use_map_v2_Jan2021_en.xlsx cepe_use_map_v2_Jan2021_en.chr3 This use map Chesar file is compatible with Chesar versions starting from Chesar 3.6
SPERCs cepe_sperc_2.1_factsheet_Dec2020_en.pdf
SCEDs cepe_sceds_v1_Jan2020_en.pdf



Other documents

SPERC Background document - formulation of coatings


SPERC Background document - application of coatings




Sector contact

Trevor Fielding, T.Fielding (at) cepe.org  


CropLife Europe


Sector acronym/name
CLE /  CropLife Europe
Sector products coverage
Plant protection products
Sector substance types
Liquid and solid substances used as co-formulants in plant protection products
Covered uses
Professional use and consumer use of plant protection products (spray application, granular application including treated seeds)
Use map
Default format Chesar format Notes
Use maps cle_use_map_v3_may2022_en.xlsx cle_use_map_v3_may2022_en.chr3 This use map Chesar file is compatible with Chesar versions starting from Chesar 3.6
SPERCs cle_sperc_factsheet_8d.2.v4_may2022_en.pdf

If you upload the Use map Chesar file in your Chesar instance you do not need to upload the Sperc Chesar file. Spercs are also included in the Use map Chesar file.



Other documents

SpERC briefing note
Please read this before starting your environmental exposure assessment.


Use maps elements: History of changes


CLE SPERCS Chesar cleaning file 
(import this file in Chesar Box6 under the 'SPERCs' tab)


CLE SCEDS Chesar cleaning file 
(import this file in Chesar Box6 under the 'SCEDs' tab)


CLE SWEDS Chesar cleaning file 
(import this file in Chesar Box6 under the 'SWEDs' tab)




General remarks

Latest update: May 2022. The European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) has been renamed to CropLife Europe. All elements of the use map published previously by ECPA were updated.

Sector contact

Matthias Wormuth

matthias.wormuth (at) syngenta.com




Sector acronym/name
Concawe /  Fuels
Sector products coverage
Sector substance types
Fuels, hydrocarbons
Covered uses
Fuel uses, Workers, Environment, Formulation, Industrial, Professional, Consumer
Use map
Default format Chesar format Notes
Use maps concawe_use_map_v1-01_sept2022_en.xlsx concawe_use_map_v1-0_sept2020_en.chr3 Guidance for the assessor is available in the explanatory document below.
September 2022: the use map Excel file was updated for clarity and readability. No substantive changes were made to the information.

Current use of ESVOC SpERCs

SCEDs concawe_sceds_v2-1_2017_en.pdf

The document containing the SCEDs in default format also includes supporting explanation for each SCED


Use of ESIG Generic Exposure Scenarios (GES)



Other documents

Guidance for Concawe fuel use map (v1.0, Sept 2020)




General remarks

The Concawe use map for fuel use was developed based on the Generic Exposure Scenarios (GES) of the European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG).

Sector contact

Human Health Contact, health (at) concawe.eu


Cosmetics Europe
Cosmetics and personal care products


Sector acronym/name
Cosmetics Europe /  Cosmetics and personal care products
Sector products coverage
Cosmetics and personal care products
Sector substance types
The sector uses a wide variety of substances, e.g. plant extracts, colorants, preservatives, surfactants, etc.
Covered uses
Formulation, professional use and consumer use of cosmetic products.
Use map
Default format Chesar format Notes
Use maps ce_use_map_sept_2022_en.xlsx ce_use_map_june_2023_en.chr3 This use map Chesar file is compatible with Chesar versions starting from Chesar 3.6.
Update August 2023: The sector updated their use maps to reflect the updated SPERCs and created Chesar files. The use map Chesar file contains the SPERCs.
SPERCs ce_sperc_2.zip

The sPERCs in Chesar format are included in the 'Use map' Chesar file (see above).




Other documents

SPERC Background document - formulation of cosmetic products 


SPERC Background document - widespread use of cosmetic products


History of changes




General remarks

Cosmetics Europe does not plan to develop SCEDs: Consumer exposure to cosmetic product is regulated under the Cosmetic Products Regulation 1223/2009 and is therefore not covered by REACH.  

Sector contact

Arianna Giusti, Agiusti (at) cosmeticseurope.eu 


European Federation for Construction Chemicals


Sector acronym/name
EFCC /  European Federation for Construction Chemicals
Sector products coverage
Construction Chemicals
Sector substance types
resins, hardeners, organic binders, additives, inorganic binders (e.g. cement), additives, solvents, pigments, aggregates
Covered uses
Formulation of construction chemicals, professional use of construction chemicals
Use map
Default format Chesar format Notes
Use maps efcc_usemap_v2_en.xlsx efcc_usemap_20180323_en.chr3 The Use map Chesar file contains the full use map package i.e. the Use description, the SWEDs and the SPERCs in Chesar format.

In case you have already carried out an assessment using EFCC old SPERCs chesar file, please also import in Chesar the cleaning files provided below (under ‘Other documents’).
SPERCs efcc_sperc_8a.1a.v2_en.pdf

The SpERCs in chesar format are also included in the 'Use map' chesar file (see above).

In case you have already carried out an assessment using EFCC old SPERCs chesar file, please also import in Chesar the cleaning files provided below (under ‘Other documents’).



The SWEDs in Chesar format are included in the 'use map' chesar file (see above). 



Other documents

SpERCs background document for widespread uses


SpERC background document for formulation


Use maps history of change


EFCC Chesar SpERC cleaning file

(import this file in Chesar Box6 under the 'SpERC’ tab)



EFCC Chesar Conditions of use cleaning file

(import this file in Chesar Box6 under the 'conditions of use templates' tab)





General remarks

The sector is working on the update of its files to Chesar 3.6.

Sector contact

Andrea Nam,  andrea.nam (at) efcc.eu


European Solvents Industry Group


Sector acronym/name
ESIG /  European Solvents Industry Group
Sector products coverage
End-products containing solvents
Sector substance types
Oxygenated and hydrocarbon solvents
Covered uses
The ESIG ESVOC Generic Exposure Scenarios (GES) cover the uses of solvents across the majority of their applications for Industrial Sites, Professional Workers and Consumers, including: Manufacture, Formulation and (re)packing, Intermediates, Process Chemicals, Coatings, Cleaning agents, Oil and gas field drilling and production operations, Lubricants, Metal Working Fluids, Blowing agents, Binders and release agents, Agrochemicals, Fuels, Functional fluids, De-icing and anti-icing fluids, Road and construction, Laboratories, Explosives, Rubber production and processing, Water treatment, Mining chemicals, Polymer processing.
Use map
Default format Chesar format Notes
Use maps ESIG_ESVOC_usemap-overviewtemplate_showing_DU-UseMapMapping_v1.3_aug2022_en.xlsx esig_usemap-ges_chesar_files_August_2022_en.zip This use map Chesar file is compatible with Chesar versions starting from Chesar 3.6.
The overview Use Map excel file provides the list of GES Titles, supporting Contributing Activities and associated Use Descriptors covered. In addition, these are mapped to the associated DU Sector use maps where they are relevant for solvent applications. Please read the explanatory note ‘ESIG GES versus Use Maps’ (available under 'Other documents' below) for more details.

The Chesar ‘Use Map’ files comprise the Worker GES titles grouped by Vapour Pressure and DNEL banding. For application in Chesar please read the ‘Chesar Worker GES Technical User Guide’ (available under 'Other documents' below).

Note that the Worker GES files are also available as Chesar CSA Blocks and in Excel format on the ESIG website: http://www.esig.org/reach-ges/workers/.

Update August 2022: the use map overview was updated to include revisions to the life cycle stage industrial uses.
SPERCs esig_spercs_20200603_en.chr3

SpERCs background documents are available below


Consumer assessment for uses of solvents is done in the assessment tool ‘EGRET’. The result of the consumer assessment from EGRET can be transferred directly into Chesar for further processing, e.g. inclusion within the substance Chemical Safety Report, further automated data transfer via the Chesar xml transfer tool. This is achieved by generating a Chesar CSA Block file from the EGRET CSA block tool. See http://www.esig.org/reach-ges/consumers/.


ESIG has not developed "SWEDs". However the Chesar use maps files contains some input information for workers which can be used as a starting point for the assessment (Worker GES titles).

See 'ESIG Worker GES Chesar Technical User Guide' (available under 'Other documents' below) for further guidance.



Other documents

 ESIG GES versus Sector use maps Explanatory Note


ESIG Worker GES Chesar Technical User Guide


ESIG sPERC background documents




Sector contact

Cornelia Tietz


European Plastics Converters


Sector acronym/name
EuPC /  European Plastics Converters
Sector products coverage
Plastics Additives
Sector substance types
Plastics Additives
Covered uses
The use map covers the production of plastisol, masterbatches and compounds, and the production of Plastics Articles.
Use map
Default format Chesar format Notes
Use maps eupc-eumbc_usemap_v1-0_en.xlsx eupc-eumbc_usemap_v1-0_en.chr3 EuPC use maps guidance available below.

EuPC advises assessors to make use of  the OECD Emission Scenario Document for Plastics Additives to complete the Environmental Assessment (See EuPC Use map guidance below). The conversion into SpERCs may be feasible, but such development is not foreseen for the time being.


EuPC has not developed SWEDs in the standard format but has developed a EuPC Worker Conditions of Use Tool, which can be found in annex to the EUpC use map guidance below.



Other documents

EuPC Use maps v1.0 - Guidance


 EuPC Use maps v1.0 - Worker Conditions of use tool Annex




General remarks

The EuPC Use Map was created with considerable help of the European Masterbatchers and Compounders (EuMBC) sector group of EuPC

Sector contact

Geoffroy Tillieux  geoffroy.tillieux (at) eupc.org 


Association of the European Adhesive and Sealant Industry


Sector acronym/name
FEICA /  Association of the European Adhesive and Sealant Industry
Sector products coverage
Adhesives, sealants
Sector substance types
Several types of substances - e.g. solvents, additives, fillers, catalysts, …
Covered uses
Industrial uses, Professional uses, Consumer uses
Use map
Default format Chesar format Notes
Use maps feica_use_map_v3-0_feb2023_en.xlsx feica_use_map_v3-0_feb2023_en.chr3 This use map Chesar file is compatible with Chesar versions starting from Chesar 3.6. For older versions of the use map, please contact the sector association directly.

The Use map Chesar file contains the entire updated FEICA use map package - i.e. the Use descriptions, SWEDs, SPERCs and SCEDs.
SPERCs feica_efcc_sperc_2.1a.v3_en.pdf

The SPERCs in Chesar format are included in the 'use map' chesar file (see above).

Background documents with additional information on the derivation of the relevant parameters included in these SPERC factsheets are available below (under 'Other documents'). 

SPERCs included in this submission consider the latest SPERC factsheet format developed during the 'best practice project'. 

March 2023: the sector updated some of the SPERCs (for ERCs 4 and 5) and created new SPERCs (for ERC 6).  

SCEDs feica_sceds_V1-1_en.pdf

The SCEDs in Chesar format are included in the 'use map' chesar file (see above). 

SCEDs included in this submission are provided in the revised SCED template, which adapts the field "Frequency over a year". 


The SWEDs in Chesar format are included in the 'use map' chesar file (see above). 



Other documents

SpERC background document for Industrial uses


SpERC background document for formulation


SpERCs background document for widespread uses


FEICA Use maps history of changes 




General remarks

FEICA's approach on the estimation of emission from adhesives and sealants uses and manufacturing for environmental risk assessments (SPERCs) has been subject to a publication in the Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management Journal (SETAC online library: https://doi.org/10.1002/ieam.1662).

Sector contact

Paula Diaz
p.diaz (at) feica.eu


Fertilizers Europe
Fertilizers Europe


Sector acronym/name
Fertilizers Europe /  Fertilizers Europe
Sector products coverage
Fertilisers products
Sector substance types
Nutrient substances in fertilizers, technical additive (co-formulant) substances in fertilizers
Covered uses
Formulation, industrial, professional and consumer uses of fertilisers products
Use map
Default format Chesar format Notes
Use maps fer_eur_use_map_v3.0_Mar2024_en.xlsx fer_eur_use_map_v3.0_Mar2024_36_en.chr3 This use map Chesar file is compatible with Chesar versions starting from Chesar 3.6
SPERCs fer_eur_sperc_8e.1.v3_factsheet_en.pdf

The SpERCs background document which contains additional information on the derivation of the relevant parameters included in the SpERC factsheets is available under 'Other documents' below . 

The SpERCs in Chesar format are included in the ‘use map’ Chesar file (see above).


The SWEDs in Chesar format are included in the 'use map' Chesar file (see above).



Other documents

SpERCs background document


SWEDs and SUMIs guidance




General remarks

For the history of changes, please refer to the document history included in the Fertilizers Europe use map excel file.

Sector contact

Antoine Hoxha
technical (at) fertilizerseurope.com


I&P Europe / I&P Europe Imaging and printing products
I&P Europe


Sector acronym/name
I&P Europe / I&P Europe Imaging and printing products /  I&P Europe
Sector products coverage
Imaging and printing products
Sector substance types
surfactant, polymer, solvent, base/acid, hydrotope, monomers, oligomer, photoinitiator, filler, pigment, ink, IPA, dyes, resin, acrylate, petroleum hydrocarbons, aliphatic hydrocarbons, biocide, bleaching agents, brighteners, cleaning agents, .....
Covered uses
Formulation, industrial/professional and consumer use of chemicals from the imaging and printing industry, e.g. pressroom chemicals (fountain solutions, washes, auxiliaries etc,), digital printing inks, toner, photographic processing chemicals, coatings, offset plateprocessing, flexographic plate processing
Use map
Default format Chesar format Notes
Use maps ipeurope_use_map_v2_1_jan2021_en.xlsx ipeurope_use_map_v2_1_jan2021_en.chr3 This use map Chesar file is compatible with Chesar versions starting from Chesar 3.6. For older versions of the use map, please contact the sector association directly. The Use map Chesar file contains the following elements of the use maps package: Use description and SWEDs.

The SWEDs in chesar format are included in the 'Use map' chesar file (see above).



Other documents

Guidance for assessors


History of changes




General remarks

Publication of SPERC's and SCED's is not planned

Sector contact

sude (at) ip-europe.com


International Fragrance Association


Sector acronym/name
IFRA /  International Fragrance Association
Sector products coverage
Fragrance compounds
Sector substance types
Covered uses
Fragrance compounds
Use map
Default format Chesar format Notes
Use maps
SPERCs ifra_sperc_factsheet_v1_en_december_2020_en.pdf



Sector contact
Cristina Arregui, carregui (at) ifrafragrance.org



Selle teabe on koostanud valdkonnaühendused. Teabe avaldamisega ECHA veebilehel ei kinnita ECHA ühelgi viisil selle õigsust ega asjakohasust. Kui sisenete mõne siinse lingi kaudu teisele veebilehele, kehtivad selle veebilehe kasutustingimused. ECHA ei vastuta sellel sisalduva teabe sisu eest.

Kolmandate isikute linkide ja materjalide kasutamise lisateave on Euroopa Kemikaaliameti õigusteabes.