
ECHA Weekly - 16 March 2016

ECHA Weekly

Committees agree on restricting methanol

The Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC) has agreed to support Poland's proposal to restrict the concentration of methanol in windshield washing fluids. SEAC also agreed on draft opinions on restricting D4 and D5 and on applications for authorisation of uses of chromium trioxide.

The Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) has agreed to support the UK's proposal to restrict the placing on the market of siloxane substances D4 and D5. RAC also agreed on three draft opinions for authorisation and adopted eight opinions on harmonised classification and labelling.

RAC outcomes | SEAC outcomes


Test the new Chesar

ECHA has published a beta version of the new chemical safety assessment and reporting tool, Chesar 3, which you can now test. The beta version includes a migration tool that will give you an opportunity to test the proper migration of your current Chesar (2.3) database. You will also be able to get familiar with the new look-and-feel of the tool before the official release. Chesar 3 beta will be available for download on the Chesar website to all users that have signed up. Try it out and send us your feedback at:

A full version of Chesar 3 will be released at the end of April. The beta version cannot be used to generate real data, and you cannot, therefore, use it to create your final chemical safety assessments. For that you will either need to wait for the official release of Chesar 3 or to create your assessment with the current version of Chesar (2.3).

Chesar website | New generation of IT tools - what changes?

Further substances assessed by authorities

The public activities coordination tool (PACT) has been updated with information on further substances that are undergoing risk management option analysis by authorities.

Public activities coordination tool


Searchable list of substances with harmonised classification and labelling now available

ECHA has published an easy-to-search list containing the harmonised classification and labelling of hazardous substances (Table 3.1 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation). All the information on the harmonised classification and labelling for each substance is now readily available in a single file.

The official source for this information remains the Official Journal of the European Union.

Table of harmonised entries available in Annex VI to CLP | CLP legislation | C&L Inventory

Board of Appeal

Board of Appeal decision on ‘one substance, one registration'

In Case A-022-2013, the Appellant, the lead registrant for the joint submission for charcoal, contested an Agency decision granting a registration number to a company which made its registration outside the joint submission and which was also, according to the Appellant, incomplete.

The decision examines the rules in REACH regarding whether all registrations of the same substance need to be part of the same joint submission or whether individual registrations, when there is an existing joint submission, are allowed. The decision also examines the implications of individual and joint submissions with regard to the requirements in REACH for cost and data sharing. The decision finds that REACH requires all registrants of the same substance to be part of the same joint submission (‘one substance, one registration'). This helps ensure that the requirements put in place in REACH to minimise testing on vertebrate animals and to share the costs of data and the preparation of registrations can be fully and effectively applied by all registrants.

In one of its most important decisions to date, the Board of Appeal annulled the contested decision on the grounds that the Agency had considered a registration to be complete when it was, on the admission of the Agency, not complete and also because the Agency had granted a registration number for a registration that was made outside an existing joint submission thereby breaching the requirement for ‘one substance, one registration'.

Board of Appeal decisions

Downstream users

Use maps web page launched

A realistic and relevant basis for chemical safety assessments is crucial for registrants and downstream users. Industry has developed a mechanism for providing information on uses and conditions of use to registrants. This is called the Sector Use Maps Package.

Templates for developing use maps and the exposure assessment inputs for workers and consumers (called SWEDs and SCEDs respectively) are ready to use. Templates for the environment are also being finalised (SPERCs).

The next step is for downstream user sector organisations to use these templates to generate or update use maps for their most common uses and to make their use maps available to registrants. Registrants can then use them when preparing chemical safety reports (CSRs).

This activity is taking place as part of the ECHA-stakeholder CSR/ES Roadmap initiative.

Use maps web page

Calls for information

Public consultation on SEAC's draft opinion on restricting D4 and D5

Stakeholders are invited to comment on the draft opinion of the Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC) concerning the restriction proposal from the United Kingdom on octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) (EC 209-136-7; CAS 556-67-2) and decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) (EC 208-764-6; CAS 541-02-6) in cosmetic products. This public consultation is open until 16 May 2016.

Public consultation | News alert

Pre-announcement: 47 consultations on applications for authorisation to start on 27 April

The next public consultation on 29 applications for authorisation for 47 uses will run from 27 April to 22 June. We are informing of this upcoming consultation now so that third parties have as much time as possible to give comments. Consult the list of uses and substances.

Upcoming consultation on applications for authorisation

Testing proposals

ECHA has launched six new public consultations on testing proposals. The deadline to comment on these is 28 April 2016

Current testing proposals

REACH 2018

804 days until the REACH 2018 deadline


Enforcement Forum
15-18 March 2016

Management Board
17-18 March 2016


ECHA is looking for scientific officers and seconded national experts


Topical Scientific Workshop - New Approach Methodologies in Regulatory Science
19-20 April 2016

Stakeholders' Day
24-25 May 2016

REACH 2018 webinar: Assess hazard and risk
20 July 2016

Biocides Stakeholders' Day
1 September 2016


Check all 70 currently open consultations on our home page or subscribe to our RSS feed to stay up-to-date


Translations of Practical Guide 17 on downstream user chemical safety reports are available

The minutes of the Forum-22 meeting are now online

Quick links

Authorisation List

Candidate List

Getting started

Substances of potential concern



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European Chemicals Agency
P.O.Box 400 FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland