
e-News 13 March 2013

ECHA e-News

13 March 2013

Make sure your company contact details are up-to-date in REACH-IT

In the run up to the 31 May registration deadline, ECHA will provide additional proactive support to member registrants after their dossier submission, for example, if a company is having problems with passing the business rules. For us to be able to help you as best possible, we ask you to check that your contact details in REACH-IT are valid and up-to-date.

Test your knowledge on the new hazard pictograms

To mark the International Consumers' Day on 15 March, ECHA is launching an interactive quiz on the new pictograms for the labelling of hazardous chemicals in the EU introduced by the CLP Regulation. Take the quiz to check how well you know the new symbols and the products on which they will be used. Read the labels and stay safe! You can check your own score, watch animated films from the European Agency for Health and Safety (EU-OSHA) at Work and learn more from ECHA's website explaining the pictograms and the labels.

Take the quiz >

Web page on CLP pictograms >

ECHA's Stakeholders' Day - more information about the speakers now online

Are you interested in knowing more about the speakers of ECHA's Eighth Stakeholders' Day? Now you can find their introductions on the Event page.

ECHA is expecting over 300 people to participate in the conference taking place in Helsinki on 26 March. If you missed the event registration, you can still come to Helsinki and register directly at the venue or alternatively watch the event online. The link to the live stream of the day will be published on the front page of ECHA's website shortly before the event.

Conference programme >

Event page >


ECHA's Committee for Socio-economic Analysis agrees on how they will evaluate economic feasibility

12 March 2013

During its 18th meeting in Helsinki, the Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC) agreed to publish an explanatory note, providing clarifications on how they will evaluate economic feasibility within the context of the application for authorisation procedure.

More >

EU Court confirms ECHA PBT assessment of substances

8 March 2013

ECHA welcomes the EU General Court's conclusions which confirm the Agency's approach in identifying PBTs and vPvBs as substances of very high concern.

More >

ECHA to conduct a preliminary study and hold a webinar on the use of five cobalt salts

7 March 2013

The European Commission has asked ECHA to carry out an initial investigation of the risks related to the use of five cobalt salts: cobalt sulphate, cobalt dichloride, cobalt dinitrate, cobalt carbonate and cobalt diacetate.

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SEAC concludes on scientific opinions for two restriction proposals

12 March 2013

During its 18th meeting in Helsinki, the ECHA Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC) supported the Danish proposal to restrict chromium (VI) in leather articles and agreed on a draft opinion on the restriction proposal for 1,4-dichlorobenzene in air fresheners and toilet blocks.

More >

RAC concludes nine scientific opinions

12 March 2013

The Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) adopted eight opinions and agreed on one opinion which will be adopted following public consultation.

More >


Register now for a webinar: How and when downstream users need to report to ECHA

The webinar takes place on Monday 8 April, from 11:00 to 12:30 Helsinki Time (GMT +2). It gives an overview of when downstream users need to report to ECHA, including when to report classification differences. The two options for reporting are outlined, namely using the webform or submitting a IUCLID dossier via REACH-IT. How to use the webform and the conditions of use template is described in more detail. How ECHA, in turn, uses this information is also outlined.

Register >

Programme >

Webinar: How to prepare and submit the member dossier

The presentations and recording of the latest member registrant webinar are now available.

More >

Announcement of a new appeal

The Board of Appeal of the European Chemicals Agency has published an announcement of a new appeal.

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ECHA publishes the ECHA Stakeholder Survey 2012 results

ECHA has now published an overview of results of the stakeholder survey that it conducted in November 2012. These results provide feedback on ECHA's achievements in meeting a number of its annual work programme indicator targets. The Work Programme follows ECHA's activity based management approach, and in 2012 it was divided into 17 activities. Each activity has a set of performance indicators. The annual stakeholder survey also provides ECHA with valuable input on how stakeholders perceive the work performed by ECHA. The detailed findings of the survey give an indication on whether ECHA is on the right track and in what areas it could improve. Overall satisfaction levels compiled from the raw data of the survey will be published in ECHA's General Report in March 2013. ECHA would like to use this opportunity to thank all those who took their time to answer the survey.

Survey results >

ECHA's plans and reports >

Open positions

More >


European Chemicals Agency
P.O.Box 400 FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland