
Special e-News: REACH 2018





This is an occasional update from ECHA that focuses on the last registation deadline.
REACH 2018 Special e-News

Phase 2 of REACH 2018

Find your co-registrants

Companies manufacturing or importing the same substance will need to work together to prepare their registration. This is an obligation under the REACH Regulation.

Therefore, companies preparing for the 2018 registration deadline need to find their co-registrants and establish substance sameness early enough.

Start by finding out which substances have been registered on ECHA's website.

Press release (translated) | REACH 2018 phases | Registration support

Is your substance not registered yet?

For each substance you have pre-registered, a pre-SIEF page was set up in REACH-IT.

In the pre-SIEF page, you will find the contact information of the other companies that have pre-registered with the same substance identifier. You need to contact each other to see who will register and if your substances are the same. Once you establish that you have the same substance, you have formed a substance information exchange forum (SIEF).

In the SIEF, you will share the data you have on your substance with your co-registrants, share costs and prepare the joint registration.

Preparing to form a new SIEF


REACH 2018
webinar - last call

Webinar - phase 2: Find your co-registrants and prepare to work together
18 November, 11:00 Helsinki time
Register now | Agenda


Webinar - phase 3: Get organised with your co-registrants - SIEF management and data sharing
2 March 2016, 11:00 Helsinki time


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Media material

Material for media

What is REACH 2018 about?

Comms Network

Help us spread the word

Does your organisation represent companies that deal with chemicals? Is it a non-profit or public interest organisation? If so, help us communicate about the last registration deadline - join the REACH 2018 Communicators' Network

Is your substance already registered?

If your substance is already registered, a substance information exchange forum (SIEF) exists. Contact the lead registrant of the SIEF - you might have already received emails from that company. You can also check who the lead registrant is in the pre-SIEF pages of REACH-IT. The lead registrant will put you in contact with the SIEF.

You may also ask any of the companies that have registered your substance how to best get in contact with the SIEF. You can find out who these companies are on ECHA's website.

Prepare to join an existing SIEF

Are your substances the same?

If you are joining an existing SIEF, you need to confirm with the other registrants that your substance is the same as theirs.

If your substance has not been registered yet, check with all co-registrants that you intend to register the same substance before forming a SIEF.

Establishing substance sameness

Substance identification - why is it important to get it right?

An accurate substance identity is an essential starting point for your REACH registration. Firstly, you need to know what your substance is to know whether it falls within the scope of REACH. If it does, you need to fulfil your obligations to stay legally on the market.

Accurate substance identity will also help you to identify other registrants of the same substance and to share data correctly to prevent unnecessary animal testing and to reduce costs.

Have a look at our new support material on substance identification.

Support - Substance identification

Share information about REACH 2018 – new leaflet and infographic available

Do you know companies who are dealing with chemicals and might need to register them with ECHA to stay on the market after May 2018? Do you know companies who know their obligations but have not yet started the work? Share the information from our REACH 2018 web pages and remind them of their tasks with our new leaflet and infographic. Remember also that preparing a registration can take anything between six months to three years. So, starting as soon as possible is key to a successful registration.

The leaflet and infographic are availiable in 23 EU languages on our REACH 2018 web pages. If you want to print the leaflet for your REACH-related event, send a request for a print-ready file to

REACH 2018 web pages

Practical tips & case studies
Mr Andreas Herdina,
Director of Cooperation, ECHA's SME Ambassador:

REACH 2018: the road ahead

Andreas HerdinaOur preparations – and I presume yours too – for the 2018 REACH registration deadline are going strong. We here at ECHA have set ourselves the goal to be ready by the end of 2016. By then, we will be ready to support you in that final sprint!

ECHA Newsletter, editorial

Practical advice from industry


How to get in contact with your co-registrants

Tips on how to get in contact with co-registrants Three companies, who already have experience of REACH registration, share their tips on how to find your co-registrants.

ECHA Newsletter

Are you an importer?

ImporterYou are an importer if you buy a chemical product directly from a supplier based outside the EEA and bring it into the EEA territory. Check out what obligations you might have under REACH.

Getting started - importer | ECHA Newsletter

Are you an only representative?

ORCompanies based outside the EEA can appoint a European-based only representative to take over the responsibilities of importers for complying with REACH. Have a look at our advice on what an only representative has to do.

Getting started - Only representative

Social media

Follow us in social media

Are you active in LinkedIn? Follow our pages dedicated to the REACH 2018 deadline to keep up-to-date with relevant news. Invite your friends and colleagues working with chemicals to follow it too.

In Twitter, you can easily find our REACH 2018 related tweets by searching for the hashtag #REACH2018. Retweet and follow @EU_ECHA.

LinkedIn for REACH 2018 | Twitter #REACH2018

Important links
European Chemicals Agency
P.O.Box 400 FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland