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Easily accessible trade data on hazardous chemicals now available


Information on imported and exported hazardous chemicals subject to the  Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Regulation as well as details on the importing and exporting countries is now publicly available on ECHA's website.

Helsinki, 25 September 2014 - Detailed information on the import and export of certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides subject to the PIC Regulation (PIC chemicals) has been published on ECHA's website.

All of the data stored in the previous tool EDEXIM since the first PIC Regulation entered into force in 2003 is now available on ECHA's website. Users now have readily accessible and searchable information on the imports and exports of PIC chemicals available, as well as further details on the importing and exporting countries.

This information is now categorised in separate sections making it simpler to find statistics and reports, such as the number of notifications, the amount of chemicals exported, and the countries that the chemicals are imported from and exported to.

With a more modern interface, the website also offers features that were not previously available for PIC exporters. The content is now readily downloadable and users can also find out PIC information directly from  the Agency's home page without needing to refer back to EDEXIM as has been the case in recent months.

The search functionality is also much more powerful and precise than previously. By using the ‘Search for chemicals' function on ECHA's home page, not only will users be able to find detailed information on their PIC chemicals but they will also see the details of their chemicals in a wider context in relation to their relevant uses under the REACH, CLP and biocides regulations, where this is applicable. 

Further information

PIC submission pages