Importers and producers of articles have to notify ECHA if substances listed on the Candidate list are present in their article(s), under certain conditions.
Deadline: Companies have to notify no later than six months after the inclusion of the substance in the Candidate list.
The information you need to submit consists of
- the identity and contact details of your company
- the identity of the substance and its registration number, if available
- the tonnage range of the substance in the notified article(s)
- a brief description of the use(s) of the substance in the article(s) and of the uses of the article(s)
You are advised to update your notification if the information previously notified has undergone changes. Examples of such changes could be: change in tonnage range, production/import of different articles, etc.
Non-confidential data on candidate list substances in articles which are available for consumer use on the EU market are published on the ECHA website.
Submitting your notification
The substance in articles notifications are submitted via REACH-IT.
Before submission, you must prepare your report using IUCLID 6. You can either use standalone IUCLID installed on your local computer, or use the free ECHA Cloud services that always has the latest IUCLID version in use. If you wish to submit an update however you do not have the IUCLID dataset, you can request to download your dossier from REACH-IT and convert the dossier into a dataset in IUCLID.
To prepare your IUCLID dossier, you can find a detailed description in the Manual - How to prepare a substance in articles notification.
Log in to REACH-IT, open the menu and select “Substance in articles > Upload a IUCLID dossier”
Submit your notification by following the wizard instructions. Once your notification has been submitted in REACH-IT, you can follow its submission status in REACH-IT. The update of your notification needs to be initiated from the reference number page in REACH-IT.
Legal reference
Article 7(2) (REACH Regulation)