
Call for evidence on the challenges in substituting DecaBDE

Call for evidence on the challenges in substituting DecaBDE


This consultation takes place as part of ECHA's preparation of an Annex XV restriction dossier on Decabromodiphenylether (DecaBDE). The Agency intends to submit the restriction dossier for DecaBDE on 1 August 2014.

Helsinki, 16 October 2013 - ECHA calls for information to identify uses of DecaBDE where substitution may be challenging or where companies may need additional time to carry out the substitution. The information will be used in the assessment of feasibility of alternatives in the preparation of an Annex XV restriction dossier.

DecaBDE is mainly used in plastics/polymers/composite materials and by the textile industry. It is also used in adhesives and sealants, as well as in coating and inks. The available information suggests that it is technically possible to substitute DecaBDE in all of these applications. It is not clear, however, whether companies are facing specific challenges in substitution, or how much time would be needed to overcome possible obstacles.

ECHA invites anyone who could be affected by this possible restriction or who holds relevant information to give comments before 15 December 2013 by filling in an online questionnaire available on the ECHA website.

This call for evidence does not replace the public consultation should ECHA propose a restriction.


Further information

Call for evidence

Background note  [PDF]