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Highlights from June BPC meeting
ECHA’s Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) considers that it is not possible to make a distinction on the risk profiles of substances used as anticoagulant rodenticides (AVKs). This conclusion finalises the committee’s opinion on the second comparative assessment of anticoagulant rodenticides.
Helsinki, 13 June 2023 – In its June meeting, the BPC adopted its opinion on one final question from the European Commission on the comparative assessment of anticoagulant rodenticides. The question concerned whether some anticoagulant active substances would have a lower overall risk for human and animal health and the environment than others.
The BPC concluded that it cannot make a distinction on the risk and hazard profiles of these substances, meaning that all AVKs can be considered equally hazardous. This conclusion, together with the earlier opinion on the comparative assessment adopted in November 2022, will now be sent to the European Commission for decision-making.
Additionally, the BPC adopted six opinions on active substances and product-type combinations and two opinions on Union authorisations. More details about the opinions are available in the annex.
The European Commission together with the EU Member States will take the final decisions on approvals of active substances and on Union authorisations of biocidal products.
The BPC met from 5 to 8 June 2023. The adopted opinions will be available on ECHA’s website in the near future. The next meeting will take place in September 2023.
Listen to a new episode of our Safer Chemicals podcast, where the outgoing committee Chair Erik van de Plassche shares his reflections from the meeting and his time as the Chair.
Press contact: Hanna-Kaisa Torkkeli,, +358 50 416 8585