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Clearer requirements for applications for authorisation
Helsinki, 13 February 2019 – Updated formats are available for exposure scenarios of the chemical safety report, analysis of alternatives, socio-economic analysis, and the combined version of analysis of alternatives and socio-economic analysis.
During a transitional period lasting until 31 May 2019, applicants should still use the earlier formats for applications and review reports to be submitted within the February and May submission windows. ECHA recommends that applicants familiarise themselves with the new formats as soon as possible and include, if feasible, specific sections (e.g. summary tables) in their applications. Use of the updated formats will be mandatory from 1 June 2019.
The latest application date for ethoxylated octyl and nonyphenols is 4 July 2019. To facilitate the use of the new format for applications concerning these two substances, ECHA will exceptionally add an additional submission window running from 20 June to 4 July 2019.
The updated formats aim to improve the transparency and efficiency of the application process and to speed up the decision making on applications for authorisation and review reports.
- Formats for applications for authorisation
- Format for RAC and SEAC opinions (version 2) [PDF][EN]