
e-News - 22 January 2014

ECHA e-News is a weekly update from the European Chemicals Agency

Director's Contact Group

New Terms of Work of the Directors' Contact Group

The Directors' Contact Group (DCG), which provides a platform for the informal exchange of views and information between the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the European Commission and participating Industry Associations, met on 15 January 2014 and adopted new Terms of Work for the period until 31 December 2018.

The DCG has the objective of mobilising its members to jointly pursue various tasks that streamline their support and provide orientation to duty-holders preparing for the 2018 REACH registration deadline. For the period of its new Terms of Work, the DCG will particularly focus on coordinating support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), whether registrants or downstream users.

Directors' Contact Group

Recommendations on best practice for interaction during substance evaluation published

The Member States, the European Commission and ECHA have agreed on recommendations regarding harmonising the interaction between the evaluating Member State and the registrants under substance evaluation.

News alert | Recommendations

Revised ECHA Consultation Procedure for Guidance published

ECHA has published a second revision of its Consultation Procedure for Guidance, as endorsed by the ECHA Management Board at its December 2013 meeting.

News alert | Consultation Procedure

Registry of Intentions updated


A new SVHC intention has been published in the Registry of Intentions. Sweden plans to submit an SVHC dossier on 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dihexyl ester, branched and linear, by 3 February 2014.

SVHC intentions


Two new intentions and three new submissions for harmonised classification and labelling have been added to the Registry of Intentions. The new intentions are: acetaldehyde and benzo[rst]pentaphene. The new submissions are: lead, cadmium dinitrate and cadmium dihydroxide.

Registry of Intentions


A new intention, four new submissions and one withdrawal for restriction, have been added to the Registry of Intentions. The new intention is: N,N-dimethylformamide; dimethyl formamide. The new submissions are: ammonium salts, cadmium and its compounds in artist paints, bisphenol A; 4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol and Chrysotile. The withdrawal is: cadmium and its compounds in plastics.

Registry of Intentions

Chemical similarity check service for biocidal active substances offered in February 2014

Starting in February 2014, ECHA will offer a new service to industry; the chemical similarity check. The chemical similarity check is an assessment similar to the technical equivalence assessment described in Article 54 of Regulation (EU) No 528/2012, but is only applicable for substances where no final decision on the approval of the active substance has yet been adopted, and is performed solely on the substance identity and chemical composition. The aim is to establish the similarity between two or more sources of the same substance. The service is designed for the following situations:

a. The comparison of one source of an active substance to a biocidal active substance which has been submitted for assessment under the Biocidal Products Directive 98/8/EC or Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 but for which no final decision on the approval has yet been adopted.

b. The comparison of two or more sources of the same active substance (which are generally not under evaluation, under the Biocidal Products Directive 98/8/EC or Regulation (EU) No 528/2012), in view of a prospective joint application for active substance approval under Regulation (EU) No 528/2012.

The chemical similarity check is of a voluntary nature and is subject to a charge which depends on the scope of the assessment to be carried out. The instructions for applying for the chemical similarity check will be published on the ECHA webpages.

Biocidal Products Regulation web pages


ECHA's Ninth Stakeholders' Day

Save the date 21 May 2014

The Ninth Stakeholders' Day Conference takes place on 21 May 2014 in Helsinki in conjunction with the Helsinki Chemicals Forum.

More information

Helsinki Chemicals Forum

Save the date 22-23 May 2014

The programme of the traditional Helsinki Chemicals Forum is now available on the event's web pages. The registration will open soon.

More information

Fifth seminar on applications for authorisation

Save the date 28-29 April 2014

From 28 to 29 April 2014, ECHA will host a new edition of this event which already took place in the three previous years. The aim is to raise the overall understanding of potential applicants on the authorisation application procedure through presentations, discussions and feedback from industry.

Please note that the number of attendees for both the seminar and the workshop is limited. The participants will be selected through an application process which will be open from 17 February until 14 March.

More information by 17 February

First workshop on applications for authorisation

Save the date 29-30 April 2014

From 29 to 30 April 2014, ECHA will organise a workshop for stakeholders with an advanced knowledge on authorisation process. They comprise companies who have prepared or are in the process of preparing an application. The focus for this workshop will be on sharing experience between previous and future applicants and for ECHA to get feedback on the workability of the application process.

More information by 17 February

How to bring your registration dossier in compliance with REACH – Tips and Hints (part 5)

12 February, 11:00 – 13:00 EET, GMT +2

The webinar provides feedback to registrants on how to submit information on chemical substances in the technical dossier to ECHA in compliance with REACH.

More information

New webinar: ECHA Guidance for downstream users – the essentials

05 March, 11:00 – 14:00 EET, GMT +2

A major update of the Guidance for Downstream Users was published in December 2013. This webinar outlines the structure, the main content of each section and the significant changes in the Guidance. It aims to help readers to quickly find information in the Guidance that is relevant for their needs.


Ongoing consultations

Start: 19 December 2013
Deadline: 3 February 2014
1 testing proposal

Identification of substances of very high concern

No ongoing consultations

Draft recommendation of substances for the Authorisation List

No ongoing consultations

Harmonised classification and labelling

Start: 13 December 2013
Deadline: 27 Janaury 2014
3 CLH proposals

Start: 18 December 2013
Deadline: 3 February 2014
10 CLH proposals


Start: 17 December 2013
Deadline: 14 February 2014
1 consultation on SEAC draft opinion

Start: 18 September 2013
Deadline: 18 March 2014
2 restriction proposals

Start: 17 December 2013
Deadline: 17 June 2014
1 restriction proposal

Applications for authorisation

No ongoing consultations

Biocides consultation

Start: 29 November 2013
Deadline: 28 January 2014
1 substance

Start: 17 December 2013
Deadline: 15 February 2014
1 substance

European Chemicals Agency
P.O.Box 400 FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland