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Application for authorisation fees adjusted


The European Commission has revised the fees for applications for authorisation of substances of very high concern under REACH. The revision encourages companies to apply together. The fees for additional uses have increased.

Helsinki, 26 June 2018 – ECHA will continue to charge an unchanged base fee covering the application for an authorisation for one substance and one use. The revision of the Fee Regulation increases the fees charged for each additional use covered by the application.

The revised fees therefore take better account of the amount of work involved in assessing the applications. On the other hand, no fees will be charged for additional applicants. Therefore, joint applications are encouraged. If companies are of a different size, the highest applicable fee will be levied.

The revised fees will also apply to authorisation holders who submit a review report.

Table: Four examples of how the new Fee Regulation would affect the fees paid.

Examples A B C D
Applicants 1 2 1 2
Uses 1 1 2 2
Fees until 11 July 2018 EUR 54 100 EUR 94 675 EUR 64 920 EUR 105 495
New fees as of 15 July 2018 EUR 54 100 EUR 54 100 EUR 102 790 EUR 102 790
Difference % 0 % -43 % 58 % -3 %

1) In the new Fee Regulation, the number of applicants does not increase the fee. Earlier, each additional applicant needed to pay (75 % of the base fee).
2) In the new Fee Regulation, each additional use increases the fee by 90 % from the base fee. Earlier this increase was 20 %.
3) The same logic will also be applied for small, medium and micro sized companies. The new Fee Regulation did not affect them.
4) On average, applications have so far had about 1.7 uses per application (i.e. most have had 1 use, but there are applications with 2 or more uses). 
ECHA made a simulation of the impact of the new fees. This was based on applications received by mid 2017. The result was that overall the application fees would remain the same.



The Fee Regulation ensures that the structure and amount of the fees provided under REACH must take account of the work required by ECHA and the competent authorities. In addition, the fees have to be fixed at such a level that the revenue derived from them when combined with other sources of Agency revenue is sufficient to cover the cost of the services delivered.