
ECHA Weekly - 2 August 2017

ECHA Weekly

IUCLID Cloud launched – simpler for smaller companies

The cloud version of the chemical data management tool IUCLID is now available for SMEs. Consultants helping SMEs with their registrations are welcome to subscribe too. In the cloud, you can prepare your REACH registration dossier directly online so there is no need for local installation. Reap the benefits of the cloud: data stored and safe at ECHA, automatic updates of IUCLID, fully managed back-ups, 24/7 availability of service.

News item | ECHA Cloud services | Watch the IUCLID Cloud video

REACH 2018

New video: working with your co-registrants

Watch and share our latest video covering data and cost sharing how to select the lead and prepare for newcomers. It is available in 23 EU languages.

Watch the video


New proposals and intentions to harmonise classification and labelling

Proposals have been submitted for:

  • silver zeolite (EC -, CAS 130328-18-6);
  • silver sodium zirconium hydrogenphosphate (EC 422-570-3, CAS 265647-11-8);
  • silver copper zeolite (Zeolite, LTA framework type, ion exchanged with silver and copper ions) (EC-, CAS 130328-19-7).

A new intention has also been received for:

  • (±)-(E)-5-(4-chlorobenzylidene)-2,2-dimethyl-1-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)cyclopentanol (EC -,CAS -).

Submitted CLH proposals | Current CLH intentions

Board of Appeal

Announcement of a new appeal

The Board of Appeal has published an announcement of a new appeal. Case A-006-2017 concerns dossier evaluation.

Announcements RSS feed


Notifying hazardous mixtures to poison centres: new date
3 and 10 October 2017, 11:00 to 12:00 EEST, GMT +3

Due to the large amount of interest, we will organise a second webinar that will take place earlier on 3 October. Both webinars feature the same content and you will be able to ask questions from our expert panel.

The webinars give an overview of the harmonisation of information submitted for hazardous mixtures to poison centres in the European Union as of 2020. They are open to all interested parties, but particularly relevant for industry and authorities. Participants will get recommendations on how to prepare for new notifications.

Register (3 October) | Register (10 October)

Calls for information

There are no new consultations this week. Have a look at the 32 open consultations on our home page.

All open consultations

REACH 2018

301 days until the REACH 2018 deadline


ECHA is looking for legal advisors, data management officers, toxicologists, economists, seconded national experts and trainees


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Biocides Stakeholders' Day
26-27 September 2017

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