Working within SIEFs

Media material on companies' experiences, including SMEs, on working within SIEFs. Companies represent different fields of industry, different sizes  and are geographically located around Europe or around the globe. One thing in common is that they all have to meet the deadlines of REACH and CLP. Materials include number of articles and press releases and photographs.

Aim of this material is to draw attention to the deadlines as well as showcasing inspiring companies including SMEs who are well on the way to meeting their responsibilities under the legislation.

Articles and press releases elaborate on the work that has already been carried out to meet the deadlines and the challenges still facing industry.


Helpdesks support the chemical industry and each other

30 November 2010 is the deadline under REACH for registration of most hazardous chemical substances as well as those substances that are produced in the largest quantities. In addition 3 January 2011 is the deadline for the CLP notifications. The registrants of phase-in substances are working hard to meet these important and challenging deadlines. Fortunately they are not alone in the process - ECHA Helpdesk, the Helpdesk of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), as well as National REACH and CLP Helpdesks are supporting the companies in their registration processes.

Article: Helpdesks support the chemical industry and each other



Industry consortia are key for the success of REACH

According to many companies, consortia are the key as far as the SIEF registration process under the REACH legislation is concerned. Consortia are separate entities from the actual SIEFs, a subgroup formed by leading companies of a particular SIEF in order to exchange information and jointly develop the required dossiers.

Article: Industry consortia are key for the success of REACH




Pragmatism - and other expert advice in meeting the REACH deadlines

PragmatismMany chemical companies operating in the European Union are working hard in SIEFs (Substance Information Exchange Forum) in order to submit their joint registration for REACH by 30 November 2010. According to several company representatives - some of them involved in as many as 1000 SIEFs - being pragmatic in everything you do is the key to successful SIEF work. The message of the forerunners is to focus on the main issues, and no matter what, submit your registration before the deadline.

Article: Pragmatism - and other expert advice in meeting the REACH deadlines




The chemical safety in Europe is changing drastically

REACH is a European Union law designed to enhance the chemical safety in Europe and overall improve the chemical industry practises in the EU. The REACH process is now in a crucial phase where the companies that manufacture and import chemical substances need to obtain information on the physicochemical, health and environmental properties of their substances and use it to assess whether the handling and uses of these substances in the whole value chain is safe. This information, in the form of a joint dossier, needs to be sent to European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) no later than 30 November if the company intends to continue business in Europe.

Article: The chemical safety in Europe is improving drastically



No REACH registration, no business in the future?

REACH, a European Union law designed to enhance the chemical safety in Europe, requires companies to act now if they intend to continue their business in the EU. 30 November 2010 is an extremely crucial deadline for manufacturers and importers of chemical substances. They can only secure their business continuity if their SIEF submits a joint dossier and they submit to ECHA their company specific parts of the registration dossier before the deadline. To meet the fast approaching deadline, most of the companies are working hard to fulfil their duties, but what about an inactive company?

Article: No REACH registration, no business in the future?



Europe with REACH

How will the chemical industry in the EU really change because of REACH? What benefits will all the studies and joint decisions currently being made in SIEFs bring to the industry, to a single company and to the citizens of the European Union and to the environment? This is one of the issues that companies contemplate at the moment as they are working hard in SIEFs to obtain information on the effects and the actual risks of the substances they use, import or manufacture in order to submit their joint REACH registrations by 30 November 2010.

Article: Europe with REACH


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