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May issue of the ECHA Newsletter online


The May issue tells about the work leading up to the registration deadline on 31 May and gives advice to registrants who are having difficulties. You can also read more about the adoption of endocrine disruptor criteria, the restriction proposal for microplastics, the Commission’s remarks on the second REACH review and EU-OSHA’s recently launched ‘Healthy Workplaces’ campaign on managing dangerous substances.

Helsinki, 17 May 2018 – You can read about the ongoing work of the Member State Committee (MSC), Sweden's national product register collecting more information on nanomaterials, bridging the gap between regulatory science and academia, and a new tool from the Dutch Labour Inspectorate to check safety data sheets.

There is also a case study on how Zebra A/S, owners of the retail chain Flying Tiger Copenhagen, have worked with non-EU suppliers to comply with their registration obligations under REACH and you can also read more about the Commission’s simplified restriction procedure for carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic (CMR) substances in textiles. There are further stories about the monitoring of pollutants in the Arctic region, as well as the latest on ECHA's role in assessing the need to restrict intentionally added microplastics in some consumer products.

There is also a guest column from the Toy Industries of Europe (TIE) that looks at how toys are being regulated in the EU.