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ECHA and stakeholders set out actions to improve chemical safety reports and safety data sheets


ECHA publishes today a roadmap towards enhancing the quality of information communicated in the exposure scenarios included in the REACH chemical safety reports and in the extended safety data sheets. These documents hold essential information on the safe use of chemical substances and mixtures for downstream users, authorities and REACH registrants alike. The roadmap is a collaborative effort of ECHA and its stakeholders and the Agency now calls for more stakeholders to join in. 

Helsinki, 17 July 2013 - The roadmap actions serve to improve the generation and communication of exposure scenarios for the different uses of chemical substances and mixtures by 2018, the next and last REACH registration deadline. They aim to improve the clarity and accuracy of the information provided, and help industry to update existing information already submitted to ECHA or supplied to downstream users.

The actions cover:

  • Improving understanding among stakeholders on the purpose and use of the information in the exposure scenarios included in the chemical safety report or the extended safety data sheets;
  • Improving information on how substances are used as an essential input to the chemical safety assessment and developing the associated IT tools;  
  • Providing more support for downstream users, particularly formulators of mixtures and users at the end of the supply chain, on how to interpret and make the best use of the information they receive in the extended safety data sheet.

Geert Dancet, Executive Director of ECHA, said "This roadmap presents the key areas of attention in improving the quality of REACH exposure scenarios to ensure the safe use of chemicals in Europe. It provides a set of concrete actions that enable stakeholders to take a shared responsibility in its success. I encourage all ECHA's stakeholders to make a commitment to this joint effort."

Sylvie Lemoine from the Downstream Users of Chemicals Coordination Group said "DUCC welcomes the roadmap and intends to actively contribute to its implementation. We have now five years ahead of us to come up with practical tools and recommendations for improvement. All actors, from industry and authorities alike, will need to work together to achieve the roadmap objectives and, ultimately, safer use of chemicals through their entire life cycle."

Together with the roadmap, a Charter will be published which is open to stakeholders such as  sector organisations and authorities. By signing the Charter, stakeholder organisations can make their commitment to the roadmap actions visible to the public. Various industry associations and Member States have already signed up.

Further information about the actions foreseen and how to contribute to them is available on ECHA's website.

The CSR/ES Roadmap has been prepared by a cross-stakeholder group composed of Cefic, DUCC, Concawe, eight Member States and ECHA.


Further information

Roadmap towards good quality information on the safe use of chemicals in the REACH chemical safety report and the extended safety data sheet

What are chemical safety reports and exposure scenarios?