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Registrants should get ready to comment on 2016 substance evaluation draft decisions


ECHA will soon send information requests on 27 substances to registrants for comments. These substances were evaluated by the Member States in 2016.

Helsinki, 28 March 2017 – Starting in the last week of April, ECHA plans to send draft decisions on 27 substances to registrants. If you are a registrant of these substances, you will have 30 days to consider and submit your comments.

The notification provides a clear date for the deadline to follow. ECHA recommends that one representative, the registrants’ contact point, sends consolidated comments on the draft decision on behalf of all addressed registrants of a substance. Registrants, who have submitted a registration that is not yet completed in the submission pipeline, will also receive the substance evaluation draft decisions for comments.

In 2016, the Member States evaluated 39 substances listed in the Community rolling action plan (CoRAP). In 27 cases, further information is needed to assess the safety of the substance and a draft decision was prepared to request for this data.

For 11 substances, the evaluating Member State concluded that no further data was needed. These conclusion documents will be published on ECHA’s website in due course. Currently, no further actions are expected from the registrants of those substances.

In one case, the evaluating Member State could not conclude the evaluation as key standard information related to substance identity was missing. Consequently, the substance evaluation is suspended, and will resume once the necessary information is submitted.