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ECHA Stakeholder survey - share your views on the Agency

News Alert
Media enquiries: ECHA Press

ECHA has launched its first large scale survey for stakeholders to give their views on the Agency and its work. The survey consists of two steps. Its results will be published on ECHA's website and will be used to develop the services provided to the stakeholders by the Agency.

Helsinki, 30 March 2010 - As a first step, stakeholders are invited to fill in a short form to indicate their willingness to participate and to provide their contact details to receive the survey. If you are interested, please click the link below and fill in the form by 9 April:

As a second step, once you have provided your consent, you will receive an online survey in April.
The survey focuses on stakeholders' awareness and opinions on the following topics:

•ECHA's mission, vision, values and brand
•ECHA's work and services
•their involvement in ECHA's activities

As a thank you to those who take the time to participate in the survey, five participants from within the EU and EEA will be chosen at random by ECHA and invited to attend its Stakeholders' Day on 19 May 2010 in Helsinki. The travel costs of the invited respondents will be covered by ECHA. Further information on the survey is available on ECHA's Stakeholder survey page.

Further information

ECHA Stakeholder survey page