
Companies are urged to start preparing for the 2013 REACH registration deadline

Companies are urged to start preparing for the 2013 REACH registration deadline

Press Release

Media enquiries: ECHA Press

Act Now!Helsinki, 23 September 2011 - ECHA launches the 'REACH 2013 - Act Now!' campaign at the REACH Conference on 23 September to remind the industry to start preparing for the second REACH registration deadline. Companies manufacturing or importing chemicals in quantities at or above 100 tonnes per year are required to register these substances with ECHA by 31 May 2013.

The Agency has organised this awareness campaign to promote the best practise in fulfilling the obligations and also to publicise the various services and tools that can help companies comply with the REACH registration requirements. Geert Dancet, ECHA's Executive Director, says to industry: "I ask you to help us to pass this message on so that companies start their preparations for registration earlier than last time and take full benefit from the best practice and our support tools to deliver dossiers of higher quality."

On ECHA's website, there is a dedicated webpage on which there is an agenda for the events that ECHA is rolling out in relation to the REACH 2013 deadline. All relevant materials and links can also be found there. In addition, ECHA has designed a promotional web banner that Member States, industry associations and other organisations can add to their REACH web pages. This banner will help to brand the 'Act now!' campaign in all EU countries. Additionally, by clicking on the banner visitors will be directed to the ECHA 'REACH 2013 - Act now!' campaign pages.

The REACH conference, organised by the European Commission together with the Agency, is the first event on the agenda of the 'REACH 2013 Act now!' campaign. The conference will highlight best practise and necessary improvements to ease the way for the 2013 registration deadline.

The event can be followed live in six languages and a recording of the web stream will be available after the event.