
Webinars are information sessions hosted online, and consisting of presentations, video and other interactive features such as questions and answers, desktop sharing and audio conferencing. Up to one thousand participants can remotely join a webinar at once.

A registration link will be available for each individual webinar closer to the event date and all webinars, including a webinar programme and registration link will be announced in ECHA's weekly e-News.

The webinar programme is subject to change. Exact dates will be confirmed as they become available.

Each webinar will be recorded and later published on the ECHA website.


Applications for authorisation: How to respond during consultation
11:00 - 12:30 Helsinki time



This webinar focuses on identifying and sharing best practice on how to provide information on alternatives. The webinar will also inform how the consultations in applications for authorisation work in general.  The webinar is based on lessons learned from over 50 consultations carried out so far. It also gives an opportunity for ECHA to get feedback to further develop the consultation process.

The webinar will consist of a presentation from ECHA followed by a panel discussion with Frida Hök from the International Chemical Secretariat (Chemsec), Hugo Waeterschoot from the European Association of the Metals Industry (Eurometaux), Jan Ahlskog from Finsbury International Policy & Regulatory Advisers (FIPRA) and Julius Waller from EPPA.


11:00 - 12:30 Helsinki time
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Communicating about substances in articles - what you need to know
11:00 - 12:00 EET



This webinar explains the communication and notification obligations that EU importers, producers and suppliers of articles may have when their articles contain Candidate List substances. Particular focus is given to complex objects made up of more than one article.

11:00 - 12:00 EET
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Completeness check - preparing a registration dossier that can be successfully submitted
11:00 - 12:00 EEST, GMT +3



This webinar is relevant for any company preparing a REACH registration dossier.

It focusses on experience gained since the revised completeness check was introduced in June 2016. You will also get valuable insight into the manual checks performed by ECHA staff as part of the completeness check.

During the webinar, you can send your questions to our experts. Note that we cannot answer questions on specific submissions - you can send those to us using our contact form.

11:00 - 12:00 EEST, GMT +3
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Downstream user update
11:00 - 12:00



The webinar aims to update downstream users on recent activities that will help them use chemicals safely and fulfil their duties under REACH. The topics will include how downstream users can benefit from the latest work done to improve the information in the supply chain, how to prepare a downstream user chemical safety report and how to notify ECHA on authorised uses. The event will highlight the support that is available to support downstream users.

11:00 - 12:00
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ECHA Guidance for downstream users - the essentials
0:00 - 0:00



A major update of the Guidance for Downstream Users was published in December 2013. This webinar outlines the structure, the main content of each section and the significant changes in the Guidance. It aims to help the reader to quickly find information in the Guidance that is relevant for his needs.

Further Information

Information for downstream users on the ECHA website

0:00 - 0:00
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ePIC industry webinar
11:00 - 13:00 Helsinki time



The webinar provides an overview of the ePIC tool used by industry to meet their obligations under the Prior Informed Consent Regulation. It will cover basic aspects of the tool such as the interface, buttons, search functions and other features.

11:00 - 13:00 Helsinki time
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Getting familiar with the new Chemical Safety Assessment and Reporting tool (Chesar 3.0)
10:00 - 13:00



The webinar introduces you to the new version of the Chemical Safety Assessment and Reporting tool, Chesar 3.0. It is mainly targeted to those who are not yet familiar with the tool but it is also useful for those who want to learn more about the changes between Chesar 2.0 and Chesar 3.0.

To be able to follow this webinar you are expected to know the basics of chemical safety assessment.

The webinar will last 3 hours (from 10 a.m to 13 p.m), followed by a 1 hour break. After the break, we will continue with a question and answer session for up to 2 hours (14 p.m. to 16 p.m.).

Chesar website: https://chesar.echa.europa.eu/


10:00 - 13:00
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Getting meaningful exposure scenarios: how sector use maps help
11:00 - 13:00 EEST, GMT +3



This webinar is of interest for downstream users and downstream user sector organisations who want to optimise the communication of safe use information in the supply chain.

Participants will learn about the sector use map concept, its benefits, and its implementation.

Downstream users need to ensure they meet the conditions described in the exposure scenarios they receive. It is key that these exposure scenarios reflect the conditions of use in place, where those can be demonstrated to be safe. Exposure scenarios are generated by registrants. Therefore downstream users need to communicate to registrants how their substances are used. Sector use maps are an efficient way of communicating such information to registrants.

Sector use maps avoid the need for bilateral contacts between downstream users and registrants and ensure that downstream users receive realistic and harmonised exposure scenarios, making them easier to process.

Summary of panel Q&A


11:00 - 13:00 EEST, GMT +3
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Getting to know the IUCLID Cloud
11:00 - 12:00 EEST, GMT + 3



The webinar is intended for industry to receive an introduction on:

  1. ECHA Cloud services and the IUCLID Cloud for SMEs
  2. How to subscribe to the cloud and manage your account
  3. How to use the cloud and create a dossier

You will have the chance to ask questions from our expert panel.

11:00 - 12:00 EEST, GMT + 3
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Getting your chemical safety assessment done
11:00 - 13:00 EEST, GMT +3



Welcome to the REACH 2018 Spring School!

During this intensive week, we will be broadcasting all the REACH 2018 phase webinars again with the possibility to ask questions from our experts. In addition, a new webinar: Getting your chemical safety assessment done will take place live from Helsinki on Day 3 of the Spring School, Wednesday 17 May.

Here you can register for the third day taking place on Wednesday 17 May.

During the day, we will broadcast a new webinar on getting your chemical safety assessment done and you will have the chance to ask questions.

11:00 - 13:00 EEST, GMT +3
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How are substances screened and shortlisted?
11:00 - 13:00 EET



ECHA and Member State Competent Authorities are now in the fourth year of common screening. In late January every year, a number of substances are marked for manual screening by Member States. The selection is based on a set of algorithms to identify substances that may have hazardous properties and have the potential for exposure to humans or the environment.

This webinar explains the screening process, its timelines, and the criteria for short listing. It also explains how registrants can influence the manual screening process by updating their dossiers and how they can obtain more information on common screening.

The webinar also gives advice on how registrants should react to the informative letters sent by ECHA to all registrants of shortlisted substances.

11:00 - 13:00 EET
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How are substances screened and shortlisted?
14:00 - 16:00 Helsinki time



ECHA and Member State Competent Authorities are now in the third year of common screening. In late January every year approximately 200-300 substances are earmarked for manual screening by Member State experts based on an extensive set of algorithms to identify substances that may pose risk to human health or the environment. The short listed substances are grouped in terms of both the suspected hazardous properties and also the REACH/CLP regulatory process that may be the optimal next step. ECHA has recently written to nearly 1 500 companies informing them that their registration dossiers may soon be manually examined by Member State experts to confirm the need for further regulatory action. This webinar will explain the screening process, its timelines, and the criteria for short listing. The webinar will also explain how registrants can influence the manual screening process by updating their dossiers and how they could obtain more information on common screening.

The questions and answers from the webinar are available here.

14:00 - 16:00 Helsinki time
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How to bring your registration dossier in compliance with REACH - Tips and Hints (part 5)
0:00 - 0:00



This webinar provides feedback to Registrants on how to submit information on chemical substances in the technical dossier to ECHA in compliance with REACH.


0:00 - 0:00
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How to ensure the safe use of nanomaterials under REACH - Part III: current best practices for human health and environmental exposure assessment and risk characterisation for nanomaterials
0:00 - 0:00



This webinar provides feedback to Registrants on how to submit information on chemical substances in the technical dossier to ECHA in compliance with REACH.

Note: this webinar contains out of date information. For the most up-to-date advice, refer to the latest webinars and guidance.

0:00 - 0:00
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Introduction to OECD QSAR Toolbox
11:00 - 14:00 Helsinki time



The webinar provides an introduction to the OECD QSAR Toolbox and its functionalities. Two examples cover endpoints which will be relevant for the third REACH registration deadline in 2018 (e.g. skin sensitisation, aquatic toxicity). The Toolbox is the most comprehensive, widely recognised and freely available platform for data gap filling in regulatory hazard assessment, while avoiding tests. It is used for grouping chemicals into categories, identifying and filling (eco-)toxicological data gaps for the hazard assessment of chemicals. The Toolbox is also very useful for screening and prioritising inventories.

11:00 - 14:00 Helsinki time
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IUCLID 6 advanced users webinar – Part 2
11:00 - 12:15 EEST



This webinar is intended for more advanced users of IUCLID 6. It builds on feedback received from users after the IUCLID 6 release and addresses the most frequently asked questions and issues. We will also inform you about upcoming IUCLID service releases. We will conclude the webinar with a live Q&A session where our panellists reply to your questions.

11:00 - 12:15 EEST
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IUCLID 6 version 2.0.0
12:00 - 13:00 EET, GMT +2



This webinar is intended for IUCLID 6 users. It presents the content of the IUCLID 6 update published on 15 November 2017. It builds on feedback received from users after the IUCLID 6 releases and addresses the most frequently asked questions and reported issues.


  1. Welcome and introduction
  2. Information on IUCLID version 6.2
  3. Compatibility between IUCLID versions
  4. Fee calculator
  5. Update on ECHA Cloud Services and IUCLID Cloud
  6. Questions and Answers
12:00 - 13:00 EET, GMT +2
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IUCLID administrator webinar: switching from IUCLID 5.6 to IUCLID 6
11:00 - 13:00



This webinar is intended for advanced users of IUCLID.

It will cover server administration for multiple users, new user management features including ‘Instance Based Security' (IBS), merging several IUCLID 5 installations into one IUCLID 6 database and tips for migrating your data. Presentations will be followed by a question and answer session.

11:00 - 13:00
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Notifying hazardous mixtures to poison centres: what you need to know (re-run)
11:00 - 12:00 EEST, GMT +3



This webinar gives an overview of the harmonisation of information submitted for hazardous mixtures to poison centres in the European Union as of 2020. It is open to all interested parties but particularly relevant for industry and authorities. Participants will get recommendations on how to prepare for new notifications and have the chance to ask questions from our expert panel.

Poison centres >>

11:00 - 12:00 EEST, GMT +3
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Notifying hazardous mixtures to poison centres: what you need to know
11:00 - 12:00 EEST, GMT +3



This webinar gives an overview of the harmonisation of information submitted for hazardous mixtures to poison centres in the European Union as of 2020. It is open to all interested parties but particularly relevant for industry and authorities. Participants will get recommendations on how to prepare for new notifications and have the chance to ask questions from our expert panel.

Poison centres >>

11:00 - 12:00 EEST, GMT +3
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Presentation of IUCLID 6 version 1.2
12:00 - 13:00 EET, GMT +2



This webinar is intended for users of IUCLID 6. It presents the content of the IUCLID 6 update published on 31st of January 2017. It builds on feedback received from users after previous IUCLID 6 releases and addresses the most frequently asked questions and reported issues.


  • Welcome and introduction
  • Information on IUCLID 6 version 1.2
    • Fixes for known issues
    • New features (DNEL generator, hyperlinks, IUCLID Public API)
  • Advanced feature of the Report generator
  • Tips for registrants
  • Questions and Answers
12:00 - 13:00 EET, GMT +2
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Presentation of IUCLID 6 version 1.3
12:00 - 13:00 EEST, GMT +2



This webinar is intended for users of IUCLID 6 and introduces the content of the IUCLID 6 update published on 28th of April 2017. It also addresses most frequently asked questions and reported issues.


  • Welcome and introduction
  • Information on IUCLID 6 version 1.3:
    • Improvements and fixes for known issues
    • New features (PNEC generator, dossier header re-use)
    • Advanced features of the report generator
  • Questions and Answers
12:00 - 13:00 EEST, GMT +2
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REACH 2018: Submit your registration dossier
11:00 - 12:00 EET, GMT +2



So, your IUCLID dossier is ready, what now? This webinar will show you how easy it is to navigate around REACH-IT and submit your dossier to ECHA. We will also explain and guide you through some of the most important new features of REACH-IT such as identifying the ‘tasks’ assigned to you and how to act on them, using the joint submission page, as well as how to manage and change your company information.

11:00 - 12:00 EET, GMT +2
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REACH 2018 Assess hazards and risks of your chemicals
11:00 - 12:10



This is the fourth webinar in a series focusing on practical information to successfully register by the deadline of 31 May 2018.

If you are registering a substance for the first time and you do not know what information you need to submit, you will find this webinar particularly useful.

The webinar will give you an understanding of the type of data you need to collect for the tonnage you want to register. It will also highlight what you should do before generating new data for your substance. Finally, it will give an overview of how to fill in the data gaps, and how the other co-registrants are involved in this common activity.

The webinar will also include a Q&A session where we will respond to your questions. 

Registration link

11:00 - 12:10
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REACH 2018 Find your co-registrants and prepare to work together
11:00 - 12:00



This is the second webinar of a series focusing on practical information to successfully register by the deadline of 31 May 2018.

If your company does not have previous experience of registering chemicals under the REACH Regulation, you will find this webinar particularly useful. It gives you an understanding of how to retrieve your pre-registrations in REACH-IT and to check if your substance has been already registered. You can then find useful information on how to find the lead registrant or your co-registrants with whom you will need to work together to register jointly. You can also get tips on how to start the work and prepare for being in a substance information exchange forum (SIEF).

Finally, the webinar includes a Q&A session where we addressed outstanding issues related to the topic.


11:00 - 12:00
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REACH 2018 Get organised with your co-registrants - SIEF management and data sharing
11:00 - 12:00 Helsinki time


This is the third webinar of a series focusing on practical information to successfully register by the deadline of 31 May 2018.
If you register a substance for the first time and you do not have previous experience in substance information exchange forum (SIEF) activities and data sharing, you will find this webinar particularly useful. It will give you an understanding of the tasks that the SIEF needs to undertake to prepare a registration dossier. 
If your substance has already been registered but you will join the existing registration only by 2018, you will find useful information about fair, transparent and non-discriminatory data and cost sharing.
Finally, the webinar will include a Q&A session where we will address outstanding issues related to the topic.
11:00 - 12:00 Helsinki time
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REACH 2018: Know your portfolio and start preparing now
11:00 - 12:00 Helsinki time



This is the first webinar of a series focusing on practical information to successfully register by the deadline of 31 May 2018.

The webinar aims to give information to companies that do not have previous experience of registering chemicals under the REACH Regulation. It will give you a basic understanding of which substances in your portfolio need to be registered before the 2018 deadline, the required information and the main costs that need to be budgeted for that purpose. You will also get a clear indication on how to move forward and where to find further information.

Finally, the webinar will include a Q&A session where we will address any outstanding issues related to the topic.

11:00 - 12:00 Helsinki time
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REACH 2018 Prepare your registration as a IUCLID dossier
11:00 - 12:00 EET (GMT +2)



This is the fifth webinar in a series focusing on practical advice to successfully register by the REACH 2018 registration deadline of 31 May 2018.

If you are registering a substance for the first time and want to know how to use IUCLID to create a registration dossier, then this webinar is for you.

We will guide you through the different steps that are needed to successfully create a complete registration dossier in IUCLID. The webinar will cover topics ranging from the installation of the IUCLID 6 application to the creation of a IUCLID 6 registration dossier, including the verification that all required information has been filled-in, using the embedded validation assistant. You will also learn how, under certain conditions, a registration dossier for a member of a joint submission can be created online.

11:00 - 12:00 EET (GMT +2)
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REACH 2018 Spring School - Day 1: Know your portfolio and find your co-registrants
11:00 - 15:30 EEST, GMT +3



Welcome to the REACH 2018 Spring School!

During this intensive week, we will be broadcasting all the REACH 2018 phase webinars again with the possibility to ask questions from our experts. In addition, a new webinar: Getting your chemical safety assessment done will take place live from Helsinki on Day 3 of the Spring School, Wednesday 17 May.

Here you can register for the first day taking place on Monday 15 May.

During the day, we will broadcast the first two REACH 2018 webinars and you will have the chance to ask questions.


11:00 - 12:00 Re-run webinar: Know your portfolio and start preparing now

12:00 - 12:30 Break

12:30 - 13:30 Re-run webinar: Find your co-registrants and prepare to work together

13:30 - 15:30 Extended question and answer session

11:00 - 15:30 EEST, GMT +3
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REACH 2018 Spring School - Day 2: Get organised with co-registrants and assess hazards and risks
11:00 - 15:30 EEST, GMT +3



Welcome to the REACH 2018 Spring School!

During this intensive week, we will be broadcasting all the REACH 2018 phase webinars again with the possibility to ask questions from our experts. In addition, a new webinar: Getting your chemical safety assessment done will take place live from Helsinki on Day 3 of the Spring School, Wednesday 17 May.

Here you can register for the second day taking place on Tuesday 16 May.

During the day, we will broadcast the third and fourth REACH 2018 webinars and you will have the chance to ask questions.


11:00 - 12:10 Re-run webinar: Get organised with your co-registrants

12:10 - 12:40 Break

12:40 - 14:00 Re-run webinar: Assess hazards and risks

14:00 - 15:30 Extended question and answer session

11:00 - 15:30 EEST, GMT +3
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REACH 2018 Spring School - Day 4: Prepare your registration as a IUCLID dossier
11:00 - 13:30 EEST, GMT +3



Welcome to the REACH 2018 Spring School!

During this intensive week, we will be broadcasting all the REACH 2018 phase webinars again with the possibility to ask questions from our experts. In addition, a new webinar: Getting your chemical safety assessment done will take place live from Helsinki on Day 3 of the Spring School, Wednesday 17 May.

Here you can register for the fourth day taking place on Thursday 18 May.

During the day, we will broadcast the fifth REACH 2018 webinar and you will have the chance to ask questions.


11:00 - 12:30 Re-run webinar: Prepare your registration as a IUCLID dossier

12:30 - 13:30 Extended question and answer session

11:00 - 13:30 EEST, GMT +3
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REACH 2018 Spring School - Day 5: Submit your registration
11:00 - 15:00 EEST, GMT +3



Welcome to the REACH 2018 Spring School!

During this intensive week, we will be broadcasting all the REACH 2018 phase webinars again with the possibility to ask questions from our experts. In addition, a new webinar: Getting your chemical safety assessment done will take place live from Helsinki on Day 3 of the Spring School, Wednesday 17 May.

Here you can register for the fifth day taking place on Friday 19 May.

During the day, we will broadcast the sixth REACH 2018 webinar and you will have the chance to ask questions.


11:00 - 12:00 Re-run webinar: Submit your registration dossier

12:00 - 15:00 Extended question and answer session on all REACH 2018 phases


11:00 - 15:00 EEST, GMT +3
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Replacing harmful chemicals in the textiles sector
11:00 - 12:15 EET, GMT+2



The webinar presents how H&M and a group of Italian SMEs from the Prato district have organised themselves to replace harmful chemicals from their supply chains. Greenpeace will also present their Detox campaign, the International Chemical Secretariat (ChemSec) will give an overview of their available tools to help companies substitute and the European Textile and Apparel Association (EURATEX) will present their activities in replacing harmful chemicals.

11:00 - 12:15 EET, GMT+2
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Same Biocidal Product Regulation and new family SPC
11:00 - 12:00 EET (GMT +2)



Note: Some of the information included in this webinar may be inaccurate. Refer to more recent support material for the most up-to-date information.

This webinar gives an overview of some of the key changes implemented in R4BP 3 in October 2016.

It highlights the new possibilities introduced with the extended same biocidal products application process and the new family SPC concept. A description of the new same biocidal product process and a step-by-step demo will provide further insight on the IT implementation. 

The webinar is of interest to those companies who would like to take advantage of the new possibilities for the submission of same biocidal products applications and those interested in submitting a biocidal product family application – instead of applying for individual product authorisations.

The content of this webinar is highly technical and previous knowledge of the Biocidal Product Regulation and its tools is recommended.

11:00 - 12:00 EET (GMT +2)
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Updated REACH Guidance for nanomaterials - what you need to know
11:00 - 13:00 EET, GMT +2



This webinar explains the support documentation available for registrants that cover nanoforms in their registration dossier. The main focus is on the registration and read-across of nanoforms, but the main updates for information requirements for human health and the environment will also be covered.

Note: some parts of this webinar are outdated. Specifically related to: registration, characterisation and substance identification. For the most up-to-date advice, refer to the latest webinars and guidance.

11:00 - 13:00 EET, GMT +2
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Use maps - how downstream users and registrants can benefit
11:00 - 12:30



Use maps provide a harmonised way of describing how downstream users use chemicals. Registrants can use this information as input to their chemical safety assessment. They can then provide relevant and realistic conditions for safe use to downstream users in the exposure scenarios that are annexed to the Safety Data Sheet.

This webinar is of interest for downstream user sector organisations and others who are interested in generating sector use maps. It is also relevant for registrants, who want to incorporate the information in dossiers and for downstream users who want to check that their use is covered. Participants will be guided through the use map formats and learn how the concept works in practice.

Webinar registration link

Questions and answers

11:00 - 12:30
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Use of alternative methods to animal testing in your REACH registration
11:00 - 12:00 EET (GMT+2)



The webinar focuses on the standard information requirements for REACH registration, including the following endpoints:

  • Skin corrosion and irritation
  • Serious eye damage and eye irritation
  • Skin sensitisation
  • Acute toxicity

The webinar explains recent developments in alternative methods and approaches to address these endpoints, including their recent REACH Annex revisions.

The first part of the webinar will focus on information requirements and test methods. The second part gives practical examples on what to do in different situations, depending on the available data.

The webinar is aimed at registrants preparing for REACH registration. Some of the webinar content requires basic knowledge on toxicology and risk assessment and may be complex for a layman audience.


11:00 - 12:00 EET (GMT+2)
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Webinar on Article 95 of the Biocidal Products Regulation
0:00 - 0:00



Article 95 of the Biocidal Products Regulation is one of the last articles of the regulation but it is the starting point for companies to keep their biocidal products on the market. This webinar is intended to give an overview of the status of the preliminary list published by ECHA, on the data requirements and evaluation principles for the submitted dossiers and on the regulatory aspects.

Note: some of the presentations for this webinar have changed. Please refer to the PDF documents for the latest information.

0:00 - 0:00
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ECHA-webinar: Mixture classification and communicating safe use of mixtures. Advice for formulators and importers
11:00 - 12:00 Helsinki time



The webinar covers the classification of mixtures and how information on their safe use can be communicated in the supply chain. It aims to help formulators and importers understand and implement their obligations according to the REACH and CLP regulations relating to mixtures.

11:00 - 12:00 Helsinki time
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What applicants need to know about technical equivalence and chemical similarity
0:00 - 0:00



The webinar describes the technical equivalence and chemical similarity processes under the Biocidal Products Regulation and explains their differences. It also gives advice to applicants on how to get the technical equivalence/chemical similarity of their active substance assessed.



0:00 - 0:00
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Why opt for substitution
11:00 - 12:30



Replacing hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives can bring substantial benefits to the company, the environment and the health of workers and consumers – all good reasons to substitute them. An additional driver comes from the chemicals legislation. Companies using substances that have been identified as SVHCs under REACH, have to decide whether to apply for a permission to continue using these toxic substances for a limited period of time or to substitute them with safer alternatives.

ECHA and a group of accredited stakeholder organisations have organised a series of webinars aiming to inspire companies to substitute hazardous chemicals and explain how it can be done. All webinars include examples of real life substitution projects. This was the first webinar in the series.

11:00 - 12:30
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