Decisioni procedurali

Le decisioni procedurali sono pubblicate nella lingua del caso.

Si fa presente che non tutte le decisioni procedurali sono pubblicate.

Caso n. Data della decisione Tipo di decisione Altre parole chiave



05/02/2014 Confidentiality

- Name of the Appellant
- Name of the substance

A-003-2013 12/06/2013  Confidentiality -Confidentiality request in the notice of appeal
-Information required for the appeal announcement and the final decision
-Registration number
A-006-2012 16/01/2013  Intervention -Interest in the result of the case
-Legal personality
A-004-2012 26/09/2012  Intervention -Interest in the result of the case
-Representative association
-ECHA accredited stakeholder
A-003-2012 05/09/2012  Intervention -Interest in the result of the case
-Representative association
-ECHA accredited stakeholder
-Administrative practice
A-003-2012 04/07/2012  Confidentiality -Confidentiality request in the notice of appeal
-Chemical substance name
-CAS number
-Registration number
A-001-2012 26/04/2012  Intervention -Interest in the result of the case
-Representative association
-ECHA accredited stakeholder
A-005-2011 08/11/2011 Intervention

- Interest in the result of the case
- Representative organisations
- ECHA accredited stakeholder

A-005-2011 08/11/2011 Intervention - Interest in the result of the case
- Joint registrant
A-005-2011 26/06/2011 Confidentiality
- Information allegedly outside the scope of appeal proceedings
- A document originating from a third party
A-005-2011 27/10/2011 Confidentiality - Protection of personal data
A-005-2011 29/07/2011 Confidentiality - Name of the substance
- Substance tonnage data
- Substance uses and studies
- Protection of personal data
A-004-2011 27/05/2011 Confidentiality - Generic request non justified
A-003-2011 11/04/2011 Confidentiality - Data Sharing Agreements
- Confidential business information
- Protection of personal data
A-001-2010 05/09/2011 Confidentiality - Name of the Appellant
- Name of the substance
- Submission number
A-001-2010 24/02/2011 Confidentiality - Document concerning an internal meeting
- Protection of personal data
A-001-2009 15/10/2009 Confidentiality - Name of the Appellant
- Name of the substance