Prípady, v ktorých agentúra ECHA vystupuje ako odporca alebo vedľajší účastník konania

Prípady, v ktorých agentúra ECHA vystupuje ako odporca alebo vedľajší účastník konania

Prípady, v ktorých agentúra ECHA vystupuje ako odporca alebo vedľajší účastník konania

Táto tabuľka obsahuje všetky prípady, ktoré boli uzavreté súdnym rozsudkom a ktorých účastníkom je agentúra ECHA. Zainteresované strany si môžu ľahko vyhľadať rozhodnutia, ktoré sa ich môžu týkať v rámci rozsahu hlavných činností agentúry ECHA (o.i. podľa nariadení REACH, CLP). V súvislosti s niektorými prípadmi môže prebiehať odvolacie konanie alebo existovať spätný alebo právny odkaz. Informácie o nich sú takisto uvedené v tabuľke. V tabuľke sa neuvádzajú prípady týkajúce sa zamestnancov alebo verejného obstarávania.

Uzavreté súdne prípady boli rozdelené do ôsmich kategórií:

  1. Zoznam kandidátskych látok podľa nariadenia REACH: prípady týkajúce sa identifikácie látky ako látky vzbudzujúcej veľmi veľké obavy;
  2. Registrácia podľa REACH: prípady súvisiace s povinnosťou spoločného predkladania údajov;
  3. Autorizácia podľa nariadenia REACHprípady týkajúce sa zahrnutia látky do autorizačného zoznamu (príloha XIV) a žiadostí o autorizáciu;
  4. Hodnotenie podľa nariadenia REACH: prípady, v ktorých agentúra ECHA požiadala registrujúceho o informácie v rámci postupu hodnotenia (články 40, 41 alebo 46 nariadenia REACH);
  5. Harmonizovaná klasifikácia a označovanie: prípady týkajúce sa harmonizácie klasifikácie látky;
  6. Biocídy: prípady týkajúce sa biocídov;
  7. ATD: prípady týkajúce sa žiadostí o prístup k dokumentom;
  8. Veľkosť spoločnosti: prípady týkajúce sa overenia veľkosti spoločnosti a súvisiacich poplatkov. 


Case number Parties Keywords Main Legal Provisions Procedurally linked cases Date of the ruling
T-673/13 European Coalition to End Animal Experiments v ECHA Action for annulment - REACH - Application for registration of the chemical substance triphenyl phosphate - Intervener before the Board of Appeal of ECHA - Applicant not affected directly - Concept of regulatory act - Inadmissibility Art. 263 TFEU;
Art. 114 of the Rules of Procedure 
T-125/17 R BASF Grenzach v ECHA Interim measures — REACH — Substance triclosan — Evaluation procedure — Decision of the Board of Appeal of the ECHA — Obligation to provide certain information requiring animal testing — Application for interim measures — No urgency Art 278 and 279 of TFEU; Art. 156 and 158 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court    

Initial case:



Appeal for the interim measures:

C-565/17 P(R)

T755/17 Federal Republic of Germany v ECHA REACH — Evaluation of substances — Benpat — Persistence — ECHA decision requesting further information — Article 51(6) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 — Action brought before the Board of Appeal — Task of the Board of Appeal — Adversarial procedure — Nature of review — Intensity of review — Powers of the Board of Appeal — Article 93(3) of Regulation No 1907/2006 — Conferral of powers on EU agencies — Principle of conferral — Principle of subsidiarity — Proportionality — Obligation to state reasons Articles 51 (6) and 93 (3) of REACH 20/09/2019
T‑125/17 BASF GRENZACH v ECHA REACH — Evaluation of substances — Triclosan — ECHA decision requesting further information — Article 51(6) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 — Action brought before the Board of Appeal — Task of the Board of Appeal — Adversarial nature of the procedure — Scope of the review — Intensity of the review — Powers of the Board of Appeal — Article 93(3) of Regulation No 1907/2006 — First sentence of Article 47(1) of Regulation No 1907/2006 — Relevant information — Proportionality — Article 25 of Regulation No 1907/2006 — Annex XIII to Regulation No 1907/2006 — Data obtained under relevant circumstances — Persistence — Neurotoxicity — Reproductive toxicity — Article 12(1) of Regulation (EC) No 771/2008 — Delay in the submission of a scientific opinion Arts. 51(6), 93(3), 47(1), and 25 REACH, Annex III REACH, Art. 12 (1) Reg (EC) No 771/2008

Proceedings for interim measures:
125/17 R

Appeal for the interim measures:
C-565/17 P (R)

T‑176/19 R 3V Sigma SpA v ECHA Application for interim measures — REACH — UVASORB HEB — Evaluation procedure — Decision of the Board of Appeal of ECHA — Application for interim measures — No urgency Art 278 and 279 of TFEU

Initial case:


T-283/15 Esso Raffinage v ECHA REACH — Dossier evaluation — Compliance check of registrations — Check of information submitted and follow-up to dossier evaluation — Statement of non-compliance — Jurisdiction of the General Court — Actions for annulment — Challengeable act — Direct and individual concern — Admissibility — Legal basis — Articles 41, 42 and 126 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 Art 41 and 42 of REACH


C-471/18 P
C‑565/17 P(R) BASF Grenzach v ECHA Appeal — Order for interim measures — Decision of the Board of Appeal of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) relating to the substance evaluation of triclosan — Suspension of operation — Urgency — Intervention — No direct, existing interest Art 278 and 279 of TFEU

Initial case:

Proceedings for interim measures:
C-565/17 P (R)

T-176/19 3V Sigma v ECHA REACH – Substance evaluation – UVASORB HEB – Decision of the ECHA requesting further information – Article 46(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Request seeking to identify potential transformation or degradation products of the substance – Proportionality – Need for the additional study requested – Relevant conditions and realistic conditions – Study temperature – Manifest error of assessment Art 46(1) of REACH

Proceedings for interim measures:
T-176/19 R



Plzeňská teplárenská v ECHA Action for annulment — Application lodged via e-Curia — Article 56a(4) of the Rules of Procedure — Failure to fulfil procedural requirements — Manifest inadmissibility

Article 40 of the REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006)
Article 56a(4) of the Rules of Procedure


C-471/18 P

Germany v Esso Raffinage Appeal – Registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals – Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) – Articles 5 and 6 – General obligation to register substances – Articles 41 and 42 – Evaluation of registration dossiers and compliance check of information submitted by registrants – Declaration of non-compliance – Actionable measure – Interest in bringing proceedings – Locus standi – Respective competences of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and national authorities – Obligation on ECHA to check the compliance of additional information submitted by registrants at its request – ECHA’s power to take an appropriate decision – Article 1 – Objective of protecting human health and the environment – Articles 13 and 25 – Use of animal testing – Promotion of alternative methods

Articles 1, 5, 6, 13, 25, 41, and 42 of the REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006)

Appeal of the Case T-283/15


T-655/20 R

Symrise v ECHA Application for interim relief – REACH – Substance 2-ethylhexyl salicylate – Compliance check of registrations – Obligation to provide certain information requiring animal testing – Application for interim measures – No urgency

REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006)

Appeal C-281/21 P(R)


T-656/20 R

Symrise v ECHA Application for interim relief – REACH – Substance homosalate – Compliance check of registrations – Obligation to provide certain information requiring animal testing – Application for interim measures – No urgency

REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006)

Appeal C-282/21 P(R)



One Voice v ECHA Action for annulment – REACH – Substance homosalate – Exclusive use for the manufacture of cosmetic products – Compliance check of registrations – Article 41(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Time limit for bringing an action – Article 21(5) of Regulation (EC) No 771/2008 – Article 59 of the Rules of Procedure – Inadmissibility

Article 41(1) of the REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006),
Article 21(5) of the Regulation (EC) No 771/2008,
Article 59 of the Rules of Procedure

Action Against the BoA Decision in A-009-2018



One Voice v ECHA Action for annulment – REACH – Substance 2-ethylhexyl salicylate – Exclusive use for the manufacture of cosmetic products – Compliance check of registrations – Article 41(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Time limit for bringing an action – Article 21(5) of Regulation (EC) No 771/2008 – Article 59 of the Rules of Procedure – Inadmissibility

Article 41(1) of the REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006),
Article 21(5) of the Regulation (EC) No 771/2008,
Article 59 of the Rules of Procedure

Action Against the BoA Decision in A-010-2018


T-207/21 R

Polynt v ECHA Application for interim measures – REACH – Hexahydro-4-methylphthalic anhydride substance – Obligation to register – Evaluation of dossiers – Examination of testing proposals – Obligation to provide certain information requiring animal testing – Application for interim measures – No urgency

REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006),
Articles 278 and 279 TFEU

Action Against the BoA Decision in A-015-2019


C-282/21 P-R

Symrise v ECHA Appeal – Interim order – Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH) – Substance homosalate – Substance used exclusively in the manufacture of cosmetic products – Decision of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) requesting that the appellant submit additional toxicity studies and tests – Application for interim measures – No urgency – Dismissal

REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006)

Appeal of the Case T-656/20 R



France v ECHA REACH – Substance evaluation – Aluminium chloride – Aluminium chloride, basic – Aluminium sulphate – ECHA decisions requesting further information – Article 46(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Appeal brought before the Board of Appeal – Multiple grounds for the decision of the Board of Appeal – Grounds capable of justifying the decision – Inoperative nature of the pleas directed against the other grounds

Article 46(1) of the REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006)

Action Against the BoA Joined Decisions in A-003-2018, A-004-2018, and A-005-2018



Nouryon Industrial Chemicals and Others v Commission REACH – Evaluation of registration dossiers and compliance check of information provided by registrants – Request for further studies for the purposes of the registration dossier for dimethyl ether – Pre-natal developmental toxicity study – Extended one-generation reproductive toxicity study – Dose-range finding study – Article 51(7) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Animal testing – Article 25 of Regulation No 1907/2006 – Manifest error of assessment – Proportionality

Articles 13(3), 51(7), Annex IX, Annex X of the REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006)
