Processos com a ECHA na qualidade de recorrida ou interveniente

Processos com a ECHA na qualidade de recorrida ou interveniente

Processos com a ECHA na qualidade de recorrida ou interveniente

Este quadro contém todos os processos judiciais encerrados de que a ECHA foi parte. As partes interessadas podem facilmente consultar as decisões que lhes possam ser relevantes no âmbito das atividades principais da ECHA (REACH, CLP, entre outras). Em alguns processos, poderá estar pendente um recurso ou reenvio, os quais se encontram também enumerados no quadro. O quadro não apresenta processos relacionados com o pessoal ou os contratos públicos.

Os processos judiciais encerrados foram classificados em oito categorias:

  1. Lista de substâncias candidatas do REACH: processos relacionados com a identificação de uma substância como suscitando elevada preocupação;
  2. Registo REACH: processos relacionados com a obrigação de apresentação conjunta de dados;
  3. Autorização do REACH processos relacionados com a inclusão de uma substância na Lista de Autorização (Anexo XIV) e pedidos de autorização;
  4. Avaliação do REACH: processos em que a ECHA solicitou informações ao registante ao abrigo do procedimento de avaliação (artigos 40.º, 41.º ou 46.º do REACH);
  5. CRH: processos relativos à harmonização da classificação de uma substância;
  6. Produtos Biocidas: processos relacionados com produtos biocidas;
  7. ATD: processos relacionados com pedidos de acesso a documentos;
  8. Dimensão da empresa: processos relacionados com a verificação da dimensão da empresa e despesas conexas. 


Case number Parties Keywords Main Legal Provisions Procedurally linked cases Date of the ruling


Crosfield Italia v ECHA REACH — Fee for registration of a substance — Reduction granted to micro-, small-and medium-sized enterprises — Error in declaration relating to the size of the enterprise — Recommendation 2003/361/EC — Decision imposing an administrative charge — Obligation to state reasons

Art. 296 of TFEU, Article 20, 91(1) and 94(1) of REACH, Art. 48(2) of the Rules of Procedure of General Court, Art. 6(2) of the Annex to Recommendation 2003/361



Spraylat v ECHA REACH — Fee for registration of a substance — Reduction granted to micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises — Error in declaration relating to the size of the enterprise — Decision imposing an administrative charge — Proportionality

Art. 277 of TFEU; Art. 2 and Table 1 of Decision MB/D/29/2010

T-656/16 PM v ECHA REACH — Fee due for the registration of a substance — Reduction granted to SMEs — Determination of the size of the undertaking — ECHA’s verification of the undertaking’s declaration — Request for evidence demonstrating the status of a SME — Decision imposing an administrative charge Art. 1(1) and 74(3) of REACH 03/10/2017
T-758/15 EDF Toruń v ECHA REACH — Fee for registration of a substance — Reduction granted to SMEs — Error in the declaration relating to the size of the enterprise — Decision imposing an administrative charge — Recommendation 2003/361/EC — Legitimate expectations — Proportionality — Calculation criteria of the amount of the administrative charge

Art. 3(36) of REACH; Art. 13 of Regulation No 340/2008

T-675/13 K Chimica v ECHA REACH — Fee for registration of a substance — Reduction granted to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises — Error in declaration relating to the size of the enterprise — Recommendation 2003/361/EC — Decision imposing an administrative charge — Determination of an enterprise’s size — Power of the ECHA Art. 63 of TFEU; Art. 3 of REACH; Art. 6(3) of the Annex to Recommendation 2003/361 15/09/2016
T-620/13 Marchi Industriale v ECHA REACH — Fee for registration of a substance — Reduction granted to micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises — Error in declaration relating to the size of the enterprise — Recommendation 2003/361/EC — Decision imposing an administrative charge — Determination of the size of the undertaking — Power of the ECHA — Obligation to state reasons Art. 20 and 91(1) of REACH; Art. 3(2) and 6(2) of the Annex to Recommendation 2003/361 15/09/2016
T-392/13 La Ferla v Commission and ECHA REACH — Fee for registration of a substance — Reduction granted to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises — Error in declaration relating to the size of the enterprise — Recommendation 2003/361/EC — Decision imposing an administrative charge — Request for information — Power of the ECHA — Proportionality Art. 263 of TFEU; Art. 3 and 20 of REACH T-392/13 DEP 15/09/2016
T-540/13 Société européenne des chaux et liants v ECHA Action for annulment — REACH — Imposition of an administrative charge for an error in declaration relating to the size of the undertaking — Rules on languages — Period allowed for commencing proceedings — Inadmissibility Art. 104 of REACH; Art. 134(1) of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court 02/10/2015
T-89/13 Calestep v ECHA REACH — Fee for registration of a substance — Reduction granted to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises — Error in declaration relating to the size of the enterprise — Decision imposing an administrative charge — Recommendation 2003/361/EC — Action manifestly lacking any foundation in law Art. 20, 91 and 94 of REACH; Art. 2(2) of the Annex to Recommendation 2003/361/EC T-89/13 R 16/09/2015
T-89/13 R Calestep v ECHA Reference – Fees and charges payable to ECHA - Reduced fees awarded to small businesses - Verification by ECHA of the declaration on the size of the undertaking - Decision ordering the recovery of the unpaid balance of the full fee due - Application for suspension of operation - Failure to comply with formal requirements - Inadmissibility Art. 44(1) (c) and 104 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court; Art. 256(1), 278 and 279 of TFEU T-89/13 11/03/2013
T-392/13 DEP La Ferla v Commission and ECHA Procedure - Taxation of costs

Art. 140 and 170 of the Rules of Procedure;
Art. 263 of TFEU

Initial case:

T-630/16 Dehtochema Bitumat v ECHA REACH — Fee payable for registration of a substance — Reduction granted to SMEs — Recommendation 2003/361/EC — Notion of linked undertaking — Submission of a ‘Declaration of Wrong Enterprise Size’ — 50% reduction of the amount of the applicable administrative charge — Authority of the ECHA — Cessation of production of the substance Art. 134(1) of the Rules of Procedure; Art. 3 and 6 of the Annex to the Recommendation 2003/361/EC 16/01/2018
T-625/16 R Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej v ECHA REACH — Fee payable for registration of a substance — Reduction granted to SMEs — Error in the declaration relating to the size of the undertaking — Decision imposing an administrative charge — Cessation of production of the substance — Criteria for calculation of the administrative charge — Recommendation 2003/361/EC — Legal certainty — Legitimate expectations — Proportionality — Equal treatment

Art. 256, 278 and 279 of TFEU;
Art. 156 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court

Initial case:

T-855/16 R Fertisac v ECHA Interim proceedings — REACH — Fee due for registration of a substance — Reduction granted to micro, small and medium-sized undertakings — Decision imposing an administrative charge and a supplementary fee — Application for suspension of operation — No urgency Art. 256, 278 and 279 of TFEU; 
Art. 156 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court

Initial case:

T-625/16 Przedsiebiorstwo
Energetyki Cieplnei
Sp. z. o.o. v ECHA
REACH — Fee payable for registration of a substance — Reduction granted to SMEs — Error in the declaration relating to the size of the undertaking — Decision imposing an administrative charge — Cessation of production of the substance — Criteria for calculation of the administrative charge — Recommendation 2003/361/EC — Legal certainty — Legitimate expectations — Proportionality — Equal treatment Article 6(4), 3(36) and 74(3) of REACH

Proceedings for interim measures:

T-625/16 R
T-855/16 Fertisac v ECHA REACH — Fee payable for registration of a substance — Reduction granted to SMEs — Verification by the ECHA of the declaration relating to the size of the enterprise — Decision imposing an administrative charge — Recommendation 2003/361/EC — Exceeding of financial ceilings — Concept of ‘linked enterprise’ Art 2(1), 3(2) and 6(2) of the Annex to the Recommendation 2003/361/EC

Proceedings for interim measures:
T-855/16 R



Electroquimica Onubense v ECHA REACH — Representation by a lawyer who is not a third party — Manifest inadmissibility

Regulation (EC) No 340/2008



ECHA v Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. Radiation of the case

Article 267 TFEU



Novasol S.A. v. ECHA REACH - Fee for the registration of a substance - Reduction granted to SMEs - Verification by ECHA of the declaration relating to the size of the undertaking - Request for evidence demonstrating SME status - Refusal to provide certain information - Decision ordering recovery of the uncollected amount of the fee due and imposing an administrative charge - Concept of 'related undertaking' - Recommendation 2003/361/EC - Obligation to state motivation

Article 74(3) of the REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006); Article 13(3) & 13(4) of Regulation 340/2008

SME D (2021)8531-DC
