
NB! PIC-määruse viimased muudatused ei pruugi olla veel lisatud allolevasse konsolideeritud versiooni.


Ohtlike kemikaalide eksporti ja importi käsitleva määruse (EL) nr 649/2012 konsolideeritud versioon. Määrus võeti vastu 4. juulil 2012 ja see jõustus 1. märtsil 2014.

Konsolideeritud versioon ei sisalda põhjendusi. Põhjendusi saab vaadata PIC-määruse algsest tekstist allpool.

Käesolev tekst on koostatud dokumenteerimiseks ja Euroopa Kemikaaliamet ei vastuta selle sisu eest. NB! Tekst ei ole õiguslikult siduv. Õiguslikel eesmärkidel tutvuge Euroopa Liidu Teatajas avaldatud tekstidega.

  • български
  • ceština
  • dansk
  • deutsch
  • ελληνικά
  • English
  • español
  • eesti keel
  • suomi
  • français
  • hrvatski
  • magyar
  • italiano
  • lietuviu kalba
  • latviešu valoda
  • Malti
  • Nederlands
  • polski
  • português
  • româna
  • slovencina
  • slovenšcina
  • svenska

PIC-määruse algne tekst

Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu 4. juuli 2012. aasta määrus (EL) nr 649/2012 ohtlike kemikaalide ekspordi ja impordi kohta

  • български
  • ceština
  • dansk
  • deutsch
  • ελληνικά
  • eesti
  • español
  • eesti keel
  • suomi
  • français
  • hrvatski
  • magyar
  • italiano
  • lietuviu kalba
  • latviešu valoda
  • Malti
  • Nederlands
  • polski
  • português
  • româna
  • slovencina
  • slovenšcina
  • svenska

PIC legislation - implementing decisions

Implementing decisions

Commission Implementing Decision of 2 Jun 2023 laying down the final import response on behalf of the Union concerning the future import of certain chemicals pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council 2023/C 198/07

  • български
  • ceština
  • dansk
  • deutsch
  • ελληνικά
  • English
  • español
  • eesti keel
  • suomi
  • français
  • hrvatski
  • magyar
  • italiano
  • lietuviu kalba
  • latviešu valoda
  • Malti
  • Nederlands
  • polski
  • português
  • româna
  • slovencina
  • slovenšcina
  • svenska


Commission Implementing Decision of 26 August 2021 correcting Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/2182 laying down the final import response on behalf of the Union concerning the future import of certain chemicals pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council 2021/C 348 I/02

  • български
  • ceština
  • dansk
  • deutsch
  • ελληνικά
  • English
  • español
  • eesti keel
  • suomi
  • français
  • hrvatski
  • magyar
  • italiano
  • lietuviu kalba
  • latviešu valoda
  • Malti
  • Nederlands
  • polski
  • português
  • româna
  • slovencina
  • slovenšcina
  • svenska


Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/2182 of 18 December 2020 laying down the final import response on behalf of the Union concerning the future import of certain chemicals pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council and amending the Commission Implementing Decision of 15 May 2014 adopting Union import decisions for certain chemicals pursuant to that Regulation (notified under document C(2020) 8977)

  • български
  • ceština
  • dansk
  • deutsch
  • ελληνικά
  • English
  • español
  • eesti keel
  • suomi
  • français
  • hrvatski
  • magyar
  • italiano
  • lietuviu kalba
  • latviešu valoda
  • Malti
  • Nederlands
  • polski
  • português
  • româna
  • slovencina
  • slovenšcina
  • svenska


Commission Implementing Decision of 10 October 2018 laying down the final import response on behalf of the Union concerning the future import of certain chemicals pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council and amending Commission Implementing Decision C(2016) 747

  • български
  • ceština
  • dansk
  • deutsch
  • ελληνικά
  • English
  • español
  • eesti keel
  • suomi
  • français
  • hrvatski
  • magyar
  • italiano
  • lietuviu kalba
  • latviešu valoda
  • Malti
  • Nederlands
  • polski
  • português
  • româna
  • slovencina
  • slovenšcina
  • svenska


Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1115 of 7 July 2016 establishing a format for the submission by the European Chemicals Agency of information concerning the operation of the procedures pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the export and import of hazardous chemicals (notified under document C(2016) 4141) C/2016/4141

  • български
  • ceština
  • dansk
  • deutsch
  • ελληνικά
  • English
  • español
  • eesti keel
  • suomi
  • français
  • hrvatski
  • magyar
  • italiano
  • lietuviu kalba
  • latviešu valoda
  • Malti
  • Nederlands
  • polski
  • português
  • româna
  • slovencina
  • slovenšcina
  • svenska


Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/770 of 14 April 2016 establishing a common format for the submission of information concerning the operation of the procedures pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the export and import of hazardous chemicals (notified under document C(2016) 2068) C/2016/2068

  • български
  • ceština
  • dansk
  • deutsch
  • ελληνικά
  • English
  • español
  • eesti keel
  • suomi
  • français
  • hrvatski
  • magyar
  • italiano
  • lietuviu kalba
  • latviešu valoda
  • Malti
  • Nederlands
  • polski
  • português
  • româna
  • slovencina
  • slovenšcina
  • svenska


Commission Implementing Decision of 11 February 2016 adopting Union import decisions for certain chemicals pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council and amending Commission Decisions 2005/416/EC and 2009/966/EC

  • български
  • ceština
  • dansk
  • deutsch
  • ελληνικά
  • English
  • español
  • eesti keel
  • suomi
  • français
  • hrvatski
  • magyar
  • italiano
  • lietuviu kalba
  • latviešu valoda
  • Malti
  • Nederlands
  • polski
  • português
  • româna
  • slovencina
  • slovenšcina
  • svenska


Commission Implementing Decision of 15 May 2014 adopting Union import decisions for certain chemicals pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council

  • български
  • ceština
  • dansk
  • deutsch
  • ελληνικά
  • English
  • español
  • eesti keel
  • suomi
  • français
  • hrvatski
  • magyar
  • italiano
  • lietuviu kalba
  • latviešu valoda
  • Malti
  • Nederlands
  • polski
  • português
  • româna
  • slovencina
  • slovenšcina
  • svenska