Sager med ECHA som sagsøgt eller intervenient

Sager med ECHA som sagsøgt eller intervenient

Sager med ECHA som sagsøgt eller intervenient

Denne tabel indeholder samtlige afsluttede retssager, hvori ECHA har været part. Interesserede parter kan let henvise til afgørelser, der har relevans for dem inden for rammerne af ECHA's hovedaktiviteter (bl.a. REACH og CLP). Nogle af sagerne kan omfatte en endnu ikke færdigbehandlet klage eller tilbagesendelse. Disse fremgår også af tabellen. Tabellen viser ikke personale- eller indkøbssager.

De afsluttede retssager er opdelt i otte kategorier:

  1. Reach-kandidatliste: sager vedrørende identifikation af et stof som et særligt problematisk stof
  2. REACH-registrering: sager vedrørende forpligtelsen til fælles indsendelse af data
  3. Reach-godkendelse: sager vedrørende opførelse af et stof på godkendelseslisten (bilag XIV) og ansøgninger om godkendelse
  4. Reach-evaluering: sager, hvor ECHA har anmodet om oplysninger fra en registrant i forbindelse med vurderingsproceduren (artikel 40, 41 eller 46 i REACH)
  5. CLH: sager vedrørende harmoniseret klassificering af stoffer
  6. Biocider: sager vedrørende biocider
  7. ATD: sager vedrørende anmodninger om aktindsigt i dokumenter
  8. Virksomhedsstørrelse: sager vedrørende verificering af virksomhedsstørrelse og tilhørende gebyrer. 


Case number Parties Keywords Main Legal Provisions Procedurally linked cases Date of the ruling
T-360/13 VECCO and Others v Commission (ECHA as intervener) REACH — Inclusion of chromium trioxide in the list of substances subject to authorisation — Uses or categories of uses exempted from the authorisation requirement — Concept of ‘existing specific Community legislation imposing minimum requirements relating to the protection of human health or the environment for the use of the substance’ — Manifest error of assessment — Proportionality — Rights of the defence — Principle of sound administration Art. 58(2) of REACH, Art. 1 of Directive 98/24, Art. 40 of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union Appeal:
C-651/15 P
C-651/15 P VECCO and others v Commission (ECHA as intervener) Appeal — Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) — Article 58(2) — Authorisation — Substances of very high concern — Exemption — Regulation amending Annex XIV to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 — Inclusion of chromium trioxide in the list of substances subject to authorisation Art. 58(2) REACH Initial case:
T‑837/16 Sweden v Commission (ECHA as intervener) Commission Decision on the authorisation for the use of yellow and red chromate, molybdate and lead sulfate - Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) - Articles 60(4) and (5) - Examination of unavailable resolutions as substitutes - Error of law Articles 60(4) and (5) of REACH


C-389/19 P-R

T‑108/17 ClientEarth v Commission (ECHA as intervener) REACH — Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 — Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) — Request for internal review of a decision on marketing authorisation rejected as unfounded — Error of law — Manifest error of assessment — Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006 Articles 57(c), 62, 60(7), 62(4), 60(4), 60(5), and 60(2) of REACH 04/04/2019
T610/17 ICL-IP Terneuzen, BV, and ICL Europe Coöperatief UA v European Commission (ECHA as intervener) REACH — Substances subject to authorisation — Inclusion of 1-bromoproprane (nPB) in Annex XIV to Regulation No 1907/2006 — Volumes — Registration dossier — Data — Substance grouping — Principle of sound administration — Right to conduct business and pursue a trade freely — Obligation to state reasons — Legitimate expectations — Proportionality — Equal treatment Art 57 (c), 58 (3), 59 (8) and  Annex XIV of REACH 20/09/2019
C-389/19 P-R European Commission v. Kingdom of Sweden (ECHA as intervener) Reference – Appeal – Articles 278 and 279 TFEU – Application for a stay execution – Request for interim measures – Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Chemical substances – Classification, labelling and packaging of certain substances and mixtures – Commission Decision on the authorisation for the use of yellow and red chromate, molybdate and lead sulfate Articles 278 and 279 TFEU

Initial case:


C-389/19 P

Commission v Sweden Appeal – Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals – European Commission decision authorising certain uses of lead sulfochromate yellow and lead chromate molybdate sulfate red, substances listed in Annex XIV of that regulation – Substances of very high concern – Conditions of authorisation – Assessment of the lack of suitable alternatives

Article 60(4) of the REACH Regulation No 1907/2006

Appeal of the Case T-837/16
