Sager med ECHA som sagsøgt eller intervenient

Sager med ECHA som sagsøgt eller intervenient

Sager med ECHA som sagsøgt eller intervenient

Denne tabel indeholder samtlige afsluttede retssager, hvori ECHA har været part. Interesserede parter kan let henvise til afgørelser, der har relevans for dem inden for rammerne af ECHA's hovedaktiviteter (bl.a. REACH og CLP). Nogle af sagerne kan omfatte en endnu ikke færdigbehandlet klage eller tilbagesendelse. Disse fremgår også af tabellen. Tabellen viser ikke personale- eller indkøbssager.

De afsluttede retssager er opdelt i otte kategorier:

  1. Reach-kandidatliste: sager vedrørende identifikation af et stof som et særligt problematisk stof
  2. REACH-registrering: sager vedrørende forpligtelsen til fælles indsendelse af data
  3. Reach-godkendelse: sager vedrørende opførelse af et stof på godkendelseslisten (bilag XIV) og ansøgninger om godkendelse
  4. Reach-evaluering: sager, hvor ECHA har anmodet om oplysninger fra en registrant i forbindelse med vurderingsproceduren (artikel 40, 41 eller 46 i REACH)
  5. CLH: sager vedrørende harmoniseret klassificering af stoffer
  6. Biocider: sager vedrørende biocider
  7. ATD: sager vedrørende anmodninger om aktindsigt i dokumenter
  8. Virksomhedsstørrelse: sager vedrørende verificering af virksomhedsstørrelse og tilhørende gebyrer. 


Case number Parties Keywords Main Legal Provisions Procedurally linked cases Date of the ruling
T-245/11 ClientEarth and International Chemical Secretariat v ECHA Access to documents — Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 — Documents held by ECHA — Documents deriving from a third party — Time-limit for response to an application for access — Refusal of access — Exception relating to protection of the commercial interests of a third party — Exception relating to protection of the decision-making process — Overriding public interest — Environmental information — Emissions into the environment

Art. 39 of TRIPS Agreement;
Art. 2(3), 3(1), 4(1) to (4) of the Aarhus Convention;
Art. 2, 2(3) and 4 of Regulation No 1049/2001;
Art. 2 of Directive 2003/4/EC; Art. 1(1), 6(1) and 118 of REACH;
Art. 1(1) and 6(1) of Regulation No 1367/2006

T-189/14 R Deza v ECHA Application for interim measures — Access to documents — Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 — Documents held by the ECHA containing information submitted by an undertaking in connection with its application for authorisation to use a chemical substance — Decision to allow a third party access to the documents — Application for suspension of operation — Urgency — Prima facie case — Weighing up of interests Art. 104(2) of the Rules of Procedure T-189/14 25/07/2014
T-189/14 Deza v ECHA Access to documents – Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 – Environment – Public Health

Art. 4(2) of Regulation No 1049/2001; Art. 4 (3) and 118 of REACH;
Art. 39 of TRIPS Agreement;
Art. 8 of ECHR

T-189/14 R 13/01/2017
T-762/16 ArcelorMittal, Beval & Differdange S.A. and Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG v ECHA Access to documents — Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 — Documents held by the ECHA — Request relating to documents and to the identity of an initial requestor of access to information of a registrant of substances under Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 — Partial refusal of access — Withdrawal of the decision refusing access — No need to adjudicate Art. 130 (2) and (7) of the Rules of Procedure; Art. 263 TFEU 15/01/2018