Activities under IPA

Activities implemented under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) are funded by the European Union. These ECHA-driven projects provide capacity building for the European Union candidate and potential candidate countries to support their implementation of the EU chemicals legislation, and cooperation with ECHA.

Current IPA beneficiaries are:
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo *, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Türkiye.  
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence

ECHA has been active in capacity building projects in the Western Balkans and Türkiye since 2009.


EU events
Participation in ECHA’s Biocides Stakeholders' Day
25 June 2013
Helsinki, Finland

Seven official representing Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey participated in ECHA's first Biocides Stakeholders' Day. The event discussed the differences between the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) and the former Directive, opportunities for companies under the new regulation and the roles of the European Commission under BPR. The participation in this event facilitates the beneficiaries in their preparations for the alignment with the EU's biocidal product legislation. In addition, it provided a good opportunity to establish contacts with ECHA’s biocide experts and stakeholders interested in the biocides regulation.


Participation in the Open Session of the Forum-16 for Exchange of Information on Enforcement
29 October 2013
Helsinki, Finland

Three officials representing Albania and the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia participated in the Open Session of the Forum-16 for ECHA’s Accredited Stakeholder Organisations. During the session, the participants improve their knowledge about the role and activities undertaken by the Forum. The event discussed activities of the Forum in 2013, familiarised stakeholders with the roles and necessary institutional capacity for their involvement in the Forum's work and ECHA’s SME actions and the role of the SME Ambassador. In addition, the participants learned about recent enforcement projects in the Member States, such as the Dutch one on the digitalisation of Safety Data Sheets (SDS), the Nordic CLP project and the Austrian PIC inspections. The sessions also discussed stakeholders views for example on joint activities to reach the “unreachables” to improve the quality of SDS and to circumvent problems with the introduction of CLP classification of mixtures, deficient registration dossiers for substances with endocrine disrupting properties, the use of REACH data under other legislation and recycled substances and authorisation. In addition, the stakeholder involvement in the prioritisation and selection of harmonised enforcement projects and the compendium of analytical methods for the enforcement of restrictions were explored. The event provided the participants a good opportunity to establish contacts with representatives of the Forum Secretariat, Forum members and ECHA’s stakeholders.


Participation in the Open Session of the Forum-19 for Exchange of Information on Enforcement
06 November 2014
Brussels, Belgium

Five officials from Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Kosovo participated in the Open Session of the Forum-19 for ECHA’s Accredited Stakeholder Organisations. The session provided the participants with an overview of the Forum’s activities in 2014 and examples of national enforcement projects such as how Austrian is inspecting nanomaterial and Sweden is enforcing requirements for substances in articles. The event also explored stakeholders’ views on ECHA’s Statements of Non-Compliance, the ‘One Substance One Registration’ and ‘no data no market’ principles in avoiding unfair competition, the harmonized enforcement on the boarders and the inspection of nanomaterials. In addition, the Open Session discussed potential future EU-wide harmonised projects and the guidance for handling complaints related to information requests on SVHC in articles. The event allowed the IPA participants to establish contacts with the representatives of the Forum Secretariat, its members and ECHA’s stakeholders.


Participation in ECHA’s 2nd Biocides Stakeholders' Day
24 September 2014
Helsinki, Finland

Seventeen officials from Albania, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo , Serbia and Turkey participated in the second Biocides Stakeholders' Day. The event discussed the first year of implementation of the biocidal products regulation including the forthcoming revision of the fee regulation and national fees. The opportunities and challenges for the biocidal product formulators in 2014 and the amendment of secondary legislation were also explained. In addition, the new review programme regulation, IT tools and support to companies were covered. The participation in the day allowed the beneficiaries to establish contacts with ECHA’s biocide experts and stakeholders interested in biocides regulation.


Participation in the Workshop on the C&L Inventory and Dossier Submitters' Workshop
15-16 January 2013
Helsinki, Finland

One Croatian official participated in the workshop on the Public C&L Inventory and Dossier Submitters' workshop that ECHA organised for the Member States. These events helps Croatian authorities in understanding the possibilities the C&L Inventory offers in identifying and prioritising substances for the REACH and CLP processes. They also explained the current practice for developing high quality harmonised classification and labelling dossiers.


Workshop on Chemical and product safety in the Western Balkans – a priority area for the post 2015 agenda?
11-12 April 2013
Belgrade, Serbia

The goal of this activity was to provide the Western Balkan countries with information on the sound management of chemicals under the EU legislation in a workshop Chemical and product safety in the Western Balkans – a priority area for the post 2015 agenda?. The event was organised by WECF International (one of ECHA's Accredited Stakeholders), the UNDP Serbia and non-governmental partners from the Western Balkans. ECHA's presentation explained the status of REACH and CLP implementation in the context of the global 2020 Chemical Goal. Close to 50 experts from the region participated in the event. The event also provided an excellent opportunity for ECHA to meet and discuss bilaterally with the Serbian authorities and the EU Delegation in Belgrade.


Participation in the Topical Scientific Workshop on Risk Assessment for the Sediment Compartment
7-8 May 2013
Helsinki, Finland

One Serbian scientist participated in the Topical Scientific Workshop on Risk Assessment for the Sediment Compartment. The workshop reviewed the state of science in sediment risk assessment in the regulatory context by discussing European and non-European examples and case studies. The participants carried out scientific discussions in breakout sessions on definitions and models of risk assessment, exposure assessment and effect assessment. The aim of the beneficiaries’ participation in the workshop was to increase their understanding of new or improved approaches which may be applied by ECHA in the implementation of the REACH, CLP and biocides regulations and therefore assist in their preparations for the alignment with EU's chemical legislation. The event provided the Serbian expert a good opportunity to establish contacts with her peers working in the field of sediment toxicology.


Participation in ECHA’s 9th Stakeholders' Day
21 May 2014
Helsinki, Finland

Ten officials representing Albania, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia participated in ECHA’s ninth Stakeholders’ Day. The event discussed the REACH 2018 registration deadline, evaluation, supply chain communication and risk management. This information is very useful for the beneficiaries who already have transposed various regulatory processes that are in line with the EU chemical legislation. The day also allowed the IPA participants to establish contacts with ECHA staff and stakeholders.


Participation in the Workshop on CLH dossiers
10-11 June 2014
Helsinki, Finland

One Croatian official took part in the workshop on the Role of the harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) dossier for active substances in plant protection products and biocidal products. The workshop discussed the different steps and considerations in the preparation and submission of CLH dossiers for active substances in Plant Protection Products and Biocidal Products. The participation in this event enhanced the Croatian capability to prepare CLH dossiers. It also provided a good opportunity for the Croat to establish contacts with ECHA experts and Member State peers.


Workshop on CLP Regulation for mixtures
28-29 August 2014
Zagreb, Croatia

The ECHA presentation in the CLP workshop provided the Croatian authorities and industry with detailed information on the CLP regulation. The presentation focused on practical support to industry on the mixture classification and bridging principles, in the context of the classification deadline for mixtures on 1 June 2015. Over 60 participants attended the workshop that was organised under the TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange) programme. This speaking engagement was combined with a visit to the Croatian competent authority for REACH, BPR and CLP. The visit explored how the Croatian authorities have implemented the requirements to provide REACH, BPR and CLP helpdesk services. In addition, the Croatian needs for ECHA support in developing and enhancing guidance to its industry on the EU chemical legislation was explored.


Participation in the HelpNet workshop on biocides
25 September 2014
Helsinki, Finland

One Serbian official participated in the HelpNet workshop on biocides. The workshop discussed topical challenges in providing helpdesk support on the biocidal legislation and explored common communication needs in Member States to support industry. It also worked on frequently asked questions on the legislation. The workshop included a hands-on training on the biocides dossier submission portal (R4BP-3). In addition, the event provided the Serbian participant with a good opportunity to establish contacts with helpdesk officials at ECHA and in Member States.


Participation in the Topical Scientific Workshop on Regulatory Challenges in Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials
23-24 October 2014
Helsinki, Finland

Four experts representing Albania, Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Kosovo participated in the Topical Scientific Workshop on Regulatory Challenges in Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials. It provided the participants with the European, Canadian and US perspective on scientific challenges in regulatory risk assessment of nanomaterials. The workshop discussed the measurement and characterisation of nanomaterials; metrology and dose metrics for hazard and exposure assessment throughout the life cycle; environmental fate, persistence and bioaccumulation throughout the life cycle and read across and categories of nanomaterials. The aim of the beneficiaries’ participation in the workshop was to increase their understanding of new or improved approaches which may be applied by ECHA in the implementation of the REACH, CLP and biocides regulations and therefore assist in their preparations for the alignment with EU's chemical legislation. The event provided the experts a good opportunity to establish contacts with their peers working in the field of nanomaterial risk assessment.


Fact finding mission to Albania
5-6 February 2013
Tirana, Albania

Fourteen Albanian officials involved in the chemicals management attended the meeting in Tirana. They represented the Albanian Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration, Ministry of Health and other authorities. The mission familiarised ECHA with the institutional and regulatory framework of chemicals management in Albania. The aims of the IPA Pre-accession Programme and ECHA's capacity building project were also discussed. The participants explained their needs for training on the REACH, CLP, biocidal product and PIC regulations and what are their priorities in the coming months. Back-to-back to the meeting with the authorities ECHA participated in the final review meeting of the Strengthening Capacities for SAICM Implementation in Albania project that was implemented under the SAICM Quick Start Programme.


Fact Finding and Explanatory Mission to Montenegro
17 July 2013
Podgorica, Montenegro

Seventeen representatives of Montenegrin authorities and industry attended the meeting at the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism in Podgorica. The mission familiarised ECHA with the institutional and regulatory framework of chemicals management in Montenegro. The aims of the IPA Pre-accession Programme and ECHA's capacity building project were also discussed. The participants explained their needs for training on the REACH, CLP, biocidal product and PIC regulations and what are their priorities in the coming months. During the mission, an introductory training on the EU chemicals legislation was delivered to the meeting participants.


Fact Finding and Explanatory Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
10 October 2013
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Seven officials representing the authorities involved in the chemicals management at state level and in the three entities (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina) attended the meeting at the EU Delegation in Sarajevo. The mission familiarised ECHA with the institutional and regulatory framework of chemicals management in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aims of IPA Pre-accession Programme and ECHA's capacity building project were also discussed. The participants explained their needs for capacity building training on the REACH, CLP, biocidal product and PIC regulations and what are their priorities in the coming months. During the mission, an introductory training on the EU chemicals legislation was delivered to the meeting participants.


Fact Finding and Explanatory Mission to Kosovo
7-9 April 2014
Pristina, Kosovo

Eleven Kosovar officials involved in the chemicals management attended the meeting at the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning in Pristina. The mission familiarised ECHA with the institutional and regulatory framework of chemicals management in Kosovo. The aims of IPA Pre-accession Programme and ECHA's capacity building project were also discussed. The participants explained their needs for capacity building training on the REACH, CLP, biocidal product and PIC regulations and what are their priorities in the coming months. During the mission, an introductory training on the EU chemicals legislation was delivered to the meeting participants.


Mission to Turkey and fYROM
7-8 July 2014
Ankara, Turkey and Skopje, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

The mission consisted of meetings with the authorities in Turkey and in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The discussions covered the country specific capacity building needs on the EU chemical legislation (REACH, CLP, BPR & PIC) and what are their priorities in the coming months. The background and the aims of the IPA Pre-accession Programme and ECHA's project were also discussed. The meetings also enhanced ECHA's working relationship with the authorities and provided them with an overview of the tasks the EU Member States and their representatives have when carrying out regulatory work with ECHA. Eight officials attended the meeting in Ankara and six in Skopje.


ECHA Helpdesk officer explanatory mission to Croatia
22 November 2012
Zagreb, Croatia

This visit of ECHA’s helpdesk officers to the Croatian authorities was organised back-to-back with a TAIEX workshop on REACH-IT and IUCLID, in which ECHA explained the basic principles of IUCLID, REACH-IT and Chesar software tools. These tools are essential for duty holders in complying with the EU chemicals regulations. The Helpdesk officer’s meeting with the authorities was a preparatory step in the planning of a Croatian study visit to ECHA’s Helpdesk and to the Finnish REACH and CLP Helpdesk in December 2012.


Information Security Officer visit to Croatia
26 February 2013
Zagreb, Croatia

The visit of ECHA’s Security Officer introduced to the Croatian authorities the work, roles and necessary institutional capacities required by ECHA’s Information Systems. Special attention was paid to the roles of Security Officer, REACH-IT and IUCLID auditor, REACH-IT User Administrator, ICT Manager, End-user support point-of-contact, RIPE Administrator and RIPE Auditor. The Security Officer also explained in detail how the Croatian authorities get access to ECHA’s information systems such as REACH-IT and the IUCLID Member State database. In addition, he provided on update on the status of the security model for the biocides information system.


Meeting of the Informal network of EU agencies with Pre-Accession and European Neighbourhood programmes
27 June 2014
Brussels, Belgium

The participation in the EU Agencies’ meeting enabled the project team to discuss with the European Commission and other agencies the next phase of the IPA programme in the light of the launch of IPA II. The discussions covered the changes in rules, exchange of experiences, sharing of lessons learned and best practice in providing pre-accession assistance under the Pre-Accession and European Neighbourhood programmes.


Study visits


Albanian study visit to Croatia
3-4 December 2013
Zagreb, Croatia

Three Albanian officials visited the Croatian Competent Authority, the Ministry of Health State Sanitary Inspections Department for Chemicals. During the study visit, they learned about the Croatian organisational structures and work processes. The discussions covered the daily work in chemicals management and some examples of best practice in how Croatia has organised the work. The visit also enabled the participants to enhance their working relationship with the Croatian authorities.


Croatian study visit to ECHA's Helpdesk and to the Finnish REACH and CLP Helpdesk
17-19 December 2012
Helsinki, Finland

Three Croatian helpdesk official visited the ECHA helpdesk and the Finnish REACH and CLP helpdesk at the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes). The study visit aimed to prepare the Croats to be operational on the date of the country’s accession to the European Union on 1 July 2013. It discussed ECHA’s helpdesk work in responding questions from industry, concerning REACH, CLP and Biocides legislation, the most recent developments of processes and tools relevant to Croatian accession to the EU. At Tukes the officials explained how the REACH and CLP helpdesk organised in Finland. The visit enabled the participants to enhance their working relationship with ECHA colleagues and the Finnish authorities.


Croatian study visit to the Irish Health and Safety Authority
12-13 February 2013
Dublin, Ireland

Three officials from the Croatian competent authority visited the Irish Health and Safety Authority. The study visit provided the participants with first-hand information on the functioning of a Member State competent authority in the implementation of the EU legislation. It focused on the authority’s role in the various regulatory processes under REACH and CLP, they interaction with other authorities and with ECHA. In addition, the visit provided the Croats with information on the procedures and infrastructure applied in the Irish helpdesk and best practice on how the work has been organised. The visit enabled the participants to establish a working relationship with the Irish authorities.


Croatian study visit to the Lithuanian REACH and CLP competent authority
9-10 April 2013
Vilnius, Lithuania

Two Croatian officials visited the Lithuanian Environmental Protection Agency. The visit provided the participants with practical information on the functioning of the REACH and CLP competent authority in the country. It also gave insights into the work of the Lithuanian Helpdesk and enforcement authorities. The experiences of Lithuanian members in the ECHA bodies and networks were also discussed. The visit enabled the participants to establish a working relationship with the Lithuanian authorities.


Croatian study visit to the Slovenian competent authority
28-29 May 2013
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Six Croatian officials visited the Slovenian REACH, CLP, Biocides and PIC competent authority to learn about the best practice of operating a Member State competent authority and to gain insights into the work of the Slovene Helpdesk and enforcement authorities. The visit also discussed the public awareness activities undertaken in Slovenia for general public and professional users of chemicals. Moreover, the experiences of Slovene members in the ECHA bodies and networks were covered. The visit enabled the participants to enhance their working relationship with the Slovenian authorities.


Croatian study visit to the German enforcement authorities
11-12 June 2013
Hannover and Lüneburg, Germany

Three Croatian officials visited the enforcement authorities in Lower Saxony. The study visit provided the Croats with first-hand information on the functioning of the German enforcement authorities at state and federal level. The discussions covered both REACH and CLP inspections and the coordination of enforcement activities in Germany. In addition, a laboratory that carries out analysis for inspectors was visited. The visit enabled the participants to establish a working relationship with the German enforcement authorities.


Serbian study visit to Poland on PIC
02 April 2014
Lodz, Poland

Three Serbian officials visited the Polish Bureau for Chemical Substances. The programme covered the tasks the EU Member States have under the Rotterdam Convention and PIC regulation. The Polish PIC organisation and procedures were explained and the officers dealing with the PIC as their daily work provided examples of the best practice in organising the work in Poland. The visit enabled the participants to establish a working relationship with the Polish authorities.


fYROM study visit to ECHA and Finland on HelpNet
29 April 2014
Helsinki, Finland

Two representatives of the authorities involved in chemicals management in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (fYROM) visited ECHA and the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes). The visit provided information on the conditions that apply and necessary steps interested parties should follow if they are applying observer status in the REACH, CLP and biocides helpdesk network (HelpNet). The visit also discussed the organisation and activities of HelpNet from the perspective of ECHA and an EU Member State. The visit enabled the participants to establish a working relationship with ECHA colleagues and the Finnish authorities.


Albanian study visit to Belgium on the Biocidal Products Regulation
24 October 2014
Brussels, Belgium

Three Albanian officials visited the Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment in Brussels. The visit assisted Albania in the approximation of their biocidal legislation to the EU Biocidal Product Regulation (BPR). The programme included introduction to Belgian legislation on biocides including the Belgian authorisation scheme for biocidal products and sustainable use of biocides. The discussions also covered the implementation of BPR in Belgium and how that affects their procedures, organisation, helpdesk services and enforcement. The visit enabled the participants to establish a working relationship with the Belgian biocide authorities.


Croatian study visit to Austria on the Biocidal Product Regulation
5-6 November 2014
Vienna, Austria

Three Croatian officials took part in the study visit to the Austrian Federal Ministry of Environment and Environment Agency Austria. The visit provided the Croatian competent authority with information on the tasks of the EU Member States have under the Biocidal Product Regulation and how Member States work together with ECHA. The programme included discussion on how the Austrian competent authorities are organised and how they work together. The presentations covered the Austrian national authorisation and notification procedures as well as the mutual recognition procedures for biocidal products. The biocidal product evaluation and Austrian Helpdesk services were also discussed. The visit enabled the participants to establish a working relationship with the Austrian biocide authorities.




Pre-accession workshop for Croatian enforcement authorities on the Forum
28-29 January 2013
Zagreb, Croatia

Forty participants representing Croatian national and local level enforcement authorities participated in the workshop that provided practical information on REACH and CLP enforcement. It covered the role and main tasks of the Forum of EU enforcement authorities and how the Forum works towards harmonised inspection in Europe. The training helps Croatia to be ready for their enforcement tasks under REACH and CLP when Croatia enters into the European Union on 1 July 2013.


Pre-accession workshop on REACH-IT and IUCLID in Croatia
5-6 March 2013
Zagreb, Croatia

The workshop provided the Croatian authorities and industry with a hands-on training on REACH-IT and IUCLID 5, in the light of the country’s accession to the European Union and aligning with the EU chemicals legislation. The event also discussed the latest news and updates relevant to Croatian companies. Forty-three participants attended the workshop.


Workshop for Croatia on REACH-IT and ECHA’s IT tools
16 October 2013
Helsinki, Finland

Six Croatian officials attended the workshop on REACH-IT and ECHA’s other IT tools. It provided the Croatian competent authority and related institutions with a practical information on how to use ECHA's IT tools that are essential for Member States tasks in working and communicating with ECHA under the EU chemicals legislation.


Workshop on ECHA work related to CLP
26 February 2014
Istanbul, Turkey

Twelve participants representing authorities in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo , Serbia and Turkey participated in the workshop. It provided the participants with information on ECHA's work related to the CLP regulation, in light of the alignment of the beneficiaries’ legislation with the EU rules. The workshop discussed various aspects of ECHA's work related to CLP, including the processes for harmonised classification and labelling and for alternative chemical name in mixtures. It also explained the C&L Inventory, the importance of safety data sheets and hazard labels. In addition, the workshop indicated links of CLP to biocides, REACH and plant protection products regulations. The guidance and support ECHA provides to industry and the Agency’s communication activities on CLP were also described.


Capacity building workshop for Serbian authorities
6-7 May 2014
Belgrade, Serbia

Fifteen officials from Serbian authorities participated in the workshop. It provided them with detailed information on various aspects of ECHA's work related to the EU chemicals legislation. The workshop aimed at enhancing the participants’ understanding of the REACH regulation, especially on EU Member States’ tasks in the work of ECHA bodies and networks. In addition, it discussed the evaluation, authorisation and restrictions processes under REACH as well as ECHA's communication activities.


Workshop on the Biocidal Product Regulation
24-25 June 2014
Istanbul, Turkey

Ten participants representing authorities in Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo , Serbia and Turkey participated in the workshop. It provided the participants with introductory training on the Biocidal Product Regulation, the role of the Biocidal Products Committee and Member State tasks related to this regulation. The gained information helps the beneficiaries in aligning their national legislation with the EU biocides legislation.


Workshop on PIC and ePIC
30 September 2014
Helsinki, Finland

Eleven experts representing authorities in Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia participated in the workshop. It familiarised and provided the participants with information on ECHA's work on PIC and e-PIC. The information gained during the workshop helps the beneficiaries in their preparations for the alignment with the EU’s PIC regulation. The workshop also enhanced their contacts with ECHA (responsible for the administrative side of PIC Regulation in the EU) and other beneficiaries. These contacts facilitate the communications between the parties in relation to PIC import and export notifications.