Activities under IPA

Activities implemented under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) are funded by the European Union. These ECHA-driven projects provide capacity building for the European Union candidate and potential candidate countries to support their implementation of the EU chemicals legislation, and cooperation with ECHA.

Current IPA beneficiaries are:
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo *, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Türkiye.  
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence

ECHA has been active in capacity building projects in the Western Balkans and Türkiye since 2009.

IPA 2020-2021 EU Events

EU events

Safer Chemicals Conference 2020

2 June 2020

The Safer Chemicals conference, held online this year, included sessions on Safer Chemicals for a Greener Europe, Tracking substances of concern (SCiP) and Harmonised information for national Poison Centres.

  • Session 1: Safer chemicals for a greener Europe
  • Session 2: Tracking substances of concern
  • Session 3: Harmonised information for poison centres

ECHA HelpNet Steering group meeting and Workshop

19-22 October 2020

For observers only: Montenegro, Serbia and Türkiye.

The meeting programme focused on updating the current issues in the BPR, CLP and REACH implementation as well as on ECHA’s Guidance, Forum and communication activities. The meeting consisted also of in-depth workshops on BPR, CLP and REACH.

Helsinki Chemicals Forum

27-28 April 2021

The event was exceptionally held online due to the covid pandemic and ongoing interational travel restrictions. Five panels and presentation on transparency and risk.

  • Panel 1 – Forthcoming ICCM 5: Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste Beyond 2020
  • Panel 2 – Green chemical policy. How ambitious is the new EU Chemicals Strategy?
  • Panel 3 – Transparency & risk communication
  • Panel 4 – Safer substitution
  • Panel 5 – Spotlight on textiles

Safer Chemicals Conference 2021 (formerly ECHA Conference/Stakeholder Day)

6 October 2021

The Conference focused on sustainability. More than 2 000 people from all over the world joined us on 6 October 2021 to share insights.

ECHA HelpNet Steering Group meeting and Workshop

2 – 5 November 2021

For Observers Only: Montenegro, Serbia, Türkiye.

The meeting programme focused on updating issues relating to the REACH, CLP and BPR implementation. The meeting consisted of in-depth workshops on REACH, CLP and BPR.

Forum Open Session

10 November 2021

The Forum holds its open sessions once a year back-to-back with the last Forum meeting of the year. All ECHA Accredited Stakeholders (ASO) are invited to participate.

Helsinki Chemicals Forum

8 - 9 June 2022
Helsinki, Finland

The Helsinki Chemicals Forum is an independent annual forum engaging international authorities, industry leaders, NGOs, academics and the media in an open dialogue on safe use of chemicals.

The programme included the following five panels:

Panel 1 – Accelerating chemicals regulation: grouping of chemicals, generic approach to risk management and essential use concept

Panel 2 – How to best define and stimulate Safe and Sustainable by Design substances that can replace substances of concern?

Panel 3 – 3Cs concept: Can chemicals risk management be integrated with circularity and climate policy objectives?

Panel 4 – How to accelerate the replacement of animal toxicity testing?

Panel 5 – A science policy interface for the sound management of chemicals and waste: “something in it for all”

ECHA HelpNet Steering Group meeting and Workshop

25 – 27 October 2022
Helsinki, Finland

For Observers Only: Montenegro, Serbia, Türkiye.

The meeting programme focused on updating issues relating to the REACH, CLP and BPR implementation. The meeting consisted of in-depth workshops on REACH, CLP and BPR.

ECHA Forum Open sessions

9 November 2022

The Forum holds its open sessions once a year back-to-back with the last Forum meeting of the year. All ECHA Accredited Stakeholders (ASO) are invited to participate.

IPA 2020-2021 Studies


Two studies have been commissioned by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), on behalf of the European Commission (EC), and carried out by VVA Economics & Policy and RPA Europe Risk & Policy Analysts. The study work aimed to identify and assess gaps in the current national capacity and readiness to implement and enforce the EU chemical acquis in the (pre-)candidate countries.

The studies comprise three main elements - assessment of the state of harmonisation of the existing legislation with that of the EU acquis; clarifying the readiness of the countries’ institutional capacity to implement and enforce EU chemicals legislation post their accession to the EU; and outline of the findings in concrete action plans to enable the countries to enact their responsibility as EU Member States in the implementation of the chemicals regulations. These elements are covered in different work packages, the culmination of which are the concrete action plans published below. (The remaining work packages of the studies will be shared upon request to the Agency.)

The study findings represent the opinion of the contractor in charge of the study work.

2022: Assessment of the National Capacity and Readiness to Implement and Enforce REACH, CLP, BPR, POPs and PIC in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Turkey.

2021: Assessment of the national capacity and readiness to implement and enforce REACH, CLP, BPR and PIC in Montenegro and Serbia

IPA 2020-2021 Workshops


CLP Workshop

25 May 2020

The main focus of the workshop was to look into the European Commission’s views on two topics previously raised by the HelpNet, and preview ECHA’s presentations on poison centre notifications that would be webcast at the Safer Chemicals Conference.

REACH Workshop

26 May 2020

The European Commission gave an update on the recent legislative modifications and other acts issued by the Commission, including developments on the REACH authorisation and restrictions processes, REACH Review actions addressed in the REACH Evaluation Joint Action Plan, and an overview of the topics discussed in the past REACH Committee. Also included are perspectives of the German helpdesk, Life AskREACH project, and tracking substances of concern.

HelpNET Workshop

8-9 June 2021

REACH and CLP workshops open to Observers, including those IPA countries with an established national chemicals helpdesk.

HelpNet Workshop

2 - 5 November 2021

HelpNet Workshop

25 - 27 October 2022
Helsinki, Finland

REACH and CLP workshops open to Observers, including those IPA countries with an established national chemicals helpdesk.

IPA 2020-2021 trainings


Chemistry for Non-Chemists

September 2021

Five-half-days course giving basics of phys-chem properties etc. for regulators and inspectors.

Introduction to CLP

October 2021

Five-half-days course taking a detailed look at the EU's implementation of the UN's Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).

Hazard Training

November 2021


The role of Member States and ECHA in the implementation of the EU chemicals acquis

31 March 2022

This training provided an overview of the EU institutional framework, and the role of member states in the chemicals regulation.


17 – 19 May 2022

This training gave an overview of the BPR and the different processes related to biocides, as well as an introduction to the IT tools for biocides (R4BP3 and IUCLID).


20 September 2022

This training introduced IUCLID and its use for Member States Competent authorities and OECD countries. It also featured an introduction to the basic functions of IUCLID.

QSAR tool box

10 October 2022

This hands-on training demonstrated how to use the main functionalities of the software OECD QSAR Toolbox, including:

  • How to retrieve experimental data and access their details;
  • Profile substances and predict their metabolism;
  • Calculation of parameters (i.e. predicted physico-chemical properties) using EPISuite models in the QSAR Toolbox
  • Grouping of substances and identification of analogues
  • Data gap filling including predictions with external QSAR models
  • Functionalities in connection with IUCLID

IPA 2020-2021 Missions


Note: Following WHO and national health authority guidelines, missions were severely curtailed by COVID-19 travel restrictions throughout 2020 and 2021 and replaced wherever practical with online meetings and training.

Fact-finding Mission to Montenegro and Serbia

2-7 Feb 2020

ECHA and study contractor met with Competent Authorities and Inspectors for Chemicals and Biocides, with Chambers of Commerce and Industry, with NGOs and Academia, to gather information for study “Assessment of the national capacity and readiness to implement and enforce REACH, CLP, BPR and PIC in Montenegro and Serbia“. The study concluded in November 2020 with country-specific action plans presented to the responsible hierarchies in both countries.