Use maps

This tab describes the use map package. The functionality to submit filled-in use maps for their inclusion to the Use maps library is offered at the bottom of the page.

The use map package contains the templates necessary to generate use maps, which is the recommended way of making information on use and exposure known up the supply chain.

The package contains four templates: one for the general description of the uses and three for the information needed to carry out exposure assessments. Separate templates exist to report the inputs for the exposure assessment for workers (SWEDs), environment (SPERCs) and consumers (SCEDs).

Downstream user sector associations are encouraged to use the templates to develop or update their use maps.

The templates and further information on each of them are provided below.


1. Use maps - overview of common uses in a sector



The use map gives an overview of the common uses in a sector arranged by life cycle stage. Each use is described by a use name and some market information. A use consists of a number of contributing activities which are also listed.

For each contributing activity, a link is provided to the corresponding exposure assessment input (SWED, SCED or SPERC). The input includes the conditions of use and risk management measures. The conditions and risk management measures should be used when performing an exposure assessment for this contributing activity (See dropdown sections beneath on SWEDs, SPERCs and SCEDs.)

Download [PDF] [EN)
Download [XLS] [EN)



2. SWEDs – sector-specific workers exposure descriptions



SWEDs inform on operational conditions and risk management measures for activities by workers. Registrants can use the information as an input to their exposure assessments. The SWED template includes CoU applicable to the most frequently used workers' exposure assessment tools ECETOC TRA v3 , ART v.1.5, Stoffenmanager v.8 , Mease 2  and EMKG-Expo tool-v 2.0 (See Harmonised set of conditions of use). SWEDs include suitable standard phrases that help registrants effectively communicate the exposure scenarios attached to the safety data sheet to the downstream user.

Download (Version 2) [ZIP] [EN]


3. SPERCs - specific environmental release categories



SPERCs inform on operational conditions and risk management measures and the corresponding release factors to water, air, soil and waste. Registrants can use the information as an input to their environmental exposure assessments. SPERCs include suitable standard phrases that help the registrant communicate effectively with the downstream user.

SPERC fact sheet guidance
Download [PDF] [EN)
SPERC fact sheet template
Download [DOCX] [EN]


4. SCEDs - specific consumer exposure determinants



SCEDs inform on conditions of use for substances in consumer products. This includes information on the design of a consumer product type (e.g. package size and design) and information on the habits and practices of how consumers actually use the products. Registrants can use the information as an input to their exposure assessments. SCEDs include suitable standard phrases that help the registrant to communicate effectively with the downstream user.

Download [PDF] [EN)
Download [DOC] [EN)

Submitting information to the use maps library

Sector associations are invited to use the webform below to submit use maps and the associated files developed by them to be added to the library. In addition, each sector can report additional information that they would find useful to communicate in relation to their use map (e.g. additional guidance, plans for future developments).

What you need to do to submit information

  • Prepare the files to submit using the agreed naming convention: Sector acronym_use map element_file name_version number e.g. AISE_SWED_v1.2.
  • Fill in the webform.
  • Upload the complete information.
  • Make sure you type in the word shown in the CAPTCHA picture at the bottom of the webform.
  • Click the 'Submit' button.

Your data will be stored in a secure location on ECHA’s data servers and will be made publicly available in the use maps library tab.