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- EU import responses under the Rotterdam Convention
EU import responses under the Rotterdam Convention
EU import responses under the Rotterdam Convention
Import responses indicate whether the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention consent to import the chemicals listed in Annex III of the Convention and subject to the PIC procedure.
An import decision is adopted on behalf of the European Union and its Member States by means of implementing act. The decision is communicated to the Convention Secretariat in the form of a final or interim import response.
The import responses are published twice a year, in June and in December, in the PIC Circular document. They are also available at the Rotterdam Convention website in the database of import responses.
The table below shows the legal acts adopting the EU import decisions for Annex III chemicals and the relevant use categories. The table is updated twice a year.
- EU import responses table [PDF] [EN]
This table is provided for your convenience only, and ECHA makes no warranties or guarantees regarding its correctness or otherwise. The only official source of EU import responses remains the Import Responses database available at the Rotterdam Convention webpages, as well as the Official Journal of the European Union.
ECHA assumes no responsibility of any kind for your use of the data contained in this table, including uses in the context of fulfilling the requirements of the relevant legal obligations. This document is only for informative purposes, and it should not be used for commercial activities or reproduced further.