
Workshop on ECHA Dissemination Website: Substance Brief Profiles

3 December 2013 | Helsinki

The workshop aimed to discuss the type of information that should be included in a substance "brief profile", based on proposals prepared by ECHA.


The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) hosted a workshop to discuss the type of information that should be included in a substance "brief profile".  The purpose of the workshop was to engage relevant stakeholders at an early stage of the consultation/development process and discuss in more detail their concerns and needs regarding the information to be included in the substance brief profiles. Based on the findings and recommendations from the workshop ECHA will proceed further with the development of the brief profiles structure to be eventually incorporated into the new dissemination website.


Agenda [PDF]



Workshop Proceedings [PDF]


Presentation [PDF]


Welcome and Introduction

Christel Musset (ECHA)

ECHA's Dissemination website: Previous consultations on disseminated information

Vasileios Tsifoutis (ECHA)

Introduction to Substance Brief Profiles

Tiago Pedrosa (ECHA)

Infocard & Brief Profiles overview

Eoin Brennan (ECHA)

Break-out groups feedback

Tony Musu (ETUC) and

Vito Buonsante (ClientEarth)

Conclusions and Next steps

Vasileios Tsifoutis (ECHA)


Other information

The following documents supported the discussion:

Substance Brief Profiles Workshop Background information  [PDF]