
Stakeholders' Day 2017

The main focus of the day was preparing for the final REACH registration deadline on 31 May 2018. One year to the deadline, the conference offered registrants, in particular SMEs, the most up-to-date advice, guidance and case studies to help them register successfully.  

This was a two-day event. On 4 April, we offered training sessions on ECHA's IT tools and one-to-one sessions with our experts. On 5 April, the plenary session covered three main topics: REACH 2018 - one year to go, Case studies for successful registration and Using chemicals safer in Europe.



Download the programme

Overview of speakers 


Video recordings

4 April (IT tool training)

5 April 



Session 1: REACH 2018 - year to go

Session 2: Case studies for successful registration

Session 3: Using chemicals safer in Europe

IT tool training (4 April)


Target audience

The event is open to all but is particularly useful for those involved in REACH and CLP, industry associations, companies, public bodies, NGOs, representatives of countries outside the EU and the media.


Contact email

For specific questions, contact: