Ongoing guidance consultations
Ongoing guidance consultations
If ECHA identifies a need for updating existing guidance or for developing new guidance, it will prepare a corresponding draft document. A consultation procedure will be initiated based on this first draft and that will follow the following steps:
- Consultation of a Partner Expert Group (PEG);
- Consultation of ECHA's Committees and/or Forum, where relevant;
- Concluding consultation of the European Commission and the relevant Competent Authorities.
In order to ensure that the guidance updating process is kept transparent and open to participation by relevant partners, drafts of the texts and feedback from the different consultation steps will be published on this webpage.
- Draft to PEG
- Download document [PDF]
(11/07/2023) - PEG - Summary of comments
- Download document [XLSX]
- Draft to Committees and CARACAL
- Download document [PDF]
- Draft to PEG
- Download document [PDF]
Composition of PEG [PDF]
Collecting feedback
ECHA will systematically collect information on experience related to the use of existing guidance and the potential needs to develop new guidance. The main sources for such information are the questions from industry received by the ECHA helpdesk, issues arising from the national helpdesks, and issues highlighted by authorities during the use of guidance documents.