Gwida fuq il-leġiżlazzjoni tal-bijoċidi

Gwida fuq il-leġiżlazzjoni tal-bijoċidi

Gwida fuq il-leġiżlazzjoni tal-bijoċidi

Il-lista ta' hawn taħt fiha d-dokumenti ta' gwida kollha disponibbli, jew li se jkunu disponibbli fuq dan is-sit. Dawn id-dokumenti ġew żviluppati bil-parteċipazzjoni tal-Istati Membri, l-industrija u l-partijiet ikkonċernati akkreditati. L-għan ta' dawn id-dokumenti huwa li tkun faċilitata l-implimentazzjoni tar-Regolament għall-Prodotti Bijoċidali (BPR) billi tiġi deskritta l-prattika tajba fuq kif għandhom jitwettqu l-obbligi.
Minbarra l-gwida BPR, il-gwida tad-Direttiva għall-Prodotti Bijoċidali (BPD) u dokumenti relatati oħra huma meqjusa applikabbli għal sottomissjonijiet ġodda skont il-BPR fl-oqsma fejn il-gwida tal-BPR għadha qed titħejja. Barraminhekk, dawn id-dokumenti għadhom validi għal dak li jirrigwarda l-applikazzjonijiet għal sustanzi attivi għall-inklużjoni f'Anness I jew l-applikazzjonijiet għall-awtorizzazzjoni tal-prodott skont il-BPD li jista' jkun għadhom qed jiġu valutati.
Biocidal Products Regulation guidance structureVOL. IIEfficacyVOL. IIdentity, phys-chem, analytical methodologyVOL. IIIHuman HealthVOL. IVEnvironmentVOL. VSpecific guidanceBiocidal Products Regulation guidance structurePART A Information requirementsPART B+C Assessment + EvaluationActive substances and suppliers (Art 95 listDisinfection By-ProductsEndocrine disruptorsMicro-organismsTechnical equivalencePART A+B+C Information requirements +Assessment + Evaluation


Biocidal Products Regulation


Volume I Identity/physico-chemical properties/analytical methodology

Parts A+B+C: Information Requirements, Assessment and Evaluation
Reference name:
Guidance on the BPR: Volume I Identity/physico-chemical properties/analytical methodology (Parts A+B+C)
This Guidance describes the information requirements for active substances and biocidal products in accordance with the Title 1 of Annex II and Annex III of the BPR, including technical advice on how to perform the hazard and exposure assessment and risk characterisation for biocidal active substances and products.
Download introduction to guidance (29/03/2022)
Download guidance (29/03/2022)
Additional information on the ECHA website
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Volume II Efficacy

Part A: Information Requirements
Reference name:
Guidance on the BPR: Volume II Efficacy (Part A)
This Guidance describes the information requirements for active substances and biocidal products in accordance with the Title 1 of Annex II and III of the BPR.
Download introduction to guidance (29/03/2022)
Download guidance (29/03/2022)
Additional information on the ECHA website
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Parts B+C: Assessment and Evaluation
Reference name:
Guidance on the BPR: Volume II Efficacy, Assessment + Evaluation (Parts B+C)
This Guidance provides technical advice on how to perform the hazard and exposure assessment and risk characterisation for biocidal active substances and products with respect to efficacy
download full PDF document (11/08/2023)
Additional information on the ECHA website
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Volume III Human health

Part A: Information Requirements
Reference name:
Guidance on the BPR: Volume III Human Health (Part A)
This Guidance describes the information requirements for active substances and biocidal products in accordance with Title 1 of the amended Annex II and III of the BPR, applicable from 15 April 2022.
Download introduction to guidance (29/03/2022)
Download guidance (29/03/2022)
Additional information on the ECHA website
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Parts B+C: Assessment and Evaluation
Reference name:
Guidance on the BPR: Volume III Human Health, Assessment + Evaluation (Parts B+C)
This Guidance provides technical advice on how to perform the hazard and exposure assessment and risk characterisation for biocidal active substances and products with respect to human health risk assessment and evaluation.
download full PDF document (11/12/2017)
Additional information on the ECHA website
Biocides Human Health Exposure Methodology

Volume IV Environment

Part A: Information Requirements
Reference name:
Guidance on the BPR: Volume IV Environment (Part A)
This Guidance describes the information requirements for active substances and biocidal products in accordance with the Title 1 of Annex II and III of the BPR.
Download introduction to guidance (29/03/2022)
Download guidance (29/03/2022)
Additional information on the ECHA website
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Parts B+C: Assessment and Evaluation
Reference name:
Guidance on the BPR: Volume IV Environment, Assessment & Evaluation (Parts B+C) 
This Guidance provides technical advice on how to perform the hazard and exposure assessment and risk characterisation for biocidal active substances and biocidal products with respect to environmental risk assessment.
download full PDF document (25/10/2017)

Volume V Specific Guidance

Guidance on Disinfection By-Products
Reference name:
Guidance on Disinfection By-Products
This guidance document deals with the risk assessment for human health and the environment of Disinfection By-Products that is applicable for the authorisation of products under the EU Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR, Regulation (EU) 528/2012).
download full PDF document (23/01/2017)

Guidance on applications for technical equivalence
Reference name:
Guidance on applications for technical equivalence

Note: Version 2.0 of this Guidance replaces the document “Recommendations for applicants on information requirements for technical equivalence Tier II” which has now been removed from our website.

This Guidance informs potential applicants about their obligations resulting from the provisions of Article 54 of the BPR: when they need to apply for an assessment of technical equivalence and on the procedural steps in making that application.
The Guidance also informs potential applicants about the assessment conducted by the Agency and the approach used for assessing the technical equivalence of the alternative source of an active substance versus its reference source.
download full PDF document (12/07/2018)

Additional information on the ECHA website
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Guidance on active substance suppliers
Reference name:
Guidance on active substance suppliers
This Guidance describes the obligations under Article 95 of the BPR and explains the regulatory consequences.
download full PDF document (29/03/2017)
Additional information on the ECHA website
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Guidance on micro-organisms
Reference name:
Guidance on micro-organisms
This Guidance provides technical advice on the information requirements, the hazard and exposure assessment, the risk characterisation and the evaluation of the active substances and biocidal products in accordance with Annex II, Title 2 and Annex III, Title 2 of the BPR for micro-organisms.
download full PDF document (29/03/2017)

Guidance for identification of endocrine disruptors
Reference name:
Guidance on endocrine disruptors
This Guidance was developed jointly by ECHA and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) with support by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and describes how to identify endocrine disruptors in the context of the Biocidal Products Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 and the Plant Protection Products Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 in accordance with the scientific criteria for the determination of endocrine disrupting properties set out in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2100 and Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/605. The guidance document has been published in the EFSA Journal.
Additional information on the ECHA website
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Guidance to assess the risks to bees from the use of biocides
Reference name:
Guidance to assess the risks to bees from the use of biocides
This Guidance provides technical advice on how to perform the hazard and exposure assessment and risk characterisation for biocidal active substances and biocidal products with respect to assessment of risks to bees from the use of biocides.
download full PDF document (02/2024)
appendix B [XLSX]
Additional information on applicability
The applicability and timeline of implementation of the guidance, agreed by the Member States Competent Authority meeting, is available here.
ECHA/EFSA guidance on the impact of water treatment processes of residues of active substances in drinking water
Reference name:
ECHA/EFSA guidance on the impact of water treatment processes of residues of active substances in drinking water.
The guidance helps you identifying, water residues that require assessment, what water treatment transformation products are formed; and how to conduct a risk assessment that considers consumption of drinking water.
Download guidance document from EFSA website (08/2023)
Additional information on applicability
The applicability and timeline of implementation of the guidance, agreed by the Member States Competent Authority meeting, is available here.

Superseded Biocides Guidance documents

When a guidance document from Volumes I to V of the BPR Guidance is updated and a new version is published, the “old” version is removed from the Guidance webpage and stored on a separate page for reference.

Related REACH guidance