Action area 2: Information inputs for the chemical safety assessment


Action 2.1: Review of the current practice for describing uses

Collect experience and analyse:

  • how registrants have described the identified uses of their substances
  • what information on uses do authorities need  

This action should lead to proposals for improving the current approaches to use description including considerations on whether and how to revise the existing use descriptor system.

Work in progress

To be started in late 2013; The ECHA workshop under Action 1.1 will provide first input.

Contact Person(s)

  • CSR/ES Roadmap information, ECHA 
    Email: csr-es-roadmap(at)
Action 2.2: Illustrate good practice for description of use

A series of illustrative good practice examples on description of uses will be produced and discussed.

Work in progress

To be started in 2014

Contact Person(s)

  • Erwin Annys, Cefic 
    Email: ean(at)
Action 2.3: Exemplify how existing exposure estimation methods can facilitate the link between the REACH exposure scenario and the occupational health and safety legislation

Identification of existing risk management information specific for sectors, processes or products in order to explore how to use it for the development of exposure scenarios.

Work in progress

Started in July 2014

Contact Person(s)

  • Nicoletta Godas: godas.nicoletta (at)
  • Eva Lechtenberg-Auffarth: lechtenberg.eva (at)
Action 2.4: Review of SPERC

The second generation of specific environmental release categories (SpERCs) will be reviewed in order to identify further development needs.

Work in progress

To be started in 2014

Contact Person(s)

  • Erwin Annys, Cefic 
    E-mail: ean(at)
Action 2.5: Develop and test SCEDs

Specific Consumer Exposure Determinants (SCEDs) are meant as a tool to facilitate transparent and realistic exposure estimates for a broad range of consumer products. Based on a concept agreed among a number of industry groups the first SCEDs are being produced.

Work in progress

Continue the work of an industry-ECHA task group developing a harmonised template for the compilation of SCED information, the IT specifications to enable the generation and use of SCEDs with Chesar, and a feedback process with Member States.

Contact Person(s)

  • Laura Portugal, DUCC 
    Email: laura.portugal(at)
  • Chris Money, Concawe
Action 2.6: Develop methods to assign tonnages/uses

Methods to enable registrants to break down the substance volumes supplied across different uses. This is needed for the REACH environmental assessment. Such methods will be described in a practical guide.

Work in progress

To be started in 2014-2015

Contact Person(s)

  • Erwin Annys, Cefic 
    E-mail: ean(at)
Action 2.7: Agreed good practice on the information provided by downstream users (DUs) to registrants

The outcome of the previous actions will lead to the definition of good practice for generating information inputs to the registrants CSA. These practices are planned to be fed into ECHA Guidance and to be supported by ECHA's tools.

Work in progress

Available when actions 2.1 to 2.6 are completed.

Contact Person(s)

  • CSR/ES Roadmap information, ECHA 
    E-mail: csr-es-roadmap(at)