
Substance Regulatory Obligations


reaction products of (Z)-octadeca-9-enoic acid and zinc selenide and cadmium selenide and zinc sulfide

EC number: -

CAS number: 1926976-90-0

Last updated: 15/10/2024
ECHA Legislation Regulatory Obligations

Regulatory obligations may exist for this substance under the legislations under ECHA’s remit or for which ECHA has delegated tasks (i.e. REACH, CLP, BPR, PIC, CAD / CMD, WFD, and POPs). Please check the substance Infocard.

Batteries Directive

Batteries Directive - Prohibitions & Labelling

This list contains use prohibitions of mercury and cadmium above certain thresholds in batteries and accumulators, with certain exceptions. It also captures certain labelling requirements on such products containing mercury, cadmium and lead above specified quantities.

Name CAS Application Name Expressed As Label Label limit Limit Notes  
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
Portable batteries or accumulators, including those incorporated into appliances
As cadmium
0.002 %w/w
2 Under Article 4 paragraph 3: The prohibition shall not apply to portable batteries and accumulators intended for use in: (a) emergency and alarm systems, including emergency lighting; (b) medical equipment; or (c) cordless power tools; this exemption in respect of cordless power tools shall apply until 31 December 2016.
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
All batteries, accumulators and button cells
As cadmium
Shall be marked with the chemical symbol for the metal concerned: Hg, Cd or Pb. The symbol indicating the heavy metal content shall be printed beneath the symbol shown in Annex II and shall cover an area of at least one-quarter the size of that symbol.
0.002 %w/w
4 For further labeling requirements see Article 21 Directive 2006/66/EC
Batteries Regulation

Batteries Regulation - Prohibitions and Labelling

This database contains: 1/use prohibitions of mercury, cadmium, and lead in batteries; and 2/ labeling requirements for cadmium and lead, other hazardous substances (non-exhaustive list derived from CLP Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, Annex VI, Table 3) and critical raw materials (derived from 4th List of Critical Raw Materials, 2020) in batteries. The list is based on the new Batteries Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 which became enforceable on 18 February 2024, with some transitional periods.

CAS Application Name EC Number Effective Date English Name in Source  
Portable batteries, whether or not incorporated into appliances, light means of transport or other vehicles
All batteries
Construction Products Regulation

Construction Product Regulation - Annex I (3) - Hazardous Substances

This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances taken from: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP; (2) the Candidate List of SVHCs; (3) Annex XIV of REACH (Authorisation List); (4) Annex XVII of REACH (Restrictions List); (5) F-gases subject to emission limits/reporting per Regulation 517/2014/EU; and (6) volatile organic compounds (VOCs) listed in the Ambient Air Directive 2008/50/EC. The basis of the list is Annex I(3) of the Construction Products Regulation 305/2011/EC, which stipulates that construction works must not have a high impact on human health or the environment as a result of: giving off toxic gas; emissions of dangerous substances, volatile organic compounds (VOC), greenhouse gases or dangerous particles into indoor or outdoor air; release of dangerous substances into drinking water, ground water, marine waters, surface waters or soil.

Name CAS EU CLP (1272/2008) EU REACH: Annex XIV EU REACH: List of SVHC EU REACH: Annex XVII EU FGG (517/2014) EU VOC (2008/50)
Cadmium and its compounds
Annex 17
Cosmetic Products Regulation

Cosmetic Products Regulation, Annex II - Prohibited Substances

This list contains substances which are banned from use in any cosmetic products marketed for sale or use in the European Union.

Ref No. Substance Identification Expressed As Product type, body parts Maximum Threshold Restriction(s) Notes  
Name EC Number CAS Molecular formula
Cadmium and its compounds
All cosmetic products
0 %
End-of-Life Vehicles Directive

End-of-Life Vehicles Directive - General Use Exemptions

This list contains the Annex II material and component general use exemptions that apply to the substances prohibited from use in the manufacture of automobiles under Art. 4(2)(a) of the ELV Directive.

Name CAS Notes Operator for Max. Conc. Maximum Concentration Expressed As
Cadmium and its compounds
elv1 According to Article 4 (2)(a) of Directive 2000/53/EC, this substances is prohibited from use in the manufacture of automobiles except for those uses indicated in Annex II of the directive. Refer to Full Text to determine acceptable uses.
0.01 %w/w
As cadmium

End-of-Life Vehicles Directive - Specific Use Exemptions

This list contains the specific Annex II material and component use exemptions for the substances prohibited from use in the manufacture of automobiles under Art. 4(2)(a) of the ELV Directive.

Materials and components Notes Scope and expiry date of the exemption To be labelled or made identifiable in accordance with Article 4(2)(b)(iv)
Name CAS Reference Exempted application Max. Value Operator Maximum Threshold Min. Value Operator Minimum Threshold Expressed As Notes Exemption Details Label required
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
Batteries for electrical vehicles
As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before 31 December 2008
General Product Safety Directive

General Product Safety Directive - Hazardous Substances

This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances that fall within the European Union's hazardous substance definitions, as provided on: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC; (2) Annex III of Directive 2000/54/EC (Biological Agents); Candidate List of SVHCs; and REACH Annexes XIV and XVII (Authorisation and Restriction lists). They can be considered hazardous for purposes of the General Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC.

Name CAS EU CLP (1272/2008) EU REACH: Annex XIV EU REACH: List of SVHC EU REACH: Annex XVII EU_BA Directive 2000/54/EC
Cadmium and its compounds
Annex 17
Industrial Emissions Directive

IPPC - Industrial Emissions Directive, Annex II - Polluting Substances

This list contains the polluting substances for which emission limit values are assigned under Directive 2010/75/EU on Industrial Emissions (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control - IPPC). Member States must permit all qualifying facilities in order to ensure that they minimize impact on the environment. The permit issued must provide emission limit values for pollutants on this list.

Name CAS Air Water Annex X of Dir 2000/60/EC
Cadmium compounds

IPPC, Annexes V, VI, VIII - Provisions relating to industrial plants

This list contains emission limit values for polluting substances in waste gases and waste water, assigned according to facility type (i.e., combustion plants (Annex V), waste incineration/co-incineration plants (Annex VI), and installations producing titanium dioxide (Annex VIII)), under Directive 2010/75/EU on Industrial Emissions (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control - IPPC). For this list, if a substance presents 2 values in the ''Average sampling duration'' field, these indicate minimum and maximum average sampling period.

Name CAS Expressed As Annex Group Average duration qualifier Average limit Maximum limit Average sampling duration Emission medium fuel Fuel class Part Point Thermal input Process/equipment Qualifier Notes  
Cadmium and its compounds
As cadmium
VI Annex VI (Directive 2010/75/EU) Technical provisions relating to waste incineration plants and waste co-incineration plants
0.05 mg/l
Waste water from the cleaning of waste gases
Part 5 (VI) Emission limit values for discharges of waste water from the cleaning of waste gases
Waste incineration plants and waste co-incineration plants
Cadmium and its compounds
As cadmium
VI Annex VI (Directive 2010/75/EU) Technical provisions relating to waste incineration plants and waste co-incineration plants
Cadmium and thallium and their compounds
0.05 mg/Nm3
8 h
0.5 h
Waste gases
Part 3 (VI) Air emission limit values for waste incineration plants
Waste incineration plants
21 All emission limit values shall be calculated at a temperature of 273,15 K, a pressure of 101,3 kPa and after correcting for the water vapour content of the waste gases.They are standardised at 11 % oxygen in waste gas except in case of incineration of mineral waste oil as defined in point 3 of Article 3 of Directive 2008/98/EC, when they are standardised at 3 % oxygen, and in the cases referred to in Point 2.7 of Part 6
22 These average values cover also the gaseous and the vapour forms of the relevant heavy metal emissions as well as their compounds
23 Emission limit value defined as total emission limit for the total sum of cadmium and thallium, expressed as average value over the sampling period
39 For technical provisions regarding 'Monitoring of emissions' see Part 6 (Annex VI). For 'Formula to calculate the emission concentration at the standard percentage oxygen concentration' see Part 7 (Annex VI). For 'Assessment of compliance with emission limit values' see Part 8 (Annex VI) Directive 2010/75/EU
Cadmium and its compounds
As cadmium
VI Annex VI (Directive 2010/75/EU) Technical provisions relating to waste incineration plants and waste co-incineration plants
Cadmium and thallium and their compounds
0.05 mg/Nm3
8 h
0.5 h
Waste gases
Part 4 (VI) Determination of air emission limit values for the co-incineration of waste
Cement kilns co-incinerating waste
22 These average values cover also the gaseous and the vapour forms of the relevant heavy metal emissions as well as their compounds
23 Emission limit value defined as total emission limit for the total sum of cadmium and thallium, expressed as average value over the sampling period
28 All values are standardised at 10 % oxygen
30 All emission limit values shall be calculated at a temperature of 273,15 K, a pressure of 101,3 kPa and after correcting for the water vapour content of the waste gases
39 For technical provisions regarding 'Monitoring of emissions' see Part 6 (Annex VI). For 'Formula to calculate the emission concentration at the standard percentage oxygen concentration' see Part 7 (Annex VI). For 'Assessment of compliance with emission limit values' see Part 8 (Annex VI) Directive 2010/75/EU
Cadmium and its compounds
As cadmium
VI Annex VI (Directive 2010/75/EU) Technical provisions relating to waste incineration plants and waste co-incineration plants
Cadmium and thallium and their compounds
0.05 mg/Nm3
8 h
0.5 h
Waste gases
Solid or liquid
Part 4 (VI) Determination of air emission limit values for the co-incineration of waste
Combustion plants co-incinerating waste
22 These average values cover also the gaseous and the vapour forms of the relevant heavy metal emissions as well as their compounds
23 Emission limit value defined as total emission limit for the total sum of cadmium and thallium, expressed as average value over the sampling period
30 All emission limit values shall be calculated at a temperature of 273,15 K, a pressure of 101,3 kPa and after correcting for the water vapour content of the waste gases
34 O2 content 6% for solid fuels and 3% for liquid fuels
39 For technical provisions regarding 'Monitoring of emissions' see Part 6 (Annex VI). For 'Formula to calculate the emission concentration at the standard percentage oxygen concentration' see Part 7 (Annex VI). For 'Assessment of compliance with emission limit values' see Part 8 (Annex VI) Directive 2010/75/EU
Cadmium and its compounds
As cadmium
VI Annex VI (Directive 2010/75/EU) Technical provisions relating to waste incineration plants and waste co-incineration plants
Cadmium and thallium and their compounds
0.05 mg/Nm3
8 h
0.5 h
Waste gases
Part 4 (VI) Determination of air emission limit values for the co-incineration of waste
Combustion plants co-incinerating waste
For waste co-incineration plants in industrial sectors not covered under Points 2 and 3 of this Part (Annex VI, Part 4)
22 These average values cover also the gaseous and the vapour forms of the relevant heavy metal emissions as well as their compounds
23 Emission limit value defined as total emission limit for the total sum of cadmium and thallium, expressed as average value over the sampling period
30 All emission limit values shall be calculated at a temperature of 273,15 K, a pressure of 101,3 kPa and after correcting for the water vapour content of the waste gases
39 For technical provisions regarding 'Monitoring of emissions' see Part 6 (Annex VI). For 'Formula to calculate the emission concentration at the standard percentage oxygen concentration' see Part 7 (Annex VI). For 'Assessment of compliance with emission limit values' see Part 8 (Annex VI) Directive 2010/75/EU
RoHS - Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical & Electronic Equipment Directive

ROHS - Exemptions from Article 4(1) Restrictions, Annexes III & IV

This list contains the application exemptions listed in Annexes III and IV to RoHS (2011/65/EU). Annex III contains applications exempted from the restriction in Article 4(1), while Annex IV lists applications exempted from the restriction in Article 4(1) specific to medical devices and monitoring and control instruments.

Name CAS Annex Application Begin date Cut-off Expiration Date Expressed As Part Reference Restriction(s) Note(s)  
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In electrical contacts
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In printing inks for the application of enamels on glasses, such as borosilicate and soda lime glasses
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In thick film pastes used on aluminium bonded beryllium oxide
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
Equipment utilising or detecting ionising radiation: In detectors for ionising radiation
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
Sensors, detectors and electrodes: In ion selective electrodes including glass of pH electrodes
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
Sensors, detectors and electrodes: In infra-red light detectors
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In helium-cadmium lasers
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In atomic absorption spectroscopy lamps
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In X-ray measurement filters
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In one shot pellet type thermal cut-offs
Expires on 1 January 2012 and after that date may be used in spare parts for EEE placed on the market before 1 January 2012
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In filter glasses and glasses used for reflectance standards
Applies to category 8 in vitro diagnostic medical devices
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In filter glasses and glasses used for reflectance standards
Applies to category 9 industrial monitoring and control instruments and for category 11
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In filter glasses and glasses used for reflectance standards
Applies to other subcategories of categories 8 and 9
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In striking optical filter glass types, excluding applications falling under point 39 of Annex III
Applies to categories 1 to 7 and 10
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In glazes used for reflectance standards
Applies to categories 1 to 7 and 10
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In photoresistors for analogue optocouplers applied in professional audio equipment
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In metallic bonds creating superconducting magnetic circuits in MRI, SQUID, NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) or FTMS (Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer) detectors
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In phosphor coatings in image intensifiers for X-ray images
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In spare parts for X-ray systems placed on the EU market
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In spare parts recovered from and used for the repair or refurbishment of medical devices, including in vitro diagnostic medical devices, or electron microscopes and their accessories, provided that the reuse takes place in auditable closed-loop business-to-business return systems and that each reuse of parts is notified to the customer
For the use in medical devices other than in vitro diagnostic medical devices
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In spare parts recovered from and used for the repair or refurbishment of medical devices, including in vitro diagnostic medical devices, or electron microscopes and their accessories, provided that the reuse takes place in auditable closed-loop business-to-business return systems and that each reuse of parts is notified to the customer
For the use in in vitro diagnostic medical devices
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In spare parts recovered from and used for the repair or refurbishment of medical devices, including in vitro diagnostic medical devices, or electron microscopes and their accessories, provided that the reuse takes place in auditable closed-loop business-to-business return systems and that each reuse of parts is notified to the customer
For the use in electron microscopes and their accessories
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
Anodes in Hersch cells for oxygen sensors used in industrial monitoring and control instruments, where sensitivity below 10 ppm is required
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In radiation tolerant video camera tubes designed for cameras with a centre resolution greater than 450 TV lines which are used in environments with ionising radiation exposure exceeding 100 Gy/hour and a total dose in excess of 100kGy
Applies to category 9
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In plastic profiles containing mixtures produced from polyvinyl chloride waste (''recovered rigid PVC'') used for electrical and electronic windows and doors
0.1 %w/w
As cadmium
Applies to category 11
For additional restrictions on this exemption, see Annex III Directive 2011/65/EU
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
In downshifting semiconductor nanocrystal quantum dots directly deposited on LED semiconductor chips for use in display and projection applications
5 µg/mm2
As cadmium
Per LED chip surface
For all categories
For additional restrictions on this exemption, see Annex III Directive 2011/65/EU

ROHS Directive - Restricted Substances as per Article 4(1), Annex II

This list contains the substances listed in Annex II to the Directive on the restriction of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS - 2011/65/EU). Restricted per Art. 4(1) of RoHS, each listed substance includes a maximum concentration value tolerated by weight in homogeneous materials.

Name CAS Max Conc % wt Notes
Cadmium and its compounds
0.01 %w/w
1 See Full Text for exemptions and other information.
Toy Safety Directive

Toy Safety Directive - Substances Restricted in Toys

This list contains substances whose use in toys is restricted in the European Union in accordance with points 8 and 13, Part III, and Appendices A and C of Annex II (Particular Safety Requirements) to Directive 2009/48/EC on toy safety. List entries include substance name, CAS number, limit values for certain product types and, where applicable, notes on restrictions.

Name CAS Application Name Expressed As Content limit Emission Limit Restriction(s) SML Notes  
Cadmium and its compounds
Dry, brittle, powder-like or pliable toy material
As cadmium
Banned if exceeded the migration limit (without prejudice to points 3, 4 and 5, Part III, Annex II)
1.3 mg/kg
Point 13, Part III, Annex II
These limit values shall not apply to toys or components of toys which, due to their accessibility, function, volume or mass, clearly exclude any hazard due to sucking, licking, swallowing or prolonged contact with skin when used as specified in the first subparagraph of Article 10(2)
Cadmium and its compounds
Liquid or sticky toy material
As cadmium
Banned if exceeded the migration limit (without prejudice to points 3, 4 and 5, Part III, Annex II)
0.3 mg/kg
Point 13, Part III, Annex II
These limit values shall not apply to toys or components of toys which, due to their accessibility, function, volume or mass, clearly exclude any hazard due to sucking, licking, swallowing or prolonged contact with skin when used as specified in the first subparagraph of Article 10(2)
Cadmium and its compounds
Scraped-off toy material
As cadmium
Banned if exceeded the migration limit (without prejudice to points 3, 4 and 5, Part III, Annex II)
17 mg/kg
Point 13, Part III, Annex II
These limit values shall not apply to toys or components of toys which, due to their accessibility, function, volume or mass, clearly exclude any hazard due to sucking, licking, swallowing or prolonged contact with skin when used as specified in the first subparagraph of Article 10(2)
Water Environmental Quality Standards Directive

Annex I, Part A - Priority Substances & Pollutants in water

This list contains environmental quality standards (EQS), including annual averages and maximum allowable concentrations, for priority substances and certain other pollutants, as provided for in Article 16 of Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy.

Name CAS NO Average limit Maximum limit Average sampling duration Emission medium Qualifier  
Cadmium and its compounds
0.08 µg/l
0.45 µg/l
1 yr
Inland surface waters
Water Class 1: < 40 mg CaCO3/l
Cadmium and its compounds
0.2 µg/l
0.45 µg/l
1 yr
Surface waters other than inland surface waters
Water Class 1: < 40 mg CaCO3/l
Cadmium and its compounds
0.08 µg/l
0.45 µg/l
1 yr
Inland surface waters
Water Class 2: 40 to < 50 mg CaCO3/l
Cadmium and its compounds
0.2 µg/l
0.45 µg/l
1 yr
Surface waters other than inland surface waters
Water Class 2: 40 to < 50 mg CaCO3/l
Cadmium and its compounds
0.09 µg/l
0.6 µg/l
1 yr
Inland surface waters
Water Class 3: 50 to < 100 mg CaCO3/l
Cadmium and its compounds
0.2 µg/l
0.6 µg/l
1 yr
Surface waters other than inland surface waters
Water Class 3: 50 to < 100 mg CaCO3/l
Cadmium and its compounds
0.15 µg/l
0.9 µg/l
1 yr
Inland surface waters
Water Class 4: 100 to < 200 mg CaCO3/l
Cadmium and its compounds
0.2 µg/l
0.9 µg/l
1 yr
Surface waters other than inland surface waters
Water Class 4: 100 to < 200 mg CaCO3/l
Cadmium and its compounds
0.25 µg/l
1.5 µg/l
1 yr
Inland surface waters
Water Class 5: ≥ 200 mg CaCO3/l
Cadmium and its compounds
0.2 µg/l
1.5 µg/l
1 yr
Surface waters other than inland surface waters
Water Class 5: ≥ 200 mg CaCO3/l
Water Framework Directive

Water Framework Directive, Annex X - Priority Substances

This list contains substances identified as priority substances that are targeted for reduction and eventual removal from waste water discharge. The list includes 'priority hazardous substances' which are subject to special restrictions.

Name EC Number CAS Priority Group Notes  
Cadmium compounds