


The application for authorisation process includes a period of consultation. It lasts for eight weeks.

Provide your comments

In order to facilitate the work of ECHA's Committees in reviewing the comments received, you are kindly invited to provide your comments in English preferably. By clicking on a link in the table below, you will get access to the full broad information on the use applied for, and to the related commenting form. Comments are welcomed from the EU or beyond.

Consultations close at 23:59 Helsinki time (EET).

Adopted opinions and previous consultations on applications for authorisation

There are currently no ongoing consultations.
0365-01 Initial Chromium trioxide 215-607-8 1333-82-0 09/10/2024 Galvanoplast Srl Industrial use of Chromium Trioxide for the pre-treatment step (etching) in the electroplating process of plastic items for the hydro-sanitary and automotive sectors. Details
0365-02 Initial Chromium trioxide 215-607-8 1333-82-0 09/10/2024 Galvanoplast Srl Industrial use of Chromium Trioxide for the functional chromium plating with decorative character of plastic items for the hydrosanitary and automotive sectors. Details
0367-01 Initial Chromium trioxide 215-607-8 1333-82-0 09/10/2024 STEM CROMO SNC Di Sterbizzi & C. Use of Chromium Trioxide for long-lasting functional chrome plating on metallic substrates in demanding industrial sectors, including aeronautics, defence and transports Details
0368-01 Initial Chromium trioxide 215-607-8 1333-82-0 09/10/2024 LSM S.r.l. Industrial use of Chromium Trioxide for the hard chrome plating of moulds for the manufacture of technical rubber articles and related items for several industrial sectors Details
0369-01 Initial Chromium trioxide 215-607-8 1333-82-0 09/10/2024 Poligalvanica S.a.s. Chromium trioxide based functional chrome plating with decorative character of different metal substrates with the aim to create a long-lasting high durability surface with bright or matte look for thermo-sanitary, medical and industrial applications Details



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