Substance Information

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REACH Registration data can be found in the new ECHA CHEM database. The old ‘Registered substance factsheets’ will be available on this web site during the transition period but have not been updated since 19 May 2023. More


Substance Infocard


Wastewater, tall-oil soap acidulation

EC / List no.: 266-038-7

CAS no.: 65997-02-6

Mol. Formula:

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Regulatory context

Here you can find all of the regulations and regulatory lists in which this substance appears, according to the data available to ECHA. This substance has been found in the following regulatory activities (directly, or inheriting the regulatory context of a parent substance):

REACH - Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation
  • Substances indicated, in 2009, as being intended to be registered by at least one company in the EEA.
Previous Legislations
  • Substances listed in the EINECS, ELINCS, or NLP inventories.
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Substance names and other identifiers

Regulatory process names
Wastewater, tall-oil soap acidulation
EC Inventory
Wastewater, tall-oil soap acidulation
The aqueous layer formed by acidulation of tall-oil soap with sulfuric acid during the production of tall oil. Composed primarily of a solution of sodium sulfate, the remaining being lignin and tall oil.
Pre-Registration process
Other identifiers
EC Inventory, Pre-Registration process
CAS number