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Specific product types

In PT 8 scenarios, which equations are implemented for the calculation of the concentrations in soil after degradation?
The Excel file (see link in answer above) includes both the time weighted concentrations and the concentrations over each assessment period. In EUSES 2.2.0 the concentrations after removal are calculated at the end of the assessment periods (not time weighted concentrations).
Should I use the previous version of EUSES to calculate the releases from the use of insecticides and disinfectants used in stables?
The previous versions of EUSES should not be used for the calculation of PT3 and PT 18. Excel files to calculate the emissions from PT 18 and PT 3 scenarios not included in EUSES will be published on ECHA ESD page by the end of 2019. Until then, please use the equations provided in the ESD to estimate the emissions. The implementation of PT 18 stables and manure scenarios in previous EUSES is no longer up to date.
In the case of PT 18 products, often the product is sold in a concentrated formulation which needs to be diluted before its use. Which value do I need to enter in EUSES: the amount of concentrated product or the amount of product after its dilution?
You need to enter the quantity of commercial product, that is, before dilution.
Are the city scenario and the storm water scenario (direct emissions to surface water in urban areas) implemented in EUSES?
Yes, they are.  You can find more details on the direct releases to surface water via the rainwater sewer in PT 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 14 in the Section 5.2.2 of the 'Practical guide: How to use EUSES 2.2.0' (available on the EUSES webpage https://echa.europa.eu/support/dossier-submission-tools/euses).
In case of the PT 10 scenario, house in the countryside, how can I assess the emissions if I do not have leaching data?
When no leaching data is available it should be assumed 100 % leaching (of the applied amount) for TIME 3; 75 % for TIME 2; and 50 % for TIME 1. We assume the conclusions for PT 8, from the document “Summary: Conclusions of the 2nd EU Leaching Workshop on Wood Preservatives ENV 104,” can be applied to PT 10.