
Substance Regulatory Obligations


Total Volatile Organic Compounds (expressed as total organic carbon (TOC)), all sources

EC number: -

CAS number: -

Last updated: 11/10/2020
ECHA Legislation Regulatory Obligations

Regulatory obligations may exist for this substance under the legislations under ECHA’s remit or for which ECHA has delegated tasks (i.e. REACH, CLP, BPR, PIC, CAD / CMD, WFD, and POPs). Please check the substance Infocard.

Atmospheric Pollutants Emission Reductions Directive

Atmospheric Pollutants Directive, Annex I - Annual Emission Reporting

This list contains the Annex I pollutants that European Union Member States (MS) must measure and report on as part of their national emission reporting requirements. Table A lists the required annual reporting requirements; Table B lists the optional annual reporting requirements; Table C lists required two- and four-year reporting requirements. The National Emission Ceilings Directive 2016/2284/EU establishes emission reduction commitments for all EU MS.

Name CAS Element Expressed As Group Note(s) Reference Reporting Date Table Time Series  
non-methane volatile organic compounds
Total national emissions by NFR source category
ozone precursors
5 all organic compounds other than methane, that are capable of producing photochemical oxidants by reaction with nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight
9 Re-submissions due to errors shall be provided within four weeks at the latest and include a clear explanation of the changes made.
Art 8(1)(1) Member States shall prepare and annually update national emission inventories for the pollutants set out in Table A of Annex I, in accordance with the requirements set out therein.
15 February
A Annual emission reporting requirements as referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 8(1)
Annual, from 1990 to reporting year minus 2 (X-2)
non-methane volatile organic compounds
National gridded data of emissions by source category (GNFR), Large Point Sources (LPS) by source category (GNFR)
ozone precursors
5 all organic compounds other than methane, that are capable of producing photochemical oxidants by reaction with nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight
1 Re-submissions due to errors shall be provided within four weeks and include a clear explanation of the changes made.
Art 8(2) Member States shall prepare and update every four years spatially disaggregated national emission inventories and large point source inventories and, every two years, national emission projections for the pollutants set out in Table C of Annex I, in accordance with the requirements set out therein.
1 May
C Reporting requirements on emissions and projections as referred to in Article 8(2)
Every four years for reporting year minus 2 (X-2) as from 2017
non-methane volatile organic compounds
Projected emissions by aggregated NFR
ozone precursors
5 all organic compounds other than methane, that are capable of producing photochemical oxidants by reaction with nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight
Art 8(2) Member States shall prepare and update every four years spatially disaggregated national emission inventories and large point source inventories and, every two years, national emission projections for the pollutants set out in Table C of Annex I, in accordance with the requirements set out therein.
15 March
C Reporting requirements on emissions and projections as referred to in Article 8(2)
Biennial, covering projection years 2020, 2025, 2030 and, where available, 2040 and 2050 as from 2017
non-methane volatile organic compounds
Informative Inventory Report
ozone precursors
5 all organic compounds other than methane, that are capable of producing photochemical oxidants by reaction with nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight
Art 8(3) Member States shall draw up an informative inventory report which shall accompany the national emission inventories and projections referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, in accordance with the requirements set out in Table D of Annex I.
15 March
D Annual reporting requirements on informative inventory report referred to in Article 8(3)
All years (as indicated in tables A-C)