Geregistreerde stoffen

Data platform availability banner - registered substances

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA. At first this system will contain only substances and data from REACH registration dossiers. For new and updated REACH registration data please check ECHA CHEM. See for more information on the transition to ECHA CHEM.  More

Please be aware that REACH registration data here on the current Dissemination Platform is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.



REACH - Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation

Registered Substances Factsheets

Substances which have been registered and can be placed on the EEA market by those companies with a valid registration

No results were found
Name EC / List no. CAS no. Registration Status Registration type Submission type Total tonnage band Last Updated Details
Maleic acid
203-742-5 110-16-7 Active Full Joint ≥ 100 to < 1 000 tonnes 05-08-2022 View substance registered dossier
Maleic acid
203-742-5 110-16-7 Active Intermediate Individual Intermediate use only 10-08-2010 View substance registered dossier
Maleic acid
203-742-5 110-16-7 Active Intermediate Individual Intermediate use only 30-05-2012 View substance registered dossier
Maleic acid
203-742-5 110-16-7 Cease Manufacture Intermediate Individual Cease manufacture 16-09-2010 View substance registered dossier
No results were found
Registrant/Supplier Address Country Registration Status Name EC / List no. CAS no. Last update year Details
PRODUCTOS CAPILARES L'OREAL S.A. Calle Lopez Bravo n°78 Poligono Industrial Villalonquéjar 09001 BURGOS Spain Spain Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 2018 View substance registered dossier
SIGMA-ALDRICH CHEMIE GMBH Riedstrasse 2 89555 Steinheim Germany Germany Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 2020 View substance registered dossier
REACH 2008 Ltd. j.k.Mladost-1, bl.32, entr.A, fl.5, ap.10 1784 Sofia Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
THOR GmbH Landwehrstrasse 1 D-67346 Speyer Rheinland-Pfalz Germany Germany Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
CHT Germany GmbH Bismarckstr. 102 72072 Tuebingen Germany Germany Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 2016 View substance registered dossier
CHEMICAL INSPECTION & REGULATION SERVICE LIMITED Regus Harcourt Centre D02 HW77 Dublin Ireland Ireland Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 2015; 2022 View substance registered dossier
Houghton Italia S.p.A. Via P. Postiglione 30 - 10024 Moncalieri (Torino) Italy Italy Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
CHT Austria GmbH Aeueleweg 3 6812 Meiningen Austria Austria Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
Chemical Inspection & Regulation Service Limited Regus Harcourt Centre D02 HW77 Dublin Ireland Ireland Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
Procter & Gamble Amiens S.A.S. 163/165 quai Aulagnier 92600 ASNIERES SUR SEINE France France Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
Merck Schuchardt OHG Eduard-Buchner-Str. 85662 Hohenbrunn Germany Germany Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 2015 View substance registered dossier
TEXTILCOLOR GmbH (OR) Schlossgartenstrasse 2 72793 Pfullingen Baden-Wuerttemberg Germany Germany Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
Richard Baker Harrison (Ireland) Limited Unit 8 Sandyford Business Centre Blackthorn Road Dublin 18 Sandyford Ireland Ireland Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
POLYNT S.p.A. via Enrico Fermi, 51 I-24020 Scanzorosciate BG Italy Italy Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 2012 View substance registered dossier
TCL GLOBAL BV as ONLY REPRESENTATIVE OF THIRUMALAI CHEMICALS LIMITED Saturnusstraat 46-62 2132 HB Hoofddorp Netherlands Netherlands Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
Vertellus Specialties Austria GmbH St.-Peter-Straße 25 4020 Linz Austria Austria Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 2010; 2015; 2016; 2018 View substance registered dossier
LERG S.A. Pustkow-Osiedle 59 D 39-206 Pustkow 3 podkarpackie Poland Poland Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
F.T.R. S.r.l. Via Galvani 12/B 24061 Albano S.Alessandro Lombardia Italy Italy Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
ARCHROMA IBÉRICA, S.L. ZAL-Prat c/Cal Coracero, 46-56 08820 El Prat de Llobregat Spain Spain Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
NOVEAL 16 rue Maurice Berteaux 95500 LE THILLAY France France Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
Quality Chemicals S.L. C/ Fornal, 35, Pol. Ind. Can Comelles-Sud 08292 Esparreguera Barcelona Spain Spain Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
TFL France SAS 4, rue de l'industrie 68333 Huningue Cedex France France Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
ATMOSA Petrochemie Danubiastraße 21-25 2320 Schwechat Lower Austra Austria Austria Active Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
[Confidential] - - - Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 - View substance registered dossier
Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe Kędzierzyn Spółka Akcyjna skr. poczt. 163 ul. Mostowa 30A 47-220 Kędzierzyn-Kożle Poland Poland Cease Manufacture Maleic acid 203-742-5 110-16-7 2017 View substance registered dossier

De gegevens zijn afkomstig van bij ECHA ingediende registratiedossiers en zijn een weergave van de situatie op de datum die aangegeven is als meest recente bijwerking. De totalehoeveelheidsklasse wordt vastgesteld op basis van alle dossiers, met uitzondering van hoeveelheden waarvoor vertrouwelijkheid wordt ingeroepen en hoeveelheden die worden gebruikt als tussenproduct voor de vervaardiging van een andere chemische stof. De gepubliceerde totalehoeveelheidsklasse komt niet noodzakelijk overeen met de geregistreerde hoeveelheidsklasse(n).

Houd er rekening mee dat sommige informatie over geregistreerde stoffen eigendom kan zijn van derden. In dergelijk geval kan voor het gebruik van de informatie de voorafgaande toestemming van de eigenaar nodig zijn. Zie voor nadere informatie de juridische mededeling.

Informatie over de chemische eigenschappen van geregistreerde stoffen is rechtstreeks toegankelijk via eChemPortal