Sustanzi Reġistrati

Data platform availability banner - registered substances

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA. At first this system will contain only substances and data from REACH registration dossiers. For new and updated REACH registration data please check ECHA CHEM. See for more information on the transition to ECHA CHEM.  More

Please be aware that REACH registration data here on the current Dissemination Platform is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.



REACH - Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation

Registered Substances Factsheets

Substances which have been registered and can be placed on the EEA market by those companies with a valid registration

No results were found
Name EC / List no. CAS no. Registration Status Registration type Submission type Total tonnage band Last Updated Details
Decanoic acid
206-376-4 334-48-5 Active Full Joint ≥ 10 000 to < 100 000 tonnes 04-04-2023 View substance registered dossier
Decanoic acid
206-376-4 334-48-5 Active Intermediate Joint Intermediate use only 07-12-2018 View substance registered dossier
No results were found
Registrant/Supplier Address Country Registration Status Name EC / List no. CAS no. Last update year Details
Monument Chemical Haven 1972 Ketenislaan 3 9130 Kallo Belgium Belgium Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 2019 View substance registered dossier
Kao Chemicals Europe, S.L. (2) Puig dels Tudons, 10 08210 Barbera del Valles Barcelona Spain Spain Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 2023 View substance registered dossier
IOI Oleo GmbH Herrengraben 31 20459 Hamburg Germany Germany Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 - View substance registered dossier
Yordas GmbH Äußere Nürnberger Str. 6 91301 Forchheim Germany Germany Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 2022 View substance registered dossier
Global Product Compliance (Europe) AB IDEON, Beta 5, Scheelevägen 17 223 63 Lund Sweden Sweden Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 - View substance registered dossier
Apical Europe GmbH Große Bleichen 1-3 20354 Hamburg Germany Germany Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 - View substance registered dossier
ERM_GmbH_29_UOI Siemensstraße 9 63263 Neu-Isenburg Germany Germany Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 2023 View substance registered dossier
KLK Emmerich GmbH Steintor 9 D-46446 Emmerich am Rhein Germany Germany Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 2017 View substance registered dossier
ADI CENTER S.L.U Albert Einstein, 50 08223 Terrassa Barcelona Spain Spain Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 - View substance registered dossier
ICOF Europe GmbH Am Sandtorkai 37 20457 Hamburg Germany Germany Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 2019 View substance registered dossier
Nouryon Surface Chemistry AB Box 47067 40258 Göteborg Sweden Sweden Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 - View substance registered dossier
Wilmar Europe Trading B.V. Central Post – Entrance West, 7th floor Delftseplein 27G 3013 AA Rotterdam Netherlands Netherlands Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 2017 View substance registered dossier
Knoell NL_OR_087 Agro Business Park 75 6708PV Wageningen Netherlands Netherlands Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 - View substance registered dossier
BASF Espanola S.L. Calle Can Ràbia, n. 3-5 8017 Barcelona Spain Spain Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 - View substance registered dossier
Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Ireland Unlimited Company (UC) National Technology Park Plassey none Limerick Co Limerick Ireland Ireland Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 - View substance registered dossier
knoell Germany - OR - A7 Konrad-Zuse-Ring 25 68163 Mannheim Germany Germany Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 - View substance registered dossier
Oleon GmbH Industriestrasse 10 46446 Emmerich am Rhein Germany Germany Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 2017 View substance registered dossier
SIGMA-ALDRICH CHEMIE GMBH Riedstrasse 2 89555 Steinheim Germany Germany Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 - View substance registered dossier
DHW Deutsche Hydrierwerke GmbH Rodleben Brambacher Weg 1 06861 Dessau - Rosslau Saxony - Anhalt Germany Germany Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 - View substance registered dossier
REACH24H CONSULTING GROUP Paramount Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford Dublin 18 Dublin Ireland Ireland Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 - View substance registered dossier
Evonik Operations GmbH Rellinghauser Straße 1-11 45128 Essen Germany Germany Active Decanoic acid 206-376-4 334-48-5 - View substance registered dossier

Id-data ġejja mid-dossiers ta' reġistrazzjoni sottomessi lill-ECHA sad-data indikata bħala l-aħħar aġġornament. Il-Limitu ta' Tunnellaġġ Totali jsir mid-dossiers kollha b'żewġ eċċezzjonijiet: kull tunellaġġ meqjus kunfidenzjali u kull kwantità użata bħala intermedja biex tipproduċi kimika differenti. Il-Limitu ta' Tunnellaġġ Totali ppubblikat mhux neċessarjament li jirrifletti il-limitu/i ta' tunnellaġġ irreġistrat.

Tajjeb tkun taf li xi informazzjoni dwar is-sustanzi rreġistrati tista' tappartjeni lil partijiet terzi. L-użu ta' tali informazzjoni jista' għaldaqstant ikun jeħtieġ il-permess minn qabel tas-sidien tal-partijiet terzi. Jekk jogħġbok ikkonsulta l-Avviż Legali għal aktar informazzjoni.

Tajjeb tkun taf li informazzjoni dwar il-proprjetajiet kimiċi ta' sustanzi rreġistrati hija aċċessibbli direttament permezz tal-eChemPortal