Konsultazzjoni dwar abbozz ta’ rakkomandazzjoni biex jiġu emendati l-entrati tal-Lista ta’ Awtorizzazzjoni

Konsultazzjoni dwar abbozz ta’ rakkomandazzjoni biex jiġu emendati l-entrati tal-Lista ta’ Awtorizzazzjoni

It can be necessary to amend the Authorisation List (Annex XIV to REACH), e.g. in case a substance that is already listed in Annex XIV is identified as having additional SVHC properties and the Candidate List was updated accordingly.

A recommendation for the amendment of Authorisation List entries follows the normal Annex XIV process in accordance with Articles 58(3) and (4) of REACH. This process includes a three-month consultation on ECHA’s draft recommendation.

Consultations close at 23:59 Helsinki time.

There are currently no ongoing consultations.