Užregistruotos cheminės medžiagos

Data platform availability banner - registered substances

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA. At first this system will contain only substances and data from REACH registration dossiers. For new and updated REACH registration data please check ECHA CHEM. See for more information on the transition to ECHA CHEM.  More

Please be aware that REACH registration data here on the current Dissemination Platform is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.



REACH - Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation

Registered Substances Factsheets

Substances which have been registered and can be placed on the EEA market by those companies with a valid registration

No results were found
Name EC / List no. CAS no. Registration Status Registration type Submission type Total tonnage band Last Updated Details
Distillates (petroleum), light distillate hydrotreating process, low-boiling
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of products from the light distillate hydrotreating process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C9 and boiling in the range of approximately 3°C to 194°C (37°F to 382°F).
270-093-2 68410-97-9 Cease Manufacture Full Joint Cease manufacture 05-10-2021 View substance registered dossier
Distillates (petroleum), light distillate hydrotreating process, low-boiling
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of products from the light distillate hydrotreating process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C9 and boiling in the range of approximately 3°C to 194°C (37°F to 382°F).
270-093-2 68410-97-9 Cease Manufacture Full Joint Cease manufacture 23-11-2012 View substance registered dossier
No results were found
Registrant/Supplier Address Country Registration Status Name EC / List no. CAS no. Last update year Details
INTERTEK FRANCE ZAC Ecoparc II 27400 HEUDEBOUVILLE France France Cease Manufacture Distillates (petroleum), light distillate hydrotreating process, low-boiling 270-093-2 68410-97-9 2022 View substance registered dossier
OLTCHIM SA Uzinei 1 240050 Ramnicu Valcea Valcea Romania Romania Cease Manufacture Distillates (petroleum), light distillate hydrotreating process, low-boiling 270-093-2 68410-97-9 2013 View substance registered dossier

Duomenys gauti iš registracijos dokumentacijų, pateiktų ECHA iki datos, kuri nurodyta kaip naujausios informacijos pateikimo data. Informacija apie bendrą kiekio tonomis lygį renkama iš visų dokumentacijų, išskyrus dviem atvejais: jei kiekį tonomis prašoma laikyti konfidencialiu ir jei tam tikras cheminės medžiagos kiekis naudojamas kaip tarpinė medžiaga skirtingai cheminei medžiagai gaminti. Paskelbtas bendras kiekio tonomis lygis nebūtinai atitinka įregistruotą (-us) kiekio tonomis lygį (-ius).

Tam tikra informacija apie registruotas chemines medžiagas gali priklausyti trečiosioms šalims. Todėl norint naudotis tokia informacija, gali būti reikalingas išankstinis trečiosios šalies savininkų leidimas. Išsamesnės informacijos rasite teisiniame pranešime.

Atkreipiame dėmesį, kad informacija apie registruotų cheminių medžiagų chemines savybes pateikiama tiesiogiai portale „eChemPortal"