Progress in evaluation in 2023

ECHA reports on the progress made in 2023 in dossier and substance evaluation in line with Article 54 of REACH. 

further information requests 2023 - 1

Dossier evaluation

In 2023, ECHA adopted 251 compliance check decisions addressing 1290 information requirements for which data gaps were identified. In addition, the Agency adopted 116 testing proposal decisions addressing 275 information requirements for which testing was originally proposed. 

334 decisions were adopted without the Member State Committee’s (MSC) involvement (i.e. the Member States did not send proposals for amendments). A further 33 decisions were adopted with the MSC’s involvement: 21 in written procedure and 12 during the MSC meetings. 

further information requests 2023 - 2 Graph

Papildomos informacijos prašymai dėl 2021 m. 2 lentelės antraštės

Prašymai suteikti informacijos priimtuose sprendimuose dėl dokumentacijos vertinimo

further information requests 2023 - table 3

Information requirements Number of requests in 251 compliance check
Number of requests in 116 testing proposal decisions Number of requests in all 367 dossier evaluation decisions
Carcinogenicity 1 13 14
Mutagenicity/genotoxicity 228 71 299
Pre-natal developmental toxicity 77 49 126
Reproduction toxicity* 70 36 106
Repeated-dose toxicity 46 25 71
Biodegradation 181 9 190
Bioaccumulation 36 0 36
Long-term aquatic toxicity 254 51 305
Physico-chemical properties 15 4 19
Other human health 92 0 92
Other environment 252 17 269
Annex I (incl. CSR, RSS, PBT) 0 N/A 0
Annex VI (incl. SID, C&L) 38 N/A 38
Total 1 290 275 1 565

*CSR: chemical safety report; RSS: robust study summary; PBT: persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic; SID: substance identification; C&L: classification and labelling.

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Substance evaluation

In 2023, ECHA adopted 6 substance evaluation decisions, with 10 requests for further information to assess the safety of substances of potential concern. 
3 of the decisions were adopted without the Member State Committee’s (MSC) involvement (i.e. ECHA and the Member States did not submit proposals for amendments).   3 were adopted with the MSC’s involvement: 2 in written procedure and 1 during the MSC meetings. 

further information requests 2023 - table 6

Information requests made in the adopted substance evaluation decisions

Suspected concern Substance
EC / List number
Information requested to
clarify the concern
Total requests *
Endocrine disruption 201-240-0 Combination of fish short term reproduction assay and fish sexual development test 1
274-581-6 Amphibian metamorphosis assay 1
PBT/vPvB** 2 701-385-4 Daphnia magna reproduction test 1
915-730-3 Simulation biodegradation test 1
201-222-2 Vapour pressure 1
201-222-2 Determination of Henry's law constant 1
201-222-2 Water solubility 1
201-222-2 Partition Coefficient 1-Octanol/Water 1
Mutagenicity 201-240-0 In vivo mammalian alkaline comet assay combined with in vivo mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test 1
274-581-6 Transgenic rodent somatic and germ cell gene mutation assay 1
Total 10


* A decision may contain more than one request.
** PBT: persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic; vPvB: very persistent and very bioaccumulative.

Progress in substance evaluation 2023 - related