
Substance Regulatory Obligations



Extractives and their physically modified derivatives. Pinus palustris, Pinaceae.

EC number: 232-688-5

CAS number: 9005-90-7

Last updated: 18/12/2023
ECHA Legislation Regulatory Obligations

Regulatory obligations may exist for this substance under the legislations under ECHA’s remit or for which ECHA has delegated tasks (i.e. REACH, CLP, BPR, PIC, CAD / CMD, WFD, and POPs). Please check the substance Infocard.

Cosmetic Products Regulation

Cosmetic Products Regulation, Annex III - Restricted Substances

This list contains substances whose use in cosmetic products in the European Union is banned, except under certain conditions as indicated in Annex III. The list specifies the field of application or use, maximum allowable concentration limits in finished products, and any additional limitations.

Ref No. Substance Identification Restrictions Warning Label Notes  
Name EC Number CAS Product type, body parts Function(s) Maximum Threshold Minimum Threshold Restriction(s) Qualifier(s) Expressed As
Turpentine gum (Pinus spp.)
All cosmetic products
The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 19(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds: 0.001% in leave-on products and 0.01 % in rinse-off products
Peroxide value less than 10 mmoles/L
This limit applies to the substance and not to the finished cosmetic product
Cosmetic products containing that substance that do not comply with the restrictions may, provided that they comply with the restrictions applicable on 15 August 2023, be placed on the Union market until 31 July 2026 and made available on the Union market until 31 July 2028
Toy Safety Directive

Annex II, Sec III - Allergenic Fragrances Banned/Restricted in Toys

This list contains allergenic fragrances whose use in toys is banned or restricted in the European Union in accordance with point 11, Part III of Annex II (Particular Safety Requirements) to Directive 2009/48/EC on toy safety. For each entry in the list, the substance name, CAS number and, where applicable, notes on restrictions are provided.

Name CAS Application Name Labeling requirement(s) Restriction(s) Notes  
Any toys
The names of this allergenic fragrance shall be listed on the toy, on an affixed label, on the packaging or in an accompanying leaflet, if added to a toy, as such, at concentrations exceeding 100 mg/kg in the toy or components