
Substance Regulatory Obligations



EC number: -

CAS number: 147398-31-0

Last updated: 18/12/2023
ECHA Legislation Regulatory Obligations

Regulatory obligations may exist for this substance under the legislations under ECHA’s remit or for which ECHA has delegated tasks (i.e. REACH, CLP, BPR, PIC, CAD / CMD, WFD, and POPs). Please check the substance Infocard.

Food Contact Recycled Plastic Materials and Articles Regulation-repealed

FCMs Recycled Plastic & Articles Regulation - Annex I - Authorised Use

This list contains the Annex I Plastic Food Contact Materials (FCMs) authorised for use in the European Union under Regulation 10/2011/EU. Pursuant to Art. 4(b) of Directive 282/2008/EC on recycled plastic FCMs, plastic recycling processes can only be authorised if input originates from plastic materials and articles manufactured in accordance with EU legislation on plastic food contact materials and articles.

Name CAS Physical form FCM No Ref No. Additive or PPA Use as monomer/macromolecule FRF applicable SML (mg/kg) SML(T) Group Restriction No SML(T) Group FCM substances SML(T) (mg/kg) Restriction(s) Notes on verification Notes  
G35 Group Restriction No. 35 corresponds to FCM substance No. 467,744,1059. Group restriction specification is expressed as crotonic acid.
0.05 mg/kg
Only to be used either alone or blended with other polymers in contact with all foods under contact conditions of up to 6 months and/or 6 months and more, at room temperature or below, including hot fill or a short heating up phase.^The migration of all oligomers with a molecular weight below 1 000 Da shall not exceed 5,0 mg/kg food.
V23 When a final material/article containing this substance is placed on the market, a well described method suitable for use by a competent authority to determine oligomer migration compliance with the restrictions in column 10 Table 1 shall be part of the supporting document referred to in Art. 16. Reference shall be made if an adequate method is publicly available. If it requires a calibration sample, a sufficient sample shall be supplied to the competent authority on its request.
Plastic Materials and Articles Regulation

FCM and Articles Regulation, Annex I - Authorised Substances

This list contains the Union list of authorised monomers, other starting substances, macromolecules obtained from microbial fermentation, additives and polymer production aids. It is taken from Annex I of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.

Name CAS FCM No Ref No. Additive or PPA Use as monomer/macromolecule FRF applicable SML (mg/kg) SML(T) Group Restriction No SML(T) Group FCM substances SML(T) (mg/kg) Restriction(s) Notes on verification Notes Physical form Expressed As  
G35 Group Restriction No. 35 corresponds to FCM substance No. 467,744,1059. Group restriction specification is expressed as crotonic acid.
0.05 mg/kg
The substance is a macromolecule obtained from microbial fermentation. Only to be used at temperature conditions not exceeding the conditions defined in point 2.1.4(d) of Annex V. The migration of all oligomers with a molecular weight below 1 000Da shall not exceed 5.0 mg/kg food.
V23 When a final material/article containing this substance is placed on the market, a well described method suitable for use by a competent authority to determine oligomer migration compliance with the restrictions in column 10 Table 1 shall be part of the supporting document referred to in Art. 16. Reference shall be made if an adequate method is publicly available. If it requires a calibration sample, a sufficient sample shall be supplied to the competent authority on its request.
As crotonic acid
Recycled Plastic Food Contact Materials

Recycled Plastic FCMs - Regulation (EU) 2022/1616

The list contains the Union list of authorised substances for the purposes of compositional requirements related to recycled plastic FCMs. The list is taken from Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011. Recycled plastic FCMs shall comply with the requirements set out in Regulation (EU) No 10/2011. In addition, plastic waste inputs shall originate only from plastic materials and articles manufactured in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 10/2011.

Additive or PPA Expressed As FCM No FRF applicable  
As crotonic acid