Registry of SVHC intentions until outcome

Registry of SVHC intentions until outcome

Registry of SVHC intentions until outcome

The registry of SVHC intentions until outcome aims to make interested parties aware of the substances for which an SVHC dossier is planned to be submitted to ECHA.

Member States, or ECHA at the request of the European Commission, may propose a substance to be identified as a substance of very high concern (SVHC) by preparing a dossier in accordance with the requirements set out in Annex XV to REACH.

Interested parties can follow the progress of a proposal through the SVHC identification process, from the notification of the intention until the outcome. The advance notice gives interested parties time to prepare for commenting later in the process.

Interested parties with relevant information on the identity or hazard properties of the substance may submit such information during the consultation.


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